Posts by IKSLIM

    Well, I work with music, sound equipment and computers more then 10 years as a programmer. For my music tasks I always keep two separate clean computers with clean/fresh OS (never connected to internet). No office software, no email, no browsers, no games… Thus, all my music related equipment always works fast and reliable via USB and MIDI: Eventide DSP, TC (lots of units), Torpedo, Rocktrons (lots of very old units), VOX-amps (couple of units), Behringer (more then 10 rack and stomp units)…

    Before to post here, I refreshed OS from clean image and installed fresh RigManager. Now I keep only 50 rigs in KPA. It helps a little bit to speed up KPA boot up (but still unacceptable slow), and speeds up dramatically RigManager start/syncing.

    I can live with 50 Rigs in KPA, it is acceptable. But there is definitely an issue with KPA. I think the problem somewhere between the motherboard and memory controller, because ALL KPA boots up very long. This is known issue with KPA.
    Arguing with preset numbers and size: 400 rigs = only 2Mb total. Any controller transfers this amount of data from internal memory to processor RAM faster then a second.

    For comparison:
    15 years old Eventide DSP7500 (with 1000presets in memory) boots up 5 times faster….
    10 years old TC.FireWorx (with 500presets in memory) boots up 5 seconds.
    20 years old Rocktrons (USAmade) boots up 4 seconds.

    I hope this issue will be fixed in future releases of hardware, but Fully-Functional RigManager will be appreciated much more. Again, Kemper, thank you for the sound, with the hope to see NEW RigManager.

    I just purchased KPA-Rack and I’m really impressed with the Sound. It is simple THE BEST from everything else on the market. The sound really impressed me! I’ve been AxeFx-Ultra user and quit from it years ago because the sound was terrible and PresetManager was even worst (written in Java :) always bugs,bugs,bugs )

    But, something definitely wrong with KPA also( OperatingSystem=2.4.0 + RigManager=1.0.50):
    I can accept only 44k sample rate master clock via SPDIF. I can survive without 48k. But:

    1. Startup/load time = ridicules! What is wrong with motherboard/system???

    2. What to hell is wrong with usb?
    a. Such a slow speed: if you have 400 profiles it takes 15 minutes to startup RigManager!!!!!!
    b. Backup presets via front USB takes ages! Something about 2Mb of rigs in total size, takes 15 minutes to record to USB. The speed is almost = 1 Kb/sec :)
    c. No sound via USB = shame on you, boys. I think this is because of a very slow controller.

    3. NET port on the backside = ??? why??? :)

    4. RigManager = ridicules:
    a. So limited functionality.
    b. Full of small bugs (do you wona list? Start from searching and tagging), which drives me creasy.

    Is it 2014 now or 1994 computer era??? Shame on you, boys. KPA already number of years on the market…Have a look at your colleagues from Behringer.

    Hope to see new (I mean new) RigManager. I do not care of its Internet sharing options, if the manager is so limited and buggy by itself… But anyway, thank you for the sound...