Posts by mr_j

    I used the AKG 271 but got a chance to compare them to Ultrasone Pro 750 and DT 770.

    The clear winner is the Ultrasone Pro 750 (besides the price) - I love to the sound of them - not sure if they are really flat but I love the tone i get.


    Hi Carsten,

    sorry for the late response - currently I have limited Internet access.

    Thanks for the screenshot - I have basically the same settings in mix control - I use the "Zero Latency Tracking" preset.

    I was also able to create the 'cancellation' (as mentioned by HELL-G) by enabling monitoring of the guitar track in my DAW so this is not cause for the difference I hear.

    After adjusting the volume levels of the kemper and the focusrite the difference is not as noticeable as before but the
    focusrite still seems "brighter" to me and I prefer the sound I get via the Kemper (which HELL-G refers to with "punch" I guess).

    I think there is nothing wrong with my setup and the missing punch can be dialed in with the EQ.

    I want to thank all of you for your help and support - I really enjoy the kemper community !!!

    sunny greetings from italy

    Hi all,

    I tried to get the information for the Focusrite 6i6 but I was not able to find anything (…/specifications) but I'm no expert so maybe the information is hidden on the page.
    The Headphones AKG 271 have an impedance of 55 ohms and a sensitivity of 91 db SPL/mW.

    I really like the space parameter and thought it would be automatically enabled for SPDIF (when disabled for Headphones) or is there a setting I miss ?

    thanks for all the help !!!


    Hi HELL-G,

    thanks for the quick response. At the moment I dont use any DAW (Reaper in my case - but when I use Reaper it actually sounds different).
    I'm really new to all the components Kemper,Focusrite and Reaper so it's more then likely that I cause the problem.
    Regarding higher output of the kemper - could that be what i interpret as "thinner" or should it be really the same just not as loud ?


    Hi all,

    I'm currently on vacation and took my kemper with me :)
    I didnt bother to setup my Focusrite 6i6 and laptop (my home setup) and instead directly connected my headphones (AKG 271) directly into the kemper headphone output - and i was blown away by the sound.

    I then setup the my usual setup Guitar -> Kemper -> SPDIF Out -> Focusrite 6i6 SPDIF IN -> Headphones plugged into the Focusrite and the guitar sounds like "far away" (really "thin" - dont know how to describe it better).
    The sample rate of the Focusrite is 44.1 kHz, SPDIF is set as Sync Source, Kemper SPDIF Out is set to Master Stereo.

    I own the MW - RokPak and I love the tones when connected to the Kemper directly but when the signal is routed over the Focusrite it sounds just ok.

    Is there anything I do wrong ? Any help is highly appreciated !


    no it works
    i changed nothing
    can anyone explain what happened

    i just looked at the xml-files which are received from the RigExchange - some attribute names changed (no more "_" in some of them) and now the synching works again (seems strange as underscores seem to be valid in xml attributes - but anyways)- hurray.

    thanks to devs for the quick fix !



    i also have the same problem - RigManager wont update any more.

    I found the DebugLog.txt which provides some information :

    ------------- session start 2014-04-10 12:17:25------------------

    XML parsing error 5: Line 3, Col 148: syntax error in attribute

    0 files in XMLs
    Start downloading 0 rigs from RE
    unspecified RE download error
    DL command returned error 0
    Location vanished: Rig Exchange
    ------------------ closing application -------------------

    Hope that helps the devs.
