Posts by aehaem

    Yes, on this site:

    Downloads | Kemper Amps

    you can download

    MIDI Parameter Documentation 8.6

    there you can see everything you can do with MIDI.

    What I was trying to say, is you can control many devices with MIDI Maestro (like e.g. Beatbuddy, Aeros or any other Device with it´s own MIDI implementation) and also with expression attached to the Maestro. Expression attached to the remote will work for the Profiler exclusively.

    The Remote is it own controller-system for Kemper profiler, although it does not exclude Midi control from it.

    This means you can use both, but f.g. expression pedals connected to the remote will work only for the profiler, while connected to the Maestro will work for what you set it up to in the Maestro, including the Kemper...

    When I bought my Toaster in december 2013 I was "afraid" there could have been "better" products out there, any modeller that suits my needs better, that could sound better or more true, the opponents had more fx etc...

    But I loved the sound from it since day one. In the beginning I was missing some FX but I learned from my Profiler more about tube amps, then I ever would have learned about in true Life, since I never would have been able to try so many different ones, and I would hardly ever been able to play those at the volume that they needed.

    The "needs" of FX moved in the background more and more...

    There was a day, I didn´t care if there could be better modellers or even capture- or profilers. I didn´t read any comparisons anymore... I simply LOVE my Kemper, for me it IS the best.

    And C. Kemper prooves year by year that it was my best buy ever and worth every cent of it, in retrospect it was a bargain.

    -Thank you Mr. Kemper-

    Hi Bert ( breu)

    First of all a happy new year.

    Unfortunatey my PC has crashed and I had to renew windows on it. So I lost all my RigManager backups and I have to download all my purchased Rigpacks again, but I didn´t had access to my account, so I purchaised my prfile packs without logging in.

    Is there a way for you to send those packs I purchaised on your site to me again?

    I wrote to Kenneth Daniel Pasque, got his mailadress from the happy kemper skins Facebook page, here`s his answer:

    Hi Dennis, Thanks for reaching out. I'm still making skins no worries. The site really doesn't work these days but you can send me your design to me. I will make you up proofs for each to approve. Must give me the background image, no labels.

    US orders $68/ Outside the US orders $84(shipping is free) Paypal to (using family/friend option helps me ty! & Please include your full shipping address)



    Hi Bert,

    I am just playing with your new JuMP-50 and I came to a strange behaviour with the more to max gain Profiles.

    When I reduce the gain of those profiles on the Profiler and return the gain (on the profiler) to the max again, those profiles are much less gainy then before...

    Is that a bug only on my KPA or do you have the same behaviour. What could be the cause?

    I am so happy, I did not wait to get those account problems sorted out, but bought the Liquid SLO Pack.

    Those Liquids in any case are keepers and at least worth their money.

    I also love the "form Factor" of your Liquid sets, consisting of DI, Raw profiles (with Caps), "Berts Choise" and last but not least even Performances...

    So many choises for everone.

    I also bought the KK set and I must say, your two LQP sets are those I use the most.

    Nice to hear there will come more and I will definitely add them to my collection, particularly with such a generous entry sale.

    Thank you very much!

    Sorry, I just have no idea what you are trying to do, or what wois not working/has worked in the past...

    I also don´t know Logic or the Motu m4, but I worked with Midi a lot, so I try to descripe what you can do...

    First you should set the Motu´s Midi in and out in Logic. Then you should Plug Motu´s Midi In to Profiler´s Midi out and vice versa.

    Then you can make Logic to send out Midi Clock. Make sure it sends out to the Motu Port.

    Since Midi Clock is Omni, the Profiler should receive it and show a little "C" in the right corner...

    On System Settings (in the Profiler) Page 15 (of 18) you can set the Midi Global Channel. On this Channel the Profiler receives all Midi messages and if you check the "UI to Midi" box theProfiler sends CC 47 with value of the given Performance - 1 (since counting in Midi in the profiler goes from 0-127) and the CC of the Slot you have selected (50 - 54) and also SYSEX commands to other performance related settings (this is normaly used to have a second profiler with the same Performances etc. as a backup...)

    If you check the "Pedals to Midi" box, the Profiler sends the Midi CC Values of connected Pedals (like Midi CC 7 of a connected Volume Pedal etc)

    If you check the "Send Midi Clock" box the Profiler sends the Midi Clock out so if you have set Performance/Rig tempo or you are using TapTempo or Beat Scanner of Profiler.

    Then you should make sure, Logic is set to receive Midi Clock (if possible) from the Motu Port...

    On System Settings Page 14 you can also set the Profiler to send Midi Program changes with Slot changes on the Midi Out/Thru Hardware Ports. You can ReName each port choose to send Midi out or passwMidi through. Also you can set the channel for each port.

    If you are in the Performance Main Menu hit Edit (left soft button) Slot Settings (right Soft Button) and Midi Settings Soft Button (left Button) Then you can dial in a Midi ProgramChange for both pORTS HIT mIDI tRANSMIT AND SAVE THE sETTINGS: