Posts by shaunb914

    I am having several issues with the Stage. When trying to audition performances with rig manager (by double clicking a local performance that is stored in rig manager) the effects that were active in the previous performance stay there and the effects and settings for the performance I am trying to audition do not load. Also, I have a toaster that I plan to edit performances with, then run a backup from the toaster and restore that backup to the Stage unit to use live. It is just easier and more convenient to leave the toaster on my desk and edit from it. The problem I am having is when I restore the backup from the toaster to the stage, some of the performances don't have the same effects and settings that I saved to them on the toaster unit. I've tried backing up and restoring several times and this problem continues. It's not every performance. Some of them load correctly, but some of them are missing effects or have different effects and settings. Also, my Stage unit has frozen up several times and I have had to cycle the power on it to get it back working. Anyone know what could be causing any of these issues or has anyone had the same problems as me?

    I was told my replacement was being overnighted Wednesday. It didn't show up on Thursday and I just saw the UPS man drive by my house and he didn't stop so it doesn't look like it's coming today either. I put in another email this morning requesting a tracking number, but haven't heard back yet. I was hoping to put it to use this weekend.....bummer.

    Mine just has lines that scroll up and down the screen with no backlight. In the system menu the remote settings aren't accessible. It acts like it doesn't even have a remote connected. I was hoping to hear from the US rep this morning but still haven't heard from anybody. Anybody else having similar issues?

    After months of waiting I finally received my Profiler Remote today. It worked great straight out of the box. I played with it for a while and was very pleased. I came back later in the day to play some more and after booting up my Kemper the remote just scrolls black lines up and down. It doesn't respond to anything. I've tried everything I know to try and still can't get it to respond. Does anyone know of a way to reset the remote? I can't find any kind of troubleshooting info on it. I really hope after this long wait that I haven't received a defective remote.