Posts by SwAn1

    See…release.107105/ what did I tell you? Though you would have to wade through the 1.03 stuff to get the hot sauce joke. I actually don't have any jokes about my Kemper though. There is probably a joke in the ideas of "Toaster" and "g string" (the moderator guy who is always wanting to censor stuff) if someone smarter than me applied themselves. And that Adele video that someone posted is sheer genius. Wish I had half their creativity!!!

    Shows your ignorance about the Axe. Anyone who knows a thing or two knows that that is not the Axe III but just an Axe II with the upcoming Quantum 1.04 with the new triode saturation inspired by some Thanksgiving hot sauce.

    Great job skoczy. I love my Axe but the endless sounds better, feels better is a bit of standing joke to me these days. On to my musician joke (and sorry if this is already here - I haven't read all of them):

    What at is the difference between a drummer and a proctologist?
    A proctologist only has one arseh*le to deal with.

    @paults - I actually hold everyone I mentioned in high regard for one reason or another (except the guy who doesn't like "I accidentally my kemper" who I don't know anything about at all) and you do strike me as infallibly polite with your "welcome's" and "thank you's". And you kind of made my point for me. I didn't care much for LasVideo but I don't think he should be banned (and to be honest, it is not clear that he has been, maybe as he is getting rid of his KPA he can no longer post in the private area.) because it is a slippery slop as to who or what post is next. We don't want this to be the Fractal forum after all now do we?Ingolf, I love your willingness to help everyone and there is almost no thread here that you haven't posted in which is why I picked on you. Twice. Dean_R, love your passion for Kemper. Roger Pederson's playing is just amazing and I don't even like that style but am in awe and and44 well, he should still be banned. JK And44! Love your profiles, especially the Vox pick 30 where you actually don't pick any and get them all! :) If you like Vox sounds they are the ones to get!

    Well if they are going to start moderating posts my I suggest that we get a couple of rules in place:

    1. Ban any posts from @and44 that have a sentence that doesn't start with a capital letter.
    2. Banned
    3. Ban any post from @Dean_R that is more than 3 words
    4. Banned
    5. Ban any post from @paults that says "Thank You". Just way too polite for an online forum!
    6. Ban any post about how Rig Manager does not work on the Mac. It works on my Mac so the problem must be with you!
    7. Ban any posts like "I accidentally my kemper". @flyingheelhook is not amused.
    8. Ban @rogerpedersen videos. They are terrifying to watch. And may just make you hang it all up!

    Feel free to add your own suggested rules on forum moderation.

    Edit: Banned my two recommendations regarding Ingolf. He was not amused. It was not my intent.

    Hey Ampjunkie

    I had a post with Cliff about this once on the Fractal forum and at least then, his stated goal was not to continuously strive for more accurate modeling but rather, again at the time, he said that he removed elements in the modeling that were present in the actual amp that made it sound bad. I use the same screen name there so you can look it up if you are interested. He also has created a number of virtual amps that don't exist in the real world. I would actually say that Kemper would be the one to more faithfully capture an amp at those settings warts and all while Fractal could crest an idealized version based on an amp they like.

    Hey Ampjunkie. Most of your explanation is well above me! I probably did not make myself clear about the IR's. The AE hardware now matches what you would hear with a plugin with the IR. A programming error was playing the UR IR's as standard IR in AE (I forget the finer details). Only one AE user could hear the difference between the AE with the programming error vs the plugin but there was enough of a difference that he could hear it which makes me believe that the UR do carry more information that is useful to some users. It may not be useful for you personally but that doesn't make it "snake oil". I re-read your article and really enjoyed your (well informed) speculation as to how each company is going about doing what they do. Interesting and well thought out stuff. It is only a matter of time before it gets picked up on the AE side and will be fun to read those comments! Especially CK's comments regarding Cliff's comments. And of course the fanboi's who will disagree with your conclusions. They are a bit wrapped up in a debate over the Helix vs AX8 right now but give it some time.

    Thanks - missed it somehow. Then unless he has a lot of money to fight it or get good legal advice I think he is doing the right thing. There is what is logical and there is what is the law and there is what a company can screw you over for in a protracted legal battle even if you end up winning. Our agency recently mocked up an ad for a client and sent it in for legal review and for some very obscure legal president set in an old trademark case, the whole approach was killed. Over on Arstecnica is a story of a guy who made fliers with a couple of Pokemon characters for a Halloween party that he was charging money for and he just got hit with a $4,000 demand from Nintendo. Fighting it will cost him a whole lot more and Nintendo seems to be playing hard ball and won't let him pay it off over a year!

    Meambobbo's question is key here. Where are you located? Is the personal stuff you dealing with related to your sale of the profiles or something else like you going through a divorce and a spouse is claiming revenues from it etc. Or did you receive a cease and desist letter from a company? Did you sign something that you would pull your profiles? You in trouble with the IRS? Without knowing a bit more about why you pulled the profiles it is hard to try and provide any sort of guidance outside of talking to a lawyer (which can get expensive fast!)

    While I would take exception to some parts I agree with MM that it did take a lot of work and includes some good insights on both units and is worth a read. The two areas I would question are criticizing frequent firmware updates for the AE II and criticizing FA for lack of firmware updates on the older units and calling the UR IR's snake oil. I do think that most AE II users can't tell the difference but one user posted that he wasn't using AE for its IR's as the sound wasn't as good as a plugin runnig the IR. He took a lot of flack from the AE fanbois but Cliff did some tests and confirmed that it was a programming error. Even though just one person caught it, there is a measurable difference and so I would disagree with the snake oil description.

    1964 is the company name and that's what I use, 6 driver ones they sound awesome!!!! With the sennheiser ew300 didn't you mess around with the sqelch feature (I think that's what its called) which is suppose to eliminate the hiss

    Just saw this post so sorry for the delayed reply. I messed with all the buttons but couldn't get rid of the hiss so I took it back and had them try at the store to get a new unit to work without the hiss. Maybe just bad luck and got 2 units that had an issue or more likely user error on both!
    I am curious about the 6 drivers - never had that many and I know it is a personal thing as to what people like (whole sites are devoted to arguing about this stuff like we argue here about Kemper and Helix and Axe) but are the number of drivers kind of like the megapixel wars on cell phone cameras? My Etymotics have 1 and I really like them a lot more than the UE I had which had 4 and a couple of other things like balanced armatures or something (I forget). Would 8 or 10 drivers be even better than 6 or is there a limit?

    ZombieLoyd - as someone lucky enough to have both, given your stated use and your budget, I think that the Kemper would be a great choice. Till it arrives, spend some time listening to the various profile dealer's sound samples till you find ones that are close to what you want. For an extra 10-20 dollars in profiles you will be able to hit the ground running. You could also ask people on the forum what free profiles on the rig exchange may work for your style of music. Good luck and enjoy!

    Classic clip! In the spirit of MP we should have a competition to see who can come up with the weirdest thing the Kemper hasn't been mentioned in comparison to yet. I'll start and buy the winner one of Andy's single profiles of their choice (£4.99) to spur on the crazy.

    It's weird that no-one mentioned it yet ... But my Cuisinart toaster is nothing as good as my Kemper. Though it can do bagels, reheat, has a LED indicator, Shade Control and a crumb tray. All features my Kemper is missing and thus could be considered by some to be inferior.

    I tested the Shure PSM 400 and 900 vs Sennheiser EW 300 G2. The 400 was really easy to hook up but the receiver / transmitter was not that great. The EW has a low but persistent hiss (I tried serveral units in store). I went with the 900 in the end but it did cost more and is not quite as easy to setup as the 400. For the money the EW was great but the hiss though quiet bugged me for some reason. YMMV. Headphone wise I still like using my 1 driver etymotics which are (for me) better than the UE 900's I had before. People here also speak highly of a company that I think is called 1969.