Posts by SwAn1

    As the owner of both, here is my two cents. If you are after the closest match to an amp in sound and feel, keep the Kemper. You can play the amp and then your profile of the amp and hear how close it is. While with the Axe while you may have cleans you prefer, there is no way to know how it compares to the actual amp. And the fact that the sound can dramatically vary from firmware to firmware is puzzling - either it sounds like the amp they are basing the sound on or it doesn’t. Or their reference amps change sounds a lot!

    For effects the Axe is personally better. And I like the Fractal foot controller, the ease of scenes to change sounds and the editor. This could change with new reverbs but I have my doubts that Kemper is able to deliver them in the current hardware. The lack of an editor is also really annoying (to me).

    In terms of the community, while we have our differences, I appreciate members reaching out and sorting things out. It is a pretty unique community! Thanks @Dean_R

    If I had to choose one for me, it would be the Kemper with a few pedals to make up for the effects.

    @lightboxIt is a feature request thread. The OP suggested a feature. You have made it clear that you don’t want it. I think that some people have raised valid concerns but I doubt that the KPA team has dropped the reverbs and editor this afternoon to implement this and force you to enter a code starting in the next update coming tomorrow forcing you to never be able to update again. Possibly more concerning to everyone is that the sky will fall on our heads ...

    I think this is a great idea. As you can download the key file from your account anytime you just need to keep a few USB sticks handy. The idea of entering a four digit code (maybe when powering up) is also a good one. While no one approach is infallible once it gets around that the KPA is potentially useless if stolen it could make for a smaller after market. The option to leave all security off would be available for those who didn’t want to deal with it.

    @'Dean_R Maybe you can follow the advice you gave me back in February on the thread “Axe Fx III” I don’t know how to link directly to it but your exact quote was:

    “Well, couldn't you have put me and the others that offend you on ignore and then you wouldn't see any of my or their posts?”

    If Ingolf and I are so offensive to you then ignore us?

    Dean_R The issues you pull out have been discussed by others at length with you over the years. They have been patient and clear in their explanations. As the thread with Ingolf above shows, people go out of their way to accommodate you but but the one thing we can’t do is understand it for you.

    Well all I said is that and impulse response is missing critical data about the speaker impedance, speaker saturation, and cabinet resonance frequency which in the real world affects how the Power amp section of a tube amp reacts in a significant way. Kemper profile includes all that information accurately, meanwhile all other modelers use approximation because it's almost impossible to have the information in many situations. These are facts and you can feel free to fact check this.
    You on the other hand responded by attacking me personally instead of responding to the specifics of what I said. How about telling us what you use for impedance or resonant frequency when you use external impulse responses. Maybe you don't care about the impedance or cab resonance, which won't be a big deal, It's a discussion and there's no need to get defensive or offensive. If you happen to know the effect of impedance on how tube amp response, maybe you can chime in, if not, then you might learn something if you do small search instead of using personal attacks to make a point irrelevant to the topic at hand.

    Considering I quoted what you said I don’t see how I could not be responding to the specifics of what you said. But I take it back. You clearly are easily “puzzled”.

    I think that's hugely relevant and meaningful. Sometimes I find it puzzling that people who purchase the Kemper still continue to experiment with impulse responses ignoring the huge advancement in the profiling process as it relates to capturing the cabinet and power amp response without knowing what the need for actual measurements of these critical factors .
    Of course we're just talking about accuracy and authentic amp sound. Missing the impedance, resonance, and speaker saturation and interaction effect on the tube amp response and sound without getting that correctly and settling for approximation is significant.

    Lots of people, myself included, have spoken to why we like the Axe. You are not “puzzled”. You simply refuse to accept that anyone can have an opinion that differs to yours.

    @'Dean_R I pretty much stopped using the forum because of you and a few others. So say what you want about the others but take a long hard look at yourself. You do the Kemper community a massive disservice with you constant prattle. You even make gstring and donpetersen seem rational.

    No, not giving up my Kemper but after some thought I realized that I did not really bring much of use the the Kemper Forum community or get that much out of it. I look forward to still getting a lot out of future updates and enjoying the KPA but there is not much in the way of a thriving community here. The final straw though was the fact that the company (who is free to do what they want) actively seeks to censor and stifle dissent and I can't stand by a community that seems to be happy with that. Goodbye deadpan, ingolf and paults and even those of you I didn't like much!

    I agree with Ingolf. Certain sections of the forum have become almost as redundant as they possibly could become.

    @JH-2 @hawg427

    There is a function called "search" in the upper right corner of your screen. From there you will get to all the info that is relevant to your request including a few statements by Christoph.

    Well then as most questions have probably been asked at least twice, lets just shut the forum down then ... /s

    On a more serious note, when I was guessing the Axe vs KPA, I jokingly said that based on the Soundcloud waveforms the one (Axe in this case) looked fuller and more dynamic while the other two (the profiles) seemed smaller and seemed to have less dynamics. I have noticed this in other videos as well in real amp vs profile so it is not an Axe thing. While I would not expect it to be exact it was interesting to note. Based on listening to them I could not tell but if you were to process the profile tracks would they start to break down quicker? By way of example of what I mean, I shoot a lot of video with a DSLR camera. When I compare the footage with more high end cameras that shoot with better codecs, at first glance the SLR footage can often hold its own. However, if you are not careful with the SLR footage as you color correct, add in other elements etc. it can start to break down and not look as good (for instance it can start banding, get some artifacts etc.) Are the profiles capturing less dynamic range or other information, adding compression, doing something else or just creating an optical illusion?