Posts by tom3316

    Hello everyone
    I have seem to have a really prominent ringing sound when playing through a cab that I only get with the kemper and not with a valve amp.
    I must clarify its only really bad on a few profiles but is present to a lesser extent on all profiles it seems. I'm using a non powered toaster with a Ambrosi amp fitted.
    So before I submit a support ticket has any one else had a similar issue.

    I Understand why you made it because there was demand for it. Its a tricky situation to be in when purchasing something like this because it requires a little bit of faith because there is kinda no way to be certain if it's any good other then recommendations. The Thing that made purchase was the thought process that had gone into the design and the ethos behind the build. it gave me faith that it was built not to be the most flashy or top selling but purely to sound as good as possible for a certain price point.maybe if you made a video showing off the construction and an explanation of why certain parts where used.

    She might never know lol it's quite easy to hide it.This is why I didn't do any sound examples or video recordings.imho it's not a product that you can really show the quality of in a video. I Personally don't like the profile used in the video and owning the ambrosi I know it doesn't colour the sound but that's something that's hard to get across in a video. It's also hard to show how loud it can get without unwanted distortion in a video because of to many variables.

    I suppose it's hard to say because of so many variables but for me in my setup I'd say it was roughly twice as loud for the same number on the master out volume with the same rig. One possible down side is you could be minimising headroom causing problems with I said in my situation I did not have any problems with with headroom and seemed to still have a wide dynamic range which was most evident on clean profiles.

    If I remember correctly I think the op in that thread said clean profiles are loud enough but distorted profiles are not which makes me think that it could be a settings issue like clean sense or distortion sense.
    So I have turned the trim setting all the way up and now it's spot on for what I want. I can't say yet what it will be like through the 4x12 I use at practice but judging by how loud I can get it through my 1x10 at home I imagine it will be loud enough. The 1x10 is 16ohm with a celestion g10f-15 which from what I can find out is 95dB sensitivity rating.
    I'm not saying you have to change the trim setting to get the power amp loud enough and I certainly understand why it's there and why it's set where it is but for my circumstances it works better for me on full.
    I must point out as well there is no audible distortion with the settings I have.

    I tried the ATM 70 at practice tonight through an 8 ohm 4x12 not quite sure of the speakers in the cab because it's not mine so I can't give any meaningful info on sensitivity ratings.
    Signal flow was monitor out with cab off tied to the master volume knob and then obviously from the ambrosi into the cab. I had the master volume on full and had to raise the rig volume a little to be heard over the drummer. The ambrosi did not sound like it was struggling even when palm muting and sounded very dynamic. I believe the ambrosi could be a lot louder and I'm guessing the trim pot inside is turned too low but unfortunately this was not something I could check at practice. Tomorrow I'll take it off and check the trim pot. This shouldn't put any one off buying the ambrosi amp because I'm pretty sure it's the trim pot. It definitely didn't sound like it was any where near struggling so that would imply to me that it wasn't working at full volume. If anyone has any thing to add on what I could try then let me know.

    I'm located in the UK but I may have seen someone from the US saying it took about 7 days but I can't be sure.
    As far as I can tell it doesn't add anything to the sound or if it does It does it in a pleasing way but I doubt it adds anything.
    The reason I chose this power amp was the thought and consideration that had gone into the building of this unit. The honesty in the measurements of the amplifier, it happens to much when it comes to specs of amps where the facts are reported in a way that makes the specs seem better than they are but it doesn't seem the case with the ambrosi.
    Like I said I'll try it Wednesday night and see how it copes at volume and report back.

    Hi I have the Lunchbox model as you have probably guessed by now lol

    So I got the ATM-70 today which is super fast especially because the weekend got in the way, it was sent out in Thursday so without the weekend it would have been very fast indeed.

    It came extremely well packed which is good to know when its traveling quite far you have to be very diligent with packing because it sees so many different sorting offices it has more chance of being abused but thankfully this was not the case.

    Installation was extremely simple all you need is the correct size star key and its as easy as unscrewing them and then screwing them back in the the Ambrosi amp in place.

    I only have a Marshall 1X10 at home at the moment so I've only tried it through that cab but on wednesday ill be able to try it through a 4X12.

    To be honest though it shouldn't be much different apart from being able to fully test the volume that it can go up to and the obvious differences between a 1X10 and 4X12 like extra bass etc.

    Ive not included any sound clips because it wouldn't show any useful information, the reason i bought the Ambrosi Amp was the promise of flat response and a fair volume and with some extra features thrown in for good measure like monitor pass through.

    Weight wise it doesn't add that much more certainly nothing that would be a problem and it doesn't unbalance the Kemper which I think someone asked somewhere.

    The good news is so far it definitely ticks all the boxes and looks really well made and thought out but I will report back after practice on Wednesday where ill really test it.

    Ive included a link that shows the packing etc.</a>

    Awesome thanks for the feedback all is welcome good or bad. It's one of the best I've played it's a really unique sounding amp in terms of its gain structure and eq controls which all interact with each other so if you turn one it has an effect on the other which sounds frustrating lol but means you can dial in lots of different sounds. I was going to profile the clean channel which is amazing but the valves are on their e way out so it wasn't at its best. I think because the lead channel has a lot of gain it wasn't as noticeable. Any way when my bro gets it revalved I'll profile all three channels. I sold the amp to him when I got the Kemper lol. I also have a Marshall Custom Offset 1Watt I'm going to profile soon.