Posts by OneEng1

    Thanks, yes I realize all of the backup info etc. The chip is the 1st run 1.0ver and I am upgrading because I'm hoping to improve the feel and use of the Vol and Wah. I was after any details that we may have to do to our profiles, rigs or otherwise going from 2.3.3 to the 2.6

    Thanks for the reply.

    I would recommend getting the latest Uno4Kemper chip if you use your kemper for live purposes. The performance mode is very nice for this.

    Even without the upgrade, you are safe though. Enjoy the upgrade! It is a good one this time ;)

    Quick questions...My other Guitarist and I are both running 2.3.3 as well as FCB1010's with Uno for Kemper chips. He has an upgraded chip but I am running the original chip. With the fantastic reviews of FW 2.6 I need to know the following:

    1. Do we need to do anything special to our profilers or our current profiles (besides the LFC or tweaking of course) or just load up new 2.6 and keep on jamming. Do we just backup what we are utilizing to put back in the new firmware or have to do something else..??

    2. Will my current chip have a negative impact on the rewards of the new 2.6?

    Thanks in advance for the assistance!!

    I would always encourage backing up your Kemper before doing an upgrade (if not just to have it around even if you aren't doing an upgrade).

    If your FCB1010 and Uno4Kemper is working on 2.33, then it will work fine on 2.6. The big change in Uno4Kemper chips happened when performance mode was put in in 2.xx. As long as your FCB1010 is already doing that, then there are no other changes I am aware of that you would need to upgrade for.

    What version of the Uno4Kemper chip do you have?

    You can always revert to an older version of firmware on your Kemper if something is fishy ;)

    The switching speed is indeed much faster using an FCB1010 with Uno4Kemper 1.3.

    I was getting around 200-250mSec of switch time prior to the upgrade, and now I am measuring around 90mSec!

    The top trace is the output of the Kemper while the bottom trace is a microphone near the foot switch so you can see the delay pretty clearly. Note that the rig changed (heavy to clean) more quickly than my foot tapped from down to up. FYI, I was in performance mode when doing the test.

    [Blocked Image:]

    Oh, I agree that flexibility is very important ..... to some part of the market.

    One might guess that with a product like the Kemper which is about as fancy a guitar gizmo as you can find on this Earth today, the the kinds of people that would naturally gravitate to the Kemper would also be the kinds of people that would want a very flexible and programmable foot controller.

    For me, the Uno4Kemper was an obvious solution since I had an FCB1010 gathering dust in my basement on a shelf (and the wife considers anything that hasn't been used in 2 years to be fair game for eBay ;) ). It also helped ease the pain of the explaining the "need" to purchase a $2,000.00 gizmo for what is more-or-less a hobby for me.

    There are things I miss with this "value" solution. I would love to see the preset names on my foot controller. I miss being able to hit a button to switch a patch, and then hit the same button again to toggle back to the previous patch, the volume pedal is nearly useless, I dislike having to power the foot controller separately, and the buttons on the FCB are just a bit too close for me.

    It isn't a high end solution by any stretch of the imagination, but it is capable of getting the job done and covers all the features of the Kemper nicely (especially the performance mode which I can not live without).

    True, but it just works straight out of the box without any setup as well (other than installing the PROM.

    Updates in the PROM are only required to be purchased if new features are added to the Kemper that are not already handled (like when 2.x included performance mode).

    If you have recently (like 1 month) purchased an Uno4Kemper chip and they come out with a new rev, they will discount the upgrade by 1/2 I think.

    Otherwise, the ~ $20.00 for a new chip isn't that steep IMHO.

    Consider the cost of most of the competing solutions at around $400-$1000.00.

    X32 Rack, Furman HDS6 and HR6 wired IEM system with Shure SE215 buds all around (4 piece)

    vDrums, Kemper, and bass all DI. Lead guitar is a 2x12 Blackstar facing the rear (and miced with an e609) with a plexiglass shield over the open back to keep the stage noise out of the audience.

    Love the IEM's and would never go back to lugging amps and wedges around again.

    The comment about the center being quiet is accurate though. We have only really experienced this on really wide stages in bars that aren't very deep.

    In those instances we setup a center speaker to fill in the gap in the sound coverage. The X32 has a seperate center output specifically for this purpose so you can adjust the center fill volume to taste.

    Welcome to KPAA (Kemper Profiling Amp Anonymous) for those with Kemper addiction syndrome ;)

    Watch for the early warning signs like your finger tips getting sore, your wife/girlfriend complaining you are spending too much time "with that thing", and a silly grin permanently stuck to your face.

    Reverb, compression, flange, and any number of other efx intentionally add latency into the signal to achieve their results.

    Speakers do not move air instantaneously either since they are a mechanical device.

    Pre-amp and power tubes in many circuits in tube amps also add latency as do the massive coils in those devices.

    I find it impossible to believe that no one has had any latency in their "analog" rigs that was not similar to the Kemper.

    The only real good arguement I have ever heard for latency being an issue was with vocals and IEM's with digital mixers. Since you are both creating the sound with your voice and hearing it with your ears (both directly and from the IEM), people can sometimes detect latency of 5-10mSec. Even this becomes meaningless if the person has any verb on their vocal.

    With a guitar rig, there are so many mechanical and electrical latencies built into the instrument chain that the Kemper is insignificant in the equation IMHO.

    Last night I purchased and loaded the TwoRock 35 from TAF.

    Wonderful! Can anyone comment on the relative difference between the 35 and the 50? I might have to get it too :)

    I will have a bit of tweaking (level wise) to do to fit all these new rigs into our setlist, but they are a definite step up in quality all the way around.

    Thanks again guys.

    Oh GOD you guys are killin me.

    Just spent HOURS and HOURS playing. Pure bliss.

    Ok, here is what I got so far.....

    Didn't care much for the trainwreck rigs I found on rig manager, but absolutely loved loved loved the following:

    1) TAF ManRock 800 (JCM800 hot modded) free and included in the Kemper standard rig list. I think I can do lots with this rig to get that AC DC tone.

    2) Morgan AC20 (rig exchange). Just WOW.

    3) JMJ Princeton Clean

    I do have a TwoRock rig manager rig that I really like alot, so I may give the TAF commercial TwoRock rigs a try next.

    This is exactly what I wanted. Thanks again guys!!!

    Hi people, i've bought KPA and i'm very satisfied with it except... In the perform mode I get a lag when swiching between channels. For an example if i want to change from channel 1 to channel 10 i can't do it fast because i don't actually see the channels changing - if i press the button several times I get to the desired channel if i count how many times i've pressed it. Or i have to do it slowly and wait untill it loads the next channel. Do you have the same problem? Cheers

    What MIDI pedal are you using?

    Hi guys,

    Tonight I discovered a problem with both of my expression pedals on my FCB1010/Uno4Kemper.
    For some reason I didn't use my pedals a while but for the rehearsal tomorrow I just got my rack in working orde….. well, except for the pedals..
    The pedal-repons is very slow. The volume acts like a swell effect and the way is also very sluggish.
    I run the latest firmware on the Kemper.

    Any idea's?


    I don't have any GOOD ideas, but I have some ideas.

    First, make sure your FCB1010 firmware chip is securely and properly inserted into its socket.

    Next, make a backup of your entire kemper, then ask someone who knows more than I do how to restore the Kemper to its factory default. Once you have done that, see if you still have the problem.

    I use this setup (as many others do) and I have very little delay in rig changes.

    Hi guys,

    Before anyone asks, I did try to search around before I posted this as I didn't want to duplicate other posts if the information was already in here :)

    I gig with a pair of Fender American Strats. One has Lindy Fralin pickups in it, and the other has Kinman noiseless single coil pickups in it.

    The former is a more traditional sounding single coil strat sound, while the latter is more bright and jingley sounding (is that actually a word?).

    I have need of a few different sounds as I go through covers in my band. I have some really good sounding cleans that work for me, and one Recto patch that covers the really high gain stuff nicely.

    Where I seem to have problems is in the catagories of:

    • Slightly pushed light breakup
    • Mid pushed with more breakup
    • Classic rock Marshallesque AC DC tone

    I have found that the stock patches don't give me what I want/need in these areas and would like some suggestions for some commercial rigs I might give a try for these purposes.

    I have noticed that the classic rock tone specifically seems to be the domain of humbuckers. I suppose I could just break down and buy a new guitar, but I thought I would try this first.

    Any suggestions?