Posts by rreda

    From Kemper today.

    Good Morning, NAMM is starting in 2 hrs. And we are have some updated info for you.
    In the Firmware 3.0 press release is stated that 3.0 is available immediately. This is not true. Firmware 3.0 will become available during February. What we are showing at NAMM is already a very late beta of that. So you'll have access to 3.0 very soon!
    Sorry for the inconvenience.

    I have the same setup and mine does not do that. Did you try to calibrate the FCB pedals? Not sure if that will help or not but its worth a try. If that does not fix it sounds like something is wrong with the FCB electronics.

    17 profiles

    3 old profiles (Voices, LSOAD and IIC+ old)
    14 recent ones
    My fav are C1CLBOOST and and C+LDBOOST. I used this last one for Marco sfogli's Andromeda song
    This one will be from now my Basic Live rig and I will redo my live rigs from it...

    It is here :

    I merged also my oldest packs into one, the IIC+ legacy...

    Enjoy and comments are welcome.

    Djemass those are some impressive profiles. Thick sound and nice effects. It's getting to the point where I have so many great profiles its hard to decide which ones to use.

    Yes trying on another computer is the last thing you can do. When you call support make sure you tell them all the troubleshooting steps you have taken so they won't waste you time.

    Which firmware are you running on your Profiler? The latest Rig Manager requires 2.5.1 minimum.

    Yes good call with firmware and another USB cable. After those two things I would try it on another computer. If still a problem call Kemper support because you have done everything you could to do for troubleshooting.

    Did you install RM without the KPA plugged in? That's how to properly install any USB device driver. I would uninstall RM and makes sure you also remove the driver if it did not uninstall and restart the PC. Reinstall RM, boot up the KPA then insert the USB cable and see if detects. If it doesn't work it could be a number of things. When you upgraded to Windows 7 was it a clean up upgrade from a bare hard drive? If antivirus is installed make sure its disabled during install and KPA testing. Could be a driver conflict but Windows 7 is usually pretty good with that, not like XP was.

    If you plug a USB drive into that USB port does that work? The picture just looks like the driver is not getting installed properly or not at all. Good luck.

    Got it too but posted in another thread....I'm trying to register or even place an order but there's no option for U.S. in the registration or for shipping. And yes, I'm in the U.S. store...It's also trying to add $113 on top of the $599...I think I'll wait if that's the case.

    Yes wants to add $113.81 for customs on top of the price. That's crazy. Its not even worth the $600.
    19.00 % VAT:$113.81
    I'll wait until its available in the states. Not worth it since you still have to purchase expression pedals.

    Thanks Raoul I did check them out. They look more advanced as some other high end buds and cheaper. I have never heard of the company but I am going to check into it some more, looks very promising and very reasonable for high end buds. I just don't want to spend a lot of money and be disappointed.

    I know many of you here use IEM's and I am looking to purchase one myself. I hear many who have them are unhappy with the sound, I am sure it has much to do with buying cheap earbuds. It seems that the earbuds with 4 drivers are the best and just want to know from the people who use them who is completely satisfied with theirs in live band situations and what make and model do you have. Also would like to know what receiver and transmitter you are using. I want to do the homework upfront and not spend a lot of money on something that does not sound good and end up pulling them out of my ears.…iler-head?c=100

    If you look at the right hand side of this webpage, the web store has the Profiler Remote as well as a Profiler Remote Early Bird. Both are listed at 499 euros, but I'm wondering whether there might not indeed be some sort of early bird pricing, as a result of the two separate items in the store. ^^

    I'm on the US page and the price is $599, not seeing any discount. Still think its only worth $400 at the most. Probably will end up with one anyway. I know the GCP and Fractal l are much more but if you add in a few expression pedals you are getting closer to $1000.

    The DBR 10 sounds more "hifi"
    a little too "nice" for Guitar
    seems to have a lack of midrange to sound smoother

    I use to use a EV ZLX12P, too much of highs and lows but it was okay but not very consistent from venue to venue. Had to always EQ it in order for the sound to be right. I changed to a DXR10 and adjusted my KPA to flat again and don't touch it anymore. I say if you can't afford a CLR the DXR10 is the next best thing. Ingolf has a nice Youtube comparison video on the CLR and DXR10.

    So... here is a picture from the front :)

    Source is a german video show called "Musotalk" and the person who holds it to the camera is Thomas Wendt....

    That's a lot smaller than I expected. But when you hook a few expression pedals up to it the footprint won't grow too much. I'm using the FCB with the Uno4Kemper chip now, like the pedal, hate the volume pedal but have no issues with the Wah. Certainly not as large as the Axe controller.