Posts by Netheravon

    Thanks again all for the replies and sorry for not checking in for a little to look at them;) I am definitely in the market for a Kemper having read everything I can about them and all your comments are really helpful!

    Can anyone give me any advice about whether to get the head or rack? I know they are basically the same bar a soft button or two and leds. I'll be using it mainly for rehearsing and gigging with some recording use at home too. Planning on most likely getting a Yamaha dxr10 based on Ingolf's and other great reviews, so will probably be getting the head without a built in amp. Seems to make sense to me to get the rack as if I put it in a 3u rack case (I believe the size requires a 3u) I know it'd be nice and safe, but I prefer the look of the head unit and read that it's just slightly easier to navigate.

    When you play live, which do you use and how do you / where do you place the KPA so it's safe and accessible?

    Thanks all for taking the time to reply to these posts, I have googled and looked on the forum but was hoping for some more replies from people actually using these rather than just opinions :thumbup:

    Thanks everyone for the replies, it's great to see that Kemper also has a very active and helpful community!

    One of my concerns is about the profiles, as if I get one I won't be profiling my own amps. I know there are many available online, but if you want good ones, do you have to pay? I wouldn't want to get the Kemper and feel disappointed in its sound due to bad profiles rather than it being down to the head itself.

    I also only use few effects: compression, wah, overdrives, maybe a little pitch shift or octavia stuff. Have people found the best way to control the Kemper is with the FB1010 and uno chip? I'd be needing a floor unit that can simply change patch and then act like a stomp box for 3, maybe 4 effects too. I have a decent wah pedal and could just get an expression pedal too so was thinking about a relatively simple midi switching unit like a midi moose.

    Fantastic comments from both of you, particularly appreciate the real world example of PBG as it sounds like a very similar situation to mine. Thanks for taking the time out to reply to my questions! PBG, do you still use it with a 2x12 cab rather than a PA frfr style solution? Any other opinions out there?:)

    Hi all

    I've been looking at the Kemper probably combined with a Yamaha dxr10 having read through lots of info on these forums and internet, but like many people I am not close to anywhere where these are sold, so I can't just go out and try them. I love the concept but am just concerned, being a tube amp user, whether these kemper heads and going through PA speakers really does provide as good a sound as a similar priced tube head and cab, eg Suhr, Mesa, or even hand wired Vox and Fender models. I understand in theory the Kemper can do all those and more, but : How good is the Kemper really? And having taken a long time to save up the kind of money involved, would I be disappointed in anyway if I took the plunge on the Kemper. My one other concern is simply financial, if I buy a used good tube head I could probably make my money back on it in a few years, I'm not sure a digital head of any type would maintain its value as well.

    I also understand that the Kemper forum is likely to be biased, but any opinions from actual users of Kemper and some high end tube head/cab combos would be greatly appreciated. I mainly play blues, rock and funk, no real metal and play in two gigging bands. One covers mainly funk / soul songs at functions etc, one is more just for fun and plays original rock material.

    Thanks for any objective input

    All the best :)