Posts by samboratom

    Got my kemper about a year and a half ago and have been quite happy with it. Since I don`t own an amp thats worth profiling, I decided to try the commercial rigs available.
    Got myself many Rigs by the theampfactory and by lots of filtering and tweaking got 4-5 usable sounds, that do well with my Duesenberg Starplayer. I`ve been quite dissapointed because the TAF-Profiles I was most looking forward to (especially the Friedman BE-Profile) sounded extremly bad (way too fizzy).

    Today i tried the Recoding Pack: Rock by soundside and it blew me away. Didn't tweak anything,sound was spot on. Got a great Friedman-Rhythm Tone now, added the mxr crunch stomp thats built in the kemper for my solo tone and couldn't be happier now.
    Thank you so much!!!! I'm really looking forward to try the next Pack and already began to delete nearly anything else from the unit.

    This is not to say, that TAF`s work would be bad, I think that maybe the guitar used to create the profile has a big influence. Of course guitar tone isn`t profiled, but I think the way you set up the amp depends massively on the guitar used. Would be interesting to know, which ones the guys at soundside are using.

    Thank You!!!!!