Posts by IKSLIM

    Did you try the tabbing that I described?

    Yes. I did.
    Thank you for talking to me)
    You gave me a nice advice regarding checking to path. First part works fine, the path is correct: "/Volumes/MyHDD/KEMPER/RigManager” 

    The correct path for beginning of second part is:
    “/Users/user0/Library/Application Support/Kemper Amps”
    “~/Library/Application Support/Kemper Amps” 

    But after that, very strange and idiotic problem appears:
    There is no way the OS can see “RigManager” folder under “Kemper Amps” folder. The path: “~/Library/Application Support/Kemper Amps/RigManager” 
    Returns: “no such a file or directory”. It drives me crazy.

    I already hate Yosemite and really thinking to return back to 10.8.5

    Assuming you want a symbolic link in "/Volumes/MyFolder" to point to your RigManager folder you have the order of the arguments mixed up. Target of the link first, then the path you want for the symbolic link.

    Nop. My order is correct, because i’ve succeed creating links for other programs, but without relative path involved. You could check it: Now it is related to user folders, thus relative path involved. I’m about to try it without relative path.

    Dear comrades!
    Please assist on symbolic links creation under MAC OSx in order to move (and keep) RM folder to my place.

    Normally i use this command (and it works perfectly):
    sudo ln -s "/Volumes/MyHDD/Logic" "/Library/Application Support/Logic"

    But the Kemper RM link must be created under “user” path (not the system directory). I tried all of this without success:

    sudo ln -s "/Volumes/MyHDD/KEMPER/RigManager” “~/Library/Application Support/Kemper Amps/RigManager”

    sudo ln -s "/Volumes/MyHDD/KEMPER/RigManager” ~“/Library/Application Support/Kemper Amps/RigManager”

    sudo ln -s "/Volumes/MyHDD/KEMPER/RigManager” “/Users/user0/Library/Application Support/Kemper Amps/RigManager”

    sudo ln -s "/Volumes/MyHDD/KEMPER/RigManager” “/home/Library/Application Support/Kemper Amps/RigManager”

    What is wrong with syntax?
    I appreciate your assistance.

    Finally i was able to proceed the command. Thanks to community, always good to have nice people on the forum.
    Under OSx we can move and keep RM folder to the destination of our wish:

    sudo ln -s '/Volumes/MyHDD/KEMPER/RigManager' '/Users/user0/Library/Application Support/Kemper Amps/RigManager'

    Nop, inactive loop in stomp D does NOT affect the behavior at all. Tried every combination. Sorry, just forgot to delete loop in stomp D for the video purpose.

    Mono connection (real wire) behaves the same. In fact, I could live with this, but Cabinet.Simulation applied to Loop after Stack.Section is VERY DIFFERENT to Cabinet inserted in Stack.Section. Even more I can NOT change it.

    The more strange it that EQ section in FRONT of loop affects the Return signal (not Send signal, please remember – I use external audio source).

    Is there any possibility to “Format” Kemper computer vise procedure? I’d be happy to format Kemper HHD (memory) and reinstall firmware…

    1. My attempts to profile my CLEAN channel setup under v3.0.0.10856 failed: every attempt returns DISTORTED profile (really distorted, almost high-gain profile). Under previous firmware versions i succeed creating many CLEAN profiles.

    2. Also I raised support ticked to developer (still had no support) and then published “send-return loop” issue at:…-abnormal-Help/?

    I’ve recorded a short Video demonstrating the issue:

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    I appreciate your comments:
    1. Is there anybody experiencing similar issues?
    2. Any solving recommendations?

    PS: Please, be informative.

    Dear Kemper Users,
    I appreciate your assistance.

    There is abnormal behavior of “LoopModule” activated right after “Stack” section.

    1. You could try to connect any external audio source (MP3 player for example) to Return.Input located on the backside of KPA.
    2. Activate Loop.Module right after Stack.Section (Mono or Stereo)
    3. Try to activate/deactivate Cabinet.Module (which is now in front of Loop.Module and theoretically can not impact the sound) and see how it impacts the audio signal coming from external source via Return.Input.
    4. As far as I change Cabinet.Type in a Cabinet.Module but it does NOT change the Cabinet.Simulation applied to external audio signal.

    Loop (both: stereo and mono), placed right after Stack.Section behaves abnormal in my case, making External FX processor useless.

    PS: I tried to initiate Global parameters, downgrade from v3.0.0.10856 to v2.7.4 and back to v3.0.0.

    I appreciate your help.

    How to activate “Direct Profile” while in a “Profiler Mode”???

    Addendum says KPA will automatically turn off Cab while profiling. But I failed to create DirectProfile…

    How to force KPA to switch from StudioProfilig to DirectProfiling mode???

    As more I study my KPA it impress me more and more! In fact, some of my imperfect hardware rigs profiled with KPA sounds better on KPA!

    I could not discover any info from Kemper website on possible future hardware update.
    I appreciate if you share your knowledge on KPA official hardware update release.

    My KPA:
    [Blocked Image:]

    On a side note, I'd not call a profile a "snapshot"; this term evoles a staticity which doen't belong to the concept IMO. A profile is like a model in a ... modeller: starting from it you can use all the machine's controls to shape your sound, exactly like in any other digital device on the market.

    Looks like it works, BUT, as far as I’m learning the device, I can definitely see the difference. I prefer to keep knobs very close to <0>. Otherwise there is a big chance to loose THE TONE and character of a real amp. In fact, it is obvious: there is a very big difference in any tube amp behavior from clean, saturated to high gain. Every element of signal chain is involved and behaves differently. Thanks to THE KEMPER, now I can keep so different characters in one box. Probably Kemper is the future trend of digital guitar processing.

    ????? 400 rigs = 5 mins ??? Mine is near enough instant when I load up rig manager and I have just under 400 rigs on mine

    Have you filed a support ticket with kemper yet

    Raoul, this is mentioned in RigManager Manual as a “first time sync time”. Also it is mentioned in KPA manual as “backup “compressed one file archive” is much faster compare to backup as original files”. There is definitely a serious Data transfer speed limitation somewhere in the hardware. You could check it by yourself:
    1. backup KPA Rigs to usb stick as “Files”
    2. Notice how fast KPA loads Preview after you double click it in RigManager. Just keep in mind the size of data been sent = 5Kb

    Anyway, I’m about to close this thread. I apology for my overreacting but I hope on future hardware and software.

    All the best to ALL guitar players on this forum!

    I really can't believe that we're talking about boot times of 30-90 seconds here. The real shame is that some people who call themselves a pro and who are working for ages with lots of equipment and clients are complaining about this. A real pro (no matter what profession) is someone who deals with "disadvantages" in a professional way. Dealing with it means: I make the best out of it and focus on what's really important to get the job done. And it means to be ready when expecting a client.

    You are right. My post was definitely overreacting. We always deal with compromise. We DO understand this World imperfection reality. This is the Live by itself – compromise.

    This is why I cleaned up the device and decided to keep up to 50 profiles on board. Also, compromising on RigManager, I decided to keep and organize all Rigs on HHD in folders. This compromise helps me to load/sync RigManager on every start, and escape from search/tagging imperfections (read software imperfections).

    Also I compromise on 44k SPDIF only Master mode sample rate by using two digital sample rate convertors to match it with 48k studio workflow. Maybe I’m wrong, but I can not consider a device for studio REAMPING if it does not support 48k + slave clock. But again, I can survive because the sound is a King, and I done MUCH more compromises with equipment before. I just keep in mind: today is year 2014.

    I already gave my respect to Kemper developers, and I will do more definitely!

    But, boys, be honest to yourself: if you keep KPA loaded with, say 400 Rigs, and prefer to manage Rigs via RigManager (which is pretty obvious) – this is simply impossible because: every time you start RigManager it will sync library with device and this time will be MUCH longer compare to device boot time. In my case (400 Rigs) it was more than 5 minutes (not seconds). And this is definitely hardware (some controller) issue. Very old devices are able to transmit data via MIDI (which is much slower compare to USB) MUCH faster then KPA via USB. I believe Kemper could simply fix this issue in new releases of hardware. I purchased a brand new unit, not a 3 years old unit. That is probably why I overreacted in my post. I apology for my overreacting with the hope of future hardware and software.