Posts by Behind

    Does your metal tones sound like in this video?

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    You can download these sounds in the link below for reference and compare them with your profiler to see if there's something wrong.

    I hope it helps.

    Maybe, before ranting about a product in that way, you could be humble enough and accept it was your fault taking for granted something that was not stated anywhere. But this is even worst... the fact that the Remote can actually be fitted in the bag just makes this thread even more absurd.

    I'm not insulting your beloved Kemper, and if you didn't like my Marshall it wouldn't bother me. We're not kids in a playground. It was wasted money for me, but not for you. Good for you, I'm happy that others aren't having the same difficulties I am. And I wasn't saying I have better ears than anyone.
    However all that have commented on my clips, apart from Mr Kemper, say the same. Its not sounding good.

    The Kemper may sound exactly like any amp you want for you, for me that hasn't been the case.

    Now, unless some of you are rich you know what being a musician is like. You spend all of your money on music, including money you don't have. When I said I felt ripped off, its because I've spent a lot of money on a piece of gear that isn't delivering. Sorry if my experience is annoying for you. But I do think its insecure to want everyone to love something you love, and get annoyed when they don't.

    You absolutely lost the point of my post. First, I'm just trying to help you. Second, it's not your experience what annoys me but your defeatism attitude. You go all drama saying it was a rip-off before checking all the possibilities.

    I am not defending the Kemper for the sake of it. I'm just saying that you are criticising something that can do exactly the thing you say it doesn't... And I do that to help you and because I know it does.

    Anyway, have you tried to do a DI profile of your Marshall and run it through its poweramp? Have you tried other DIs?

    I've answered this earlier.
    I'm after quality tone. Once again I'll explain. I plug my guitar my Marshall or a friends Messa, Orange, Vox, I get a good quality tone. I plug into my Kemper, I do not. If you look through this thread I've given details on the profiles used, some members have been kind enough to mail me profiles to try. I've gone through all the suggestions listed here and it hasn't made a difference.

    I'm away right now, when I get back I'll try the DI suggestion. But in light I've what I've experienced so far, I think its more probable than not that this isn't going to solve the problem. Mr Kemper has listened to my clips and pretty much said that that is the way a Kemper sounds. I'm inclined to believe him.

    My experience so far has indicated that for £1,400 I've been chronically ripped off. Wish that wasn't the case, but that's where I am today.

    I am sorry but I cannot stand you constantly considering yourself a victim of a rip off when you know you haven't tried all options yet. Your attitude seems more like the one of a person who wants to give bad credit to a product more than the one of a person who needs an actual solution.

    Just take this into consideration:

    - The Kemper Profiler can sound exactly like your beloved Marshall and, virtually, any amp you want. Just make a decent profile and you'll see the results.
    - The profiler is a professional device used by studios, producers and musicians all around the world. They all adore the unit. I doubt you have better ears than them.

    With that said, please be humble and stop saying that you have been ripped off before trying all the possibilities.

    Also, if you are not able to create some DIs, you can use other DIs (internet is full of them) through a public profile so we can do the same and see if your device is wrong.

    Thank you so much guys for the feedback!

    Expertly done!

    This sounds great, and you captured the era. The mood is consistent throughout the piece, and the sections evolve at the appropriate times to provide a Music Supervisor with a variety of choices for editing. You even provided a guitar solo after giving them three and a half minutes. And, you included a solid ending that could be used with any section.

    I hope you and your friend are submitting these kinds of instrumentals to film/TV opportunities :)

    Hey paults thanks! Really appreciate your kind words. :)

    Hi guys! I recorded with my Kemper some guitars for this song of a friend of mine. It is inspired in action movies from 80's and 90's.

    The profile is in Rig Manager: FAS BROWN BRIT. I lowered the gain to hit around 3 and added quite a good amount of verb and delay.

    Let me know what you think! :)

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    Hello guys. I have recently experienced this problem when reamping through SPDIF on my Kemper.

    There is a noise that appears when the Reverb (any of them) is enabled and there is a delay loaded (on or off) in the Delay slot. Here you can listen it:

    It starts fine, but the noise appears after 2 seconds.


    - I tried the analogue outputs: same problem
    - When playing through the front Input, there is no problem at all, just when reamping.

    Strange things I have noticed:

    - It does NOT happen in all profiles but in many of them
    - When the DELAY slot is empty, the noise disappears even if the REVERB is on
    - When navigating through SPDIF Output options (Master Stereo/Mod Stereo...), the noise disappears for 2 seconds and then starts again.

    System info:

    - Soundcard: Focusrite 6i6 (slave)
    - Buffer size: 20 ms
    - Firmware:
    - Windows 8

    Any ideas?