Posts by Douzable

    SOLVED - Possibly the import of the delay presets didn't go well. Downgraded the firmware by itself had no resolution, restoring to the same firmware downgrade (also removing the delay presets) corrected it. I was able to re-apply the new firmware and presets and it is functioning as expected.

    Just upgraded the firmware to release 5 (upgraded to 4 a couple of days ago and then saw 5 went GA) and now my lead patches appear to have some scratchy electrical buzzing (similar to a bad cord). Downgraded back to 4 but the same issue exists. Deleted the profiles and brought other copies back in, swapped cables and plugged directly into the profiler and to my Scarlet interface, no change. Wondering if anyone had a similar experience or any tips other than a full wipe of the unit. I plan to test other rigs as well to see if the upgrade process junked them up but would think that deleting and re-importing has me covered there.

    P.S. they are all mBritt profiles so the quality of the profile isn't in question.

    Thanks in advance for any tips.


    I use it live as well and took me about 4 weeks of gigs to really get it dialed in. Recorded a lot and made small tweaks as I went. I also needed to learn what works best in a mix vs. my phones. Went from serviceable to rock star tone every gig. Also much better than the sometimes it's magic and sometimes it's not tube amps.

    Doesn't take long to get it dialed in.

    I myself fought with a bunch of clean tones as they always broke up slightly (could be the guitar PU). Someone suggested turning the amp block off which is really a pretty simple and balanced tone. Throw a comp and some chorus on there and it's a pretty decent baseline.

    Hi Calaban,

    I'm a little different from you as I use IEM's rather than FRFR. Can't speak to the differences in how you approach FRFR. Here are the 3 areas that helped me the most.

    1) Find a couple of profiles that are in the ball park and spend time with the various settings. I do have a few TAF profiles and it just makes sense that you can get a better foundation based on their method vs. some dude putting a 57 in front of their cab although there are also well made user created profiles. I find that you can get similarly voiced profiles to sound essentially the same with the proper tweaking. It certainly takes less time than rolling through tons of profiles (although it is fun).

    2)Wiki has been extremely helpful to me and gives an excellent baseline of knowledge.

    3)Learn about EQ and the guitar frequency range. Makes a huge difference in ending up with a profile that needs little to no tweaking out front at the gig.

    This is just my personal experience, YMMV.

    I've found it extremely difficult to find a profile that doesn't need a complete EQ rework for my guitars and difficult to find gain profiles that aren't flubby in the low end. etc.., etc.... I've found that working with the definition on a profile that needs a little tightening up is an excellent option. It won't do any magic on a really flubby profile but if you're close, it can sure make a difference. Along with the amp section settings, cab changes and settings can also make a big difference in a profile that you may deem unusable.

    This has actually allowed me to go back to profiles that didn't make the cut get them to a state I can work with. Still a newer user so I'm just now getting more comfortable on what my ear thinks an amp should sound like and how that translates to the various components.

    IMO it seems like a second cable buys a lot of flexibility (tuner and status). Playing live, I assume beer will put anything at the front of the stage in the danger zone . In my case, I have the wah stomp set to off in the patch as well as toe=off in the parameter so it can't be engaged by someone else falling on or bumping the pedalboard. Myself, I don't tend to toggle stomps within a patch a lot but it buys me the capability of keeping to a single bank for each guitar and eliminates the need to duplicate patches when I just wand to add a little delay or comp.

    Agree with the other posters. I've been using this live for a number of weeks now and both my sound engineer and I are happy. It takes a bit of tweaking and you really need to understand how guitar fits into a mix eq-wise. I use IEM's which is probably a little different than using a cab live. In my case, I rolled off some low end and gauged what the engineer compensated for out front. It only took a couple of gigs to get to the point of having pretty much no EQ needed for FOH. My tone is easier to hear in my monitors, competes less with other stuff and is pretty much in the ball park for all gig types (indoor, outdoor, large, small). I also now have a benchmark eq-wise for looking at other profiles so if I want some additional variety or my ears wander, the transition is pretty easy.

    It's the closest thing to an easy button you'll find once you're dialed in.

    I use 5 rigs and the upper bank for effects with the Behringer FCB. I will probably settle on a clean amp and variations of one or two dirty amps max. Comp, Dirt, Wah, Detune and Delay is about all I need that I would like to toggle within a particular patch.

    Never felt like I needed to change tones so much that I needed more than 5 rigs but YMMV. Keeping it simple and the sound guy happy.

    Excellent feedback. Most of the time we have a nice EV FOH setup but our sound guy is extremely experienced and can manage any "production provided" scenario as long as we deliver him something consistent. With the in ears, venue size and crowd noise is less a factor and not much different than a live amp (my cab normally faces a wall to minimize stage volume). That being said, I'm mostly trying to send a friendly signal that needs minimal EQ help out front, to taste vs. correction.

    I suspect the answer is the headphones coloring the tone and not having a source to see how it fits in a mix. I most likely need to borrow a FR monitor to simulate FOH and get it in the ball park. I have also noticed the HP and LP filter pieces (I tend to be heavy on the 400HZ myself to get that beef in the headphones).

    Appreciate the responses and perspectives.

    Struggling a little bit to find a good EQ curve for live work. In my situation, I get profiles to sound good in the headphones but through the PA and in ears, the EQ seems funky. I don't tend to get time to tweak profiles at the gig so it's quick trial and error. Profiling a Carol Ann Triptik w/AWS KTS-70 and do mostly mid to higher gain (no metal). Hoping for some EQ tips from those that are using it live so I can send a relatively flat signal and keep my sound guy happy. I know the EQ can be completely different from profile to profile, looking mostly for basic rules of thumb stuff.

    If the FCB is crashing the Kemper you can always try a reset (FCB). Had to do it a couple of times to get the pedals tracking appropriately on mine. I would also say the UNO is well worth the dough. Tuner support and stomp status is huge and the cheat sheet they provide let you program it all in about 2 minutes.

    I have the same issue, IEMs and no cab. I would prefer to not have to haul all the same stuff PLUS the KPA to gigs to get all of the capability I used to have. Thanks for the tip and checking out Jojo's profiles, hopefully there's something there to bridge the gap. I certainly think the addition of a Feedbacker as an effect option in a future release would be cool.