Posts by davelake


    I'm actually having the same issue! I worked late into the night last night organizing Rig Manager and testing profiles. Everything worked fine. This morning I power everything up RM and the Profiler do not see each other at all! Tried different USB cables, different ports, updated Kemper to new firmware....

    The Audio/Midi detection on my Mac doesn't see the Kemper either. It was all working flawlessly last night!

    Hey all, I'm a little confused about how the KPA shares information between the Browser and Perform mode.

    For example. I have an amp called JCM800A in my browser. I have switched to Perform mode and have loaded JCM800A into the songs first slot. If I switch back too browser and make a change to JCM800A and save it it does NOT change the settings of JCM800A in the Perform mode.

    It seems to me that this would be useful in some situations however for me it is a total pain.

    I assumed, and hope that it's an option, that if I made a change to the amp in the Browser that it would also change any instance that I use that amp in the Perform section. Like, the actual amp lives in the Browser and the Perform versions are just mimics of that original amp.

    Anyone know anything about this? Thanks!

    Oops, sorry for the confusion.

    I have a mission Gemini 1 sitting behind me that I use as FRFR.
    In front of me I have Equator D5's as my near field monitors. My studio speakers.

    The gemini is receiving a 1/4" cable out from the monitor out.
    The Equator D5's are receiving a SPDIF signal from the Kemper.
    Both are receiving the same signal in the outputs section.

    I'm liking the gemini's sound with Pure Cab at 10. The D5's I'm on the fence about.

    So, my question was, are people having a similar reaction to pure cab? As in, you like the sound of pure cab through your FRFR because it makes it seem more amp like. However, when you record it into your computer and you hear it through your near field monitors you don't like it is much as through the FRFR. Making it more of a setting for performing and less for recording?

    Hope that makes sense.

    Yeah, I'm actually using Equator D5 monitors which are very flat. Maybe I need to experiment with the D5's boundary knob to see if it's room placement.

    I don't expect them to sound exactly the same, just maybe a bit more similar than they do at the moment. Thought I'd ask on here to see if people had a similar feeling.

    Hey everyone,

    Thanks for this info on the pure cabinet! I've been switching between 0 and 10 with my mission gemini 1 powered cab and I think I am digging it on 10. Feels and sounds a bit more like a guitar amp to me, mainly with the overdriven profiles.

    Anyone preferring the pure cab on 10 through their FRFR but NOT liking in through SPDIF or any other direct recording output? I'm a bit on the fence about pure cabinet into logic via SPDIF.