Posts by texasflood

    I play the Fuchs amp raised from the floor (on top of the Blueamps 212 FR-A cab actually).
    The sound of the Fuchs is neither boomy nor treblish. It is just awesome.

    I have played it with the Fuchs cab standing on the floor. In this position it is slightly more boomy but nothing compared to the Kemper/Blueamps rig.
    I play with the Fuchs placed on top of the Blueamps cab all the time in order to have more volume at ear level.
    Playing it standing on the flow yields for more volume resulting in aggravation from the other bandmates...:0)

    You're right viabcroce. The room have a huge impact on the sound.
    The studio we rehearse in, is around 100 m2. All walls and the ceiling is covered with egg trays which are quite effective in damping the sound.
    The floor is solid concrete but is covered with a thick carpet. So all in all the room is pretty decent soundwise.
    I have placed the cabinet on top of my Fuchs 2x12 cabinet to minimize the low freqs response.

    I like the sound of the Kemper but the sound is not (yet) as with the sound of my Fuchs amp.
    there is no doubt that it should be capable of competing with the sound of the Fuchs - why should so many artist use it.
    In the following weeks (months) I will try to look for specific parameters which could be the reason for the boominess I am experiencing.
    I might end up with nothing particular to point my fingers at, but I think it is worth a try.

    So please if someone have any advice on specificparameters, profiles that I should attend to, please tell me.

    I really appreciate the replies I have gotten so far.


    chu thank you for your reply.

    I expect that profiles used at home with headphones does not sound the same un-tweaked in the studio on a cabinet.
    But the overall sound of most of the profiles I have, sound boomy and treblish.
    Some of the profiles are from TAF (And44) which are quite popular.
    This is the reason that I am suspicious that I have some settings which must be changed.

    And you're right. Mucking around with the amp (Kemper) really is testing the rest of the band..

    I think I will try another approach to try to solve the issues I have.
    I really like the Kemper, but so far I only have used it with headphones when rehearsing solo. Here it just sounds awesome.

    Two issues is troubling me :
    - I seem to have too little output power when using my Kemper with Blueamps 212.FR-A cabinet.
    - When I play, the sound of the profiles I use, sound boomy and treblish.
    I would think the Blueamps 212 FR-A cabinet is a high-end cabinet. something is wrong when I have any of the above issues.
    Somehow I think the two issues may be caused by the same reason (what ever that is...)

    Therefore could someone please recommend a few profiles that they use which they think sound good on cabinet, without tweaking.?
    It would be really great if there is a fellow 212 FR-A user, whom could recommend a profile which sound good on the 212 FR-A, without tweaking.

    Taking this approach I am trying to filter out the fact that the profiles I am using are not good.

    Really hope someone can help.


    When I made the test last week, I did set both the volumes (within the Output menu) around -20dB to compare the outputs.
    For test 1 I connected the signal to the KPA cabinet, from the Kemper main output.
    For test 2 I connected the signal to the KPA cabinet, from the Kemper monitor output.
    Hearing the output from the two tests, the monitor output was clearly higher that the main output.

    But when we started playing, I gradually had to turn the volume up and ended up having the master output (which is linked to monitor output) to be at 0 dB....

    When I get back home I can list the profiles I was using for the test.


    I was in the studio this weekend trying out the use the monitor output opposed to the main output.
    I used a guitar cable connecting the Kemper to the cabinet (unbalanced).
    And yes the output is higher.
    Allthough I am still not loud enough when our drummer once get started...

    I would think that the KPA solutions FR-A cabinet is capable of delivering enough output wattage,
    so now I must try to locate which parameters within the Kemper have an influence on the output.
    I will try to look at the input sense level.

    Overall I think the profiles I load up sound kind of boomy and treblish. When I hear them through my headphones (Sennheiser PC-160) they sound awesome.
    I found one parameter which really had an influence on the boomy sound. I realized that the "space" parameter was on.
    Setting it to OFF helped quite alot removing this boomy sound, but I am not "there" yet.

    If there are other users, using this cabinet, please tell me which profiles you are using.


    viabcroce - if you read my second reply in this thread, this was initially what I asked about.

    At the Kemper site the specs on the outputs are listed as :Master L and R Outputs:XLR balanced, ¼ inch TS unbalanced with ground lift max. output level: XLR +22dBu, TS +16dBuMonitor Output:¼ inch TS unbalanced with ground lift max. output level: +16dBuDirect Output/Send:¼ inch TS unbalanced with ground lift max. output level: +16dBuI would think this indicates that the output signal level from the master output (XLR) is 6dBu's higher (16dBu to 22dBu), than the monitor output.

    I think that the Kemper specs is indicating that a higher output should be available on the mains output (XLR) than on the monitor output.
    But I got replies from both "guitarrenschlumpf" and Tillman Ritter saying that the output from the monitor output is higher.
    I will bring my Kemper to the rehearsal later today and try it out. I will then reply with my results.

    I didn't had the chance to try the use of the monitor output last week, but I am going to try it out this week for sure.

    I got a reply from Tilman Ritter from Ritter Amplification (the designer of the amplifier in the 212 FR-A cabinet).
    He replied (as Guitarrenschlumpf) that I should use the monitor out, as this have a higher output.
    The monitor output is unbalanced and have a 6 dB higher signal than the main output which is a balanced output.

    Tilman also replied that the Ritter amp within the 212 FR-A cabinet should deliver its nominal
    wattage of 300 watt at an input signal of 1V RMS input signal.
    In addition to this he underlined that it is very hard to measure an RMS from a guitar.
    I guess this must be done using a tonegenerator as signal source for the Kemper, in order to have a steady signal

    I will follow up on the test I do later this week


    Hello Gitarrenschlumpf.

    Thank you for your reply, although it still puzzles me.

    At the Kemper site the specs on the outputs are listed as :
    Master L and R Outputs:XLR balanced, ¼ inch TS unbalanced with ground lift max. output level: XLR +22dBu, TS +16dBu
    Monitor Output:¼ inch TS unbalanced with ground lift max. output level: +16dBu
    Direct Output/Send:¼ inch TS unbalanced with ground lift max. output level: +16dBu

    I would think this indicates that the output signal level from the master output (XLR) is 6dBu's higher (16dBu to 22dBu), than the monitor output.
    But I will offcourse try using the monitor output later this week as you suggested.
    I will reply after testing.

    Thank you anyway.

    Hello fellow Kemperians.

    I am using my Kemper with a KPA solutions "Blueamps 212 FR-A "cabinet.
    The amp within this cab is listed as a 300 watt amp.

    When I play I tend to lack some output despite the fact that this cabinet should be quite loud as it is.
    The Kemper is connected to the 212-FR-A cab from the Mains left output (XLR to jack).
    I haven't tried connecting the 212 FR-A cab from the monitor output on the Kemper.

    I compare to my Fuchs Overdrive Supreme 50 which I use with the original cabinet loaded with 2 x 12 Eminence Speakers.
    When I play the Fuchs stack, I can easily (volume at 10 o'clock) go higher that the output from the 212 FR-A cabinet.

    I know that there are quite a lot of parameters which will affect the output level going out of the Kemper.
    Would it be possible to measure the signal (RMS) in order to check for correct signal level.?

    Hope someone can help.

    Best regards

    This is really nice playin'.
    I am a Fuchs (and Kemper) player myself so what can I say.
    It is a wonderful amp.

    I have plans to profile my own Fuchs amp in this spring.
    My Fuchs is an Overdrive Supreme 50 SLX into a Fuchs 2x12 cabinet (I think loaded with Eminence Redcoat speakers)
    Not sure which Fuchs model Paco's profile is based on.

    Problem solved.. :0)

    As I have just bought my Focusrite Scarlett 18i6 I am new in using the Focusrite Mix Control software.
    I did have the Kemper setup as it should from the start, but somehow I missed setting up the internal routing of the signals going to the headphone out within the Mix Control software.
    It now works like a charm and I have a nice sound with a very authentic "in the room" effect (space) now, also when using the S/PDIF from the Kemper.

    A little info regarding the "space" effect :
    I like this effect but I found that you do not have to enable this effect by adding it to the x-slot.
    It will be added to the Master Out and S/PDIF out when you untick the "Headphone space" option located just above the "Space" dial in the "Output" parameter group.
    This way the space effect does not have to occupy a slot.

    Thanks to all of you who replied to my question. This is a great forum and the Kemper unit is a world class product.


    I am having peculiar issue regarding the "feeling" of the sound.
    I mostly use my toaster with headphones (Sennheiser PC150) for practice.
    After the "space" effect landed I really started loving the "in the room feeling" that this parameter added.
    Now I have gotten a Focusrite Scarlett 18i6 DAW.

    My problem is that I can not get the same "feeling" of the sound using the Focusrite DAW as when I connect directly to the headphone out on the Kemper.
    I have tried to set up the rig with the "space" effect in the X-slot and dialed in the same amount as I use within the output parameter "Headphone Space" (6.7)
    I then did three comparisons :

    No headphone space (value = 0)
    Space effect added in the X-slot (enabled) and value = 6,7
    Sound going from Kemper to Focusrite via S/PDIF.
    Headphones connected to the headphone out on the Focusrite DAW.

    No headphone space (value = 0)
    Space effect added in the X-slot (enabled) and value = 6,7
    Sound going from Kemper (Master Output) to Focusrite (Line input 1) using one stereo jack lead.
    Headphones connected to the headphone out on the Focusrite DAW.

    Headphone space enabled (value = 6,7)
    Space effect disabled in the X-slot
    Sound going from Kemper headphone out to headphones.

    In test3 I have this nice and clear sound with the "feeling" of the "in the room sound".
    In test1 and test2 I do not have the same feeling of the "in the room sound" as in test3.
    The "space" effect is somehow lost or supressed of some reason. But it is added as pressing the X-slot out I can hear it dissapear.

    At one time it strucked me that the reason for the difference in sound could be that was hearing the sound in test3 in stereo and in mono in test1 and test2.
    But if this was the case I would belive that test1 would have been as test3 as I would think that the S/PDIF is always in stereo.
    Btw I have used te same rig in all three tests.

    Does someone have a clue why I cant get the same"in the room sound" using my Focusrite DAW ?
