Posts by jifgriff


    and, if possible, keep it working under XP... lots of people still use it

    Has anyone had the chance to try this in XP yet? I have not had the chance to set up a VM to text yet.


    Does it work with usb or with the midi connections to m-audio?

    Yes, it should. I have it talking to both a FireWire unit and a USB connection via a keyboard with midi on the back.

    Keep the feedback coming! Thanks!

    Thanks everyone for the feedback. For those of you having problems starting the app, can you download the latest version and try again? If you have UAC turned on in windows, and have put the files in the program files(x86) folder, please make sure that you are starting the app in admin mode. By this I mean to left click the icon and start it by selecting run as administrator. If the app still does not launch, or stay open, can you open up the vent viewer and see what errors are being reported for the app? That will help me narrow down what is causing the issue.

    Thanks again everyone,


    The Kemper hardware is so nicely laid out and accessible I have no need for this type of software. But the RM is now a definite necessity.

    Can't disagree with this statement. :) For me, it's more of a matter of not having a convenient place to keep the unit and having something where I can twist the knobs without having to stretch, especially when recording.


    Sounds really nice. I either have to get a Windows machine or Windows emulating software for my Mac.

    Not sure when I'll be able to get to it, but I do plan on porting this to MAC and iOS eventually.

    The app allows you to edit all of the rig parameters on one screen, as well as store and recall presets for just about everything. It's limited to what is available via The KPA MIDI implementation so you can't do things like change cabs or specific amps. Full rigs still need to be managed via the Rig Manager or the unit itself, but if you are like me, and your units sits more than arm's length away when sitting at the recording desk, this comes in quite handy. The app also emulates bi-directional communication so if you make changes from the KPA, the editor is kept in sync.

    For me it has definitely opened up a lot of experimentation with different amps. Having the full amp and cab settings all visible at once I find it very easy to play with things such as high and low shift or sag. I've had great results with this.

    I've updated quite a bit with the Editor that I have been working on. The download link is:…

    Current release notes:

    Keep in mind that this is a pre-beta release and there is much work still to be done. Between my full time job, family and musical endeavours my time to work on this is limited. Still, please feel free to use this app and provide me with any feedback via email at or on the KPA board (user jifgriff.)

    A lot of hard work has gone into this, even at this early stage. I'm giving it away for free and do not expect any form of payment for the software. Having said that, if anyone feels they wish to donate "to the cause" you can make a PayPal donation to my email (

    On with the show:
    The file for the software is currently located here:…
    This software is licensed as Free Software in accordance with the MIT License as follows:
    Copyright (C) 2014 James Griffin

    Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

    The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


    Knob user interface elements are courtesy of the AuSharp.Knob library.

    ** IMPORTANT ** If you are copying newer files over an existing instance of the app, either save or do not overwrite the following files as these contain presets:

    Version 0.1.x Built on 5/26/2014
    Moved MIDI Devices to menu.
    Added save/delete icons.
    Added preset management for just about everything.
    Stability enhancements.

    Knobs are still a little wobly due to delays between setting and getting MIDI data from the KPA

    Fixed a crash that would occur if the midi device was lost wile the app was running.
    Fixed an issue where the frequencies for the GEQ could not be completely seen.
    Fixed an issue where the graphic EQ would not set correctly for presets.

    Version 0.0.3 Built on 5/20/2014
    - Midi Thru will now pass stomp parameters back to a pedalboard if so connected. *** I've tested this with the FCB1010 and Eureka! prom. Can anyone test with an FCB using the UNO4KEMPER or UNO mod chip?
    - Removed defunct sliders for wah, pitch and volume.
    - Moved device selection to a more appropriate place on the window.
    - Removed defunct Get Rig button.
    - Removed noise gate, clean sense and dist sense for now. The KPA does not appear to respond to the documented NRPN messages or sysex commands.
    - Added Tuner button
    - Added Tap Tempo Button
    - Added Beat Scanner Button

    Version 0.0.2 Built on 5/15/2014:

    - The interface is bland and ugly. :) Sorry... I will improve this as time permits
    - Currently this is Windows only. It's been tested under Windows 7 & 8. I'm not sure that it will work with older versions of the OS, but feel free to try.
    - The software requires .Net 4 to be installed in order to run. You can download this here:…s.aspx?id=17851
    - General Usage:
    - I haven't created an install program yet as it is far from complete. Still, you should be able to edit everything that has a midi definition from here. I basically started working on this so that I didn't have to reach over touch the amp as much.
    - To install, unzip the contents of the zip file into a folder and run the file named KPA Editor.exe. To make launching easier, create a shortcur to the file on the desktop.
    - Once open, use the drop down boxes to select the MIDI device that is connected to your KPA. Once set these should be remembered so you don't have to do this every time.
    - If you have a pedalboard you can also use the MIDI Thru drop down to select the input where this is connected so that the program will pass on midi messages to the KPA. RIght now this is only one-way communication to the KPA. This is useful for expression pedals and turning stomps on and off, but the stomp status is not currently ready from the KPA back to the pedalboard.
    - Note that even though the status is not sent back to a connected pedalboard, the interface itself updates the status of the KPA twice a second so that should always be accurate.
    - Once the MIDI options are selected, click the button for Open. This will start the polling process and continually read the current settings of the KPA.
    - After the MIDI options have been set once and the program re-opens, communication should begin automatically.
    - To toggle things on and off, simply press the yellow and grey buttons. If an item is on, the button will be yellow.
    - Changes made in the interface are sent up to the KPA.
    - Changes made in the KAP are read back into the interface.
    - To edit stomps and effects, click on the colored or grey outline surrounding the appropriate button. This will pull the current effect paramters into the middle panel on the interface.
    - There is a working preset system. In the upper right corner of the center panel you will see a drop down with the current presets. These are NOT automatically read FROM the KPA. The presets that are currently there I created by hand based on what was in my KPA when I initially built the software. To select a preset, simply select it from the drop down. To save a preset click the button with the "S" on it. To delete a preset click the button with the "X" on it near the presets. Eventually the letters will be replaced with icons.
    - Only parameters that can be sent via MIDI are included in the editor. Because of this you'll still need to use the KPA for selecting specific cabinets and amps.

    - I know this is buggy as hell. lol. I'm fixing things as I discover them, as as time allows. The day job gets in the way! ;)
    - The buttons at the top for the noise gate, clean and dist sens are not working yet.
    - I don't have an editor for user scales yet. That is on the todo list.
    - You'll also want to continue to use the Rig Manager to select and preview rigs. No real way around this at the moment.
    - The Stomps, Stack and Effects buttons under the specific stomp, amp and effects buttons do not currently work correctly

    - Rig buttons
    - Import and export of presets
    - UI Graphics overhaul
    - Re-order stomps
    - Performance section editor

    Updated to version 0.0.3. Here's a snippet from the release notes with the changes...

    ** IMPORTANT ** If you are copying newer files over an existing instance of the app, either save or do not overwrite the following files as these contain presets:

    Version 0.0.3 Built on 5/18/2014
    - Midi Thru will now pass stomp parameters back to a pedalboard if so connected. *** I've tested this with the FCB1010 and Eureka! prom. Can anyone test with an FCB using the UNO4KEMPER or UNO mod chip?
    - Removed defunct sliders for wah, pitch and volume.
    - Moved device selection to a more appropriate place on the window.
    - Removed defunct Get Rig button.
    - Removed noise gate, clean sense and dist sense for now. The KPA does not appear to respond to the documented NRPN messages or sysex commands.
    - Added Tuner button
    - Added Tap Tempo Button
    - Added Beat Scanner Button

    I've been a long time Toontrack user. I started way back when it was DFH and you had no choice but to render and mix in your DAW. I thought even way back then that their sound libraries were great. When SD2 came out I was blown away. I have a good majority if the expansions, and a handful of specific EZX expansions. I tend to record MIDI drums using a Yamaha DTX kit. The SDX expansions always felt very natural to play as long as the ASIO buffer was set low. I never thought that the EZX packs felt or sounded as natural, which always made perfectly good sense to me. I tended to use the EZX packs more for specific things rather than just "playing the kit" if that makes any sense.

    After watching the videos and whatnot I decided that I would definitely benefit from the new workflow for songwriting. The new version is very reasonably priced so I finally took the plunge tonight. EZ2 is definitely a huge leap forward from the original, just like SD2 was leaps ahead of the original Superior. I am very impressed. The new mix processing and effects are stellar. The kits feel and sound superb. The toolset makes quick writing of drum parts for songwriting a breeze. For kicks I fired up a couple of the old EZX libraries and I am very surprised. They sound and feel so much better with this new engine. Toontrack has outdone themselves yet again.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk