Posts by DCDave07

    Buy another effect unit that cost more than a kemper? For what? A preset? Oh and lets not forget a mixer too. BAM!

    Exactly or another 10,000 presents really, Eclipse is endless. Isn't this thread about adding more gear to use with your kemper. Integrating other rack effects is pretty awesome, but sure so is just having the toaster and nothing else. If I add other pedals I'll still need a power supply, cables etc... so why not try some rack stuff out. As great as the kemper is you may be surprised what adding a parallel signal path can do in the studio.

    no extra mixer needed: if you connect the pedalboard to the AUX in, you can mix it in the Kemper

    That is a good idea. I forgot how helpful that can be if you want to mix DNA from different devices parallel with the kemper.

    Unfortunately the AUX in doesn't work with some of my pedals (there's a previous post up about that) so a mixer is needed.

    I'm running the Kemper rack though a parallel signal path with the kemper stereo outputs and either the front-end pedals or direct signal through some other rack gear. With a mixer in my rack setup it sounds lush and large.

    Looking to do something similar with a small pedalboard setup using either the toaster or stage and will need a small mixer.

    I don't want a device that both splits the signal and mixes it. I'm already splitting the signal how I want and just need the mix function. This device looks good, Lehle Parallel SW II or something similar.

    If you're doing this type of setup, what mixer are you using and how is it working out?

    I owned an Axe3 rack and the FM3 versions for a while. Re-sold the axe rack and returned the FM3. I really liked their high distortion type sounds. They felt great but... they all kinda sounded and felt the same to me and their slight break up and crunch sounds didn't do it for me but....

    For my Kemper I was getting some weird fuzziness, don't know how else to describe it, at times. It didn't feel awesome to me for heavy distortion. I thought it might be my mixer or I had phase issues (was running a parallel signal path in my rack going from the Kemper monitor out and sometimes split the direct outs, was trying all kinds of stuff with my routing and external rack gear and pedals for a time).

    At any rate what did it for me was just running some OD and distortion pedals in front of the Kemper. Gave it a feel I liked better, same with compression too BTW. Right now I'm running a Keeley tone workstation in-front of my Kemper and love it. Also an Origin Effects revival drive. I know the Kemper can do great OD, distortion and compression pedal effects too but I really like using those external pedals in front of it. My current goto high gain profile is the free one from Bert Meulendijk called Gainland.

    Some UI improvements that come to mind and would make rig manager much nicer to me include:

    - Allow users a way to minimize or hide the list of profiles when editing so that the top & almost entire screen can be used for editing settings, not just the very bottom (or near the top if you move the splitter now). It looked like this might be what's happening in the instagram post?

    - Allow users to see and edit effect settings even if the effect is currently not set to ON

    - There could be a nicer way to see and edit my saved effect settings and the new provided lists of settings, maybe an Effect Manager view, so I can manage all my saved Wah wah settings, Kemper Fuzz's etc.. as well as quickly see the factory ones.

    - Why do I always have to see the list of thousands of profiles that are on the rig exchange. Most of the time I don't care about those. It looks like that is hidden on the instagram teaser UI?

    - Provide a way to switch seamlessly between these different views (Rig Exchange, My Profiler profiles, My Local Profiles that are on my computer, Edit view, Effect Manager, Performances view). This would really be needed for a tablet UI.

    These suggestions are all based on not trying to show everything on 1 screen all the time the way rig manager currently does.

    I'm looking for ideas on how people use the Dual & Quad Chromatic and Micro Pitch effects for detune settings.

    I've used all three effects with great results. But they all sound different.

    Curious about the concept that was behind creating these effects.

    I don't care about the wireless feature but some posts on social media show what looks like a nicer UI.

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    It would be cool to see the UI in Rig Manager improved for when you are editing profiles. Any news there?

    So the alternative input is high-impedance of course then I probably shouldn't be running any pedals in there.

    I got to speak with Bob at Shin-Ei who makes this vibe pedal. He told me that there can be issues with certain pedals run in front of or after his Vibe 2 pedal, and you just have to experiment.

    Think I'm going to be using the front input on the kemper for all my future pedal action.

    I see some previous related posts but not this specific scenario. Here is some more detail...

    When I use pedals like OD and compression from Keeley, JHS, Origin Effects into the back alt input everything is fine. But when I've added the Shin-ei Vibe 2 (with either of its bypass/pre switch settings) major noise and screeching happens. When I connect this into the front, all of that noise is gone and it's very quiet.

    I've reached out to the pedal manufacturer too. Sounds great now, through the front input, but it is a bit of a mystery why this happens.

    I have been using the alternative input on the back of my kemper rack fine for a long time.

    I run a mix of different external pedals as my front-end, changing them regularly, and have never had any issues with noise until recently.

    I have a couple pedals that when they are in my chain there will always be excessive noise, making them unusable. If I move from the rear alternative input to the front of the kemper, then the problem goes away.

    Anyone experienced this issue or know what the official word on this might be?

    Hey thanks for the response. Yes, 1 channel for the kemper main outs. But also up to 3 other channels that started with the kemper monitor out split going into different effects then into different mixer channels.

    So I can have up to 4 channels for the kemper technically.

    I've been using my profiler with a Behringer RX 1602 mixer for a number of different configurations (spit the kemper monitor out and send to parallel rack and/or pedal effects back into the mixer, then also run the kemper main outs to the mixer etc...).

    Lately I think some type of noise is creeping into this signal. The kemper can sound dull, phasey, just missing some touch sensitivity after I've been play for a while. I thought maybe I was imagining it or it was ear fatigue as when I would come back the next day it would sound fine.

    Now I think it may be the mixer. When I use the headphones out on the kemper I don't seem to have this issue.

    Anyone else running this type of setup and have a similar experience? Is it just time I drop some cash on a better mixer (Ashly etc..)?

    Look for a way to... when I am looking at the effects settings, say for my wah wah, to then scroll the list of all my saved Wah Wah pedals?

    I don't want to scroll the entire list of all of my saved effect pedals, just the effect type I am on at that time. Oh man it would be awesome if I could figure this one out!