Posts by esotericmetal

    This whole ordering process is a little confusing. What I would like to do is place an order but pay for it later (shortly before it's available and about to ship). Is that possible? I signed up for the early bird thing but didn't realize the remotes weren't going to be available until march. I live in the US btw.

    Will the remotes be available for purchase on it's own from regular retailers? I thought I read something about them only being available standalone directly from Kemper, and retailers only selling them as part of a package with the KPA.

    Never saw that the Strymon looper listens to the tap tempo. Are you sure? How does it work?

    I meant that the Timeline looper has the same features as the KPA looper (from what i've read so far). It's also accessible via MIDI commands. The timeline looper does not sync to tap tempo, but I'm able to have the looper sync to MIDI time code by using Ableton Live. I create clips that send MIDI commands to the Timeline that get triggered in time with the tempo in Ableton. I use one patch on my FCB to trigger clips in Ableton that will be in sync, and I have another patch to trigger the Timeline directly if I don't want to be synced to the tempo. Not the most elegant solution and it is only possible with Ableton, but it does work pretty well. It would be much more ideal if the Kemper could just do it all.

    That would be an amazing feature. I am currently on the fence about getting the remote since I have a pretty decent looper in my Strymon Timeline with the same features, which can be controlled via my FCB. Having the KPA looper able to sync to tap tempo would definitely be enough to fully sell me on the remote.

    Curious if there's any more people using the Deco with the Kemper. I'm thinking about getting one and was curious about how it sounds directly in front of the Kemper as well as in the Kemper's loop. I'm guessing it would sound good there for slapback/flange/chorus effects, but i'm wondering how good the saturation/overdrive sound. I would like to avoid having it after the Kemper even though that would make the most sense for a tape emulation effect.

    Thanks for the responses. I've double checked the power cable and outlets connections. I've been checking on it for the last few days to see if it magically works again but it still won't turn on. I got a reply from someone Kemper that is arranging to have it sent in.

    Very relieved i'm not going to have to send it all the way to Germany. 3 weeks is a bit long, but not the worst turnaround I guess. The annoying thing was that i'm right in the middle of a project. Spent all this time profiling a setup so I could track at home and right as I was about to start it dies on me! Looks like i'm going to have to go back to the studio and recreate the setup and do all the tracking there...

    I've had my kemper for about 4 months now. Has worked without issue so far. Last night it just randomly turned itself off while i was using it and won't turn back on anymore. I tried unplugging the power cable for a few minutes and trying again (like it suggests in the manual) but it still won't turn on! I've contacted Kemper but am still waiting to hear back from them.

    I'm also wondering what getting this unit serviced would entail. Do I have to send it all the way to Germany to get it fixed? I live in the US so that would cost quite a lot and take a decent amount of time. I've had the unit for 4 months already so i'm guessing I can't get it exchanged by the retailer.

    Like I said before, the product I was saying I would like to see is not a "miniKemper". Not at all. If they could get the unit down to 1 or 2 rack spaces with some compromises, while leaving in tact what the unit does best (great guitar tone), I would be thrilled.The original product was a lunchbox. People wanted the rack mount version and Kemper delivered it, with some (minor) compromises. It's not a stretch to assume they may be open to doing something slightly smaller than that.

    Why would they do it? Because they would be able to sell more of them if they were able to get the price down. The demand would certainly be there as there's no real competition other than the POD (which is to unrealistic ) and AxeFX (which is more expensive, harder to get and caters to a more specific crowd). And there would be also people like myself that who already have the profiler but would buy the smaller version as well for use at home or live. That would require some initial investment to being able to product these in larger numbers. However this would probably bring the cost of each unit down (as is the case any time you buy anything in bulk) and open the product up to a whole new market. I'm this would be easy to do or there aren't other technical considerations, but it's probably not physically impossible. I'm just voicing my support for something like this to happen.

    To say with such certainty what Kemper can or can't do, or what is good or bad for them, is not anyone's place to say except for them. Seems kind of ridiculous that people are so convinced of things that is not their business at all. How about instead talking about whether you would actually like to see something like this happen and what features you could live without?

    I, for one, don't really care about the effects that much, so would have no problem not having direct access to them, or not even being there at all. I also would not need to be able to store several hundred profiles (especially with a editor/librarian), so I wouldn't mind much to see that aspect compromised.

    They literally can't make them fast enough at the moment. As long as this keeps up, why on earth would Kemper consider something like this?

    So they can sell even more units and expand their business (if that's something they would want to do). People wanted a rack version and they went ahead and made one. I don't think it's that much of a stretch to make a unit that is 1 or 2U with less features.

    If they can't make units fast enough than I'm guessing that means they're doing well enough to invest in expanding their business to keep up with demand, as well as develop new and existing products. If they don't want to, that's their business. But their would certainly be a demand for it, and it seems like it would be physically possible with some compromises.

    i record other bands so I would need to take it back and forth every time I record a different amp, or even one of my own amps with a different mic setup. I also live in Brooklyn so I rely on public transportation to get between my home and studio. Lugging around a rack case is pretty annoying.

    I'm not really hoping for something that is dramatically cheaper, or pocket sized. I'd be happy if they could get it down to a 1 or 2u rack size. Just seems like a waste of space to have the full fledged version in a situation where you know you'll never need to profile something. I've seen videos of people opening up the rack version and their seems to be plenty of free space and the unit doesn't seem to generate much heat so I would imagine it doesn't need as much ventilation as other gear might. If they got rid of some jacks as well of some knobs wouldn't it be possible to get this down to a 2U version at the very least? I personally still prefer some good pedals over the built in FX so I wouldn't miss any of the FX functionality (it could still be there, but perhaps without dedicated knobs to save space?). Surely I can't be the only one that only uses the Kemper for what it is acclaimed for (getting the tone of a real guitar amp)?

    Just recently got a Kemper for use in my home setup and am very happy with it. However, I don't use any of the profiling functionality at home as all my amps are at my studio (and I can't play loud at home anyway). I would have to take the unit back and forth between my home and my studio in order to profile my amps and play them at home. I think it would be great to have a leaner (and more affordable) version of the Kemper that only plays back profiles so that I can leave my main one in my studio to make profiles, and then bring the profile home with my on a USB and load it up on the 'lite' version. This would also be useful for those people that use the KPA to play live where they have no need for the profiling functionality. I think this would be a huge hit!