Posts by Mx

    Hang in there!
    There's been some great advice already,
    Here's my two cents:

    Headphones or not - All in all i tried almost 2000 profiles (stock ones, rig exchange mostly, some made by friends of mine, some taf, mbritt and guidorist bought profiles), I only liked 5-7% of them. And i regularly use about 10 of them (my absolute favorites).
    I'm not only picky about sound, but also about the feel & response of my guitar amps (or profiles).
    It was a lot of work to try out all this stuff but it paid off big time! I never had a better sound before, no matter what situation. I also use DXR10s on stage and at rehearsals , and no one ever missed my old tube amps.

    The sound in your head is there, you just need to chase it!

    I got my remote a week ago. I'm impressed with the features and the build quality and do not think that it's overpriced for 450 euros, if you don't need a classic midi controller for other gear. I just hope it will be as reliable and sturdy as it seems now in the long term.
    As far as i know, there are no cheaper alternatives with comparable quality and features. I own a behringer FCB with U4K chip, and while it's absolutely ok, it's not in the same league as the remote.
    Of course, if you're overseas (or not in the EU), import taxes and fees are a b*tch. It's the same the other way round. I got serious GAS for a Kiesel Vader, but it's just to expensive to import it from the states for me.

    Slightly dissappointed, because I just got my remote, as well as two exp pedals and i'm looking forward to the morphing feature (a lot!).

    Plan to use it in my basic bank of rigs:
    1. Completely clean->Crunch
    2. Transparent heavy rhythm -> raunchy, fuzzy rhythm
    3. Lead sound -> Wall of delay for swell chords

    Can't wait!

    From my experience I can absolutely recommend getting used to mic'd amp sounds and using good iem or frfr wedges with the kemper.
    It took me a while to get used to it and to find profiles that sound AND feel good, in other words have a decent amount of "life". I also have to take my monitoring with me everywhere I go to play live (at least one dxr10), because on some other wedges or rehearsal space PAs the feel is way off. (Decent studio monitors are mostly good to play over, no matter which ones imo)

    Since I arrived at that point, I've been really really happy. Absolutely consistent, great sound. For me, the rest of the band, the foh guy. and the audience (plus recording engineers, producers etc.)
    This works for all the different types of amps out there. I play Rock/Pop/Heavy gigs, Jazz gigs and Bass gigs with that setup, it sounds fine everytime. I know you're not after such diversity at the moment, but who knows what the future brings? Going this way, you have all of these options at the flick of a switch.
    Also, it's a very compact, lightweight setup.

    Another advantage for me is, that my two DXR10 wedges can also be used as a pretty strong little PA, when needed.

    I never liked the other approaches like Kemper plus Power Amp/Cab, they don't seem practical to me.
    If I had only one band with one type of sound, prefered the sound of an actual tube amp through guitar cabs by far, and didn't mind the weight and size of the setup - Just playing a tube amp wouldn't be the worst idea. ;)

    Though I got to say, the Kemper with two DXR10 wedges and the right profiles kicks some serious ass, no doubt about that!

    I sometime use 2 KPAs simultanously at bigger shows (dual amp setup), and i'm using a FCB with Uno4Kemper chip to control both.
    Midi cables from the FCB to KPA Nr 1 and back, as well as a patch cable from KPA1 Midi Through to KPA2 Midi in. This works flawlessly, including switching on stomps, volume pedal and tap tempo.
    I was reading up on the Remote because i wanted to upgrade, and have been told, that i could only use it with KPA1 and use a Midi patch to switch rigs on KPA2.
    Maybe there's a way to implement a function to put KPA2 in a slave mode via Midi, sending tap tempo (midi clock?), pedal use etc. over too. That would be great and very appreciated (by me at least)

    Since I only use one kemper for most of the gigs anyway, i still ordered a remote, and will just keep the FCB for the dual KPA Setup, but obviously it would be preferrable to use the remote in this case too.

    Hm. He contradicts himself quite constantly. He's right about the total douchebaggery of ordering amps and returning them shamelessly after profiling, but that's about it.

    I'm a guy in my twenties, about 50/50 guitar teacher and pro musician, and i'm happy to have a Kemper BECAUSE of the collapsed music industry. I play guitar in a lot of contexts from jazz to metal as well as some bass and vocal work, and i honestly couldn't afford to buy all the amps that i'd need to do this in the quality that the Kemper offers.

    It's not an overestimation that average studio or live wages for musicians have been several times higher in the past. How should i be able to afford the real deals, especially if i have to stay flexible in terms of sound, genre, and instrument?
    Also, everything has to work instantly and quickly today. If I get a call to record guitars for a song of some other artist in the studio, the producers usually expect me to go there and nail all the guitar tracks in under an hour, sound selection and creative input inclusive. I can do this with the Kemper.
    Good luck if you take real amps along. Getting the mic placement right alone might take you quite a while.
    I could also do this at my place/studio with a (i guess about 30000-50000 Euro) monster guitar rig as this guy has, but of couse I can't afford it, because I have only just learned my first chords back when the music industry was still in a better shape.

    So, I for one am grateful, because the Kemper is a piece of gear that helps me to survive financially as a musician.
    The amp designers of the world are facing tough times, as is the music instruments industry as a whole, and the music industry itself. It's all connected obviously.

    It might be a result of illegal downloading, spotify etc., but how should that have been stopped? It's just progress. The internet was unavoidable, and we're only at the beginning of the "digital" age.
    Things come and go. Making a large amount of money in music without being a superstar is a thing that came and went.

    Of course there are people who will steal stuff like movies and music if it's easy, and they can't feel the consequences immediately. I'm afraid that most people out there aren't willing to think more than one step ahead, when it comes to things like this. That doesn't mean that all of them are a**holes.

    Musicians as well as (amp) companies just have to adept, there's no way around that, and bitching about the situation hasn't really helped anyone so far. A lot of people have tried it without success. Constructive thinking would be far better.

    Thanks for your replies!
    Good to know that a midi connection between the KPAs works to switch the profiles on the second kemper.

    BUT - What about tap tempo (very important for me) and volume/exp pedal stuff? Can that stuff be sent via Midi by the Kemper?

    Edit: Stomps and Delay On/Off just came to my mind too

    Hello everybody,

    I sometimes borrow a second KPA for bigger shows to do a dual-amp setup, using a Uno4Kemper FCB as a midi controller connected to the first KPA, and a midi patch cable from the first KPA's Midi through port to the seconds' Midi in.
    This worked quite flawlessly so far.

    I want to upgrade to the Kemper Remote, but I'm not sure if and how i could use one to control such a dual KPA setup.
    Has anyone of you done this?

    I couldn't find clear information on this subject yet, so i'd be glad if you could help me.

    He's using U4K, so he can't change how the button is set up.

    However, I've got the second-newest version of the chip and tap tempo was working fine the last time I checked. I'll try to give it a go when I get home today.

    Yep, that's the problem. Nobody else seems to experience this, though, maybe I overlooked something? A setting? I'm clueless. And this is important, I got to play several shows in the next weeks. Only option I see at the moment is downgrading to an earlier Firmware.

    EDIT: One more detail: I'm using Browse-Mode. Performance mode is buggy for me with the U4K board (the board get's "stuck" regularly)

    Hi everybody,

    I just updated my Kemper to firmware 2.3.3., now the tap button on the FCB just turns the beat detection on and off.
    I bought the FCB plus Uno4Kemper used and don't know which chip version i've got.

    I read that the problem should be fixed with 2.3.2. and onwards - not in my case unfortunatly.

    What can I do? I just want to tap in my delays as I could before.

    I borrowed a Kemper Lunchbox about 2 weeks ago. On the second day I knew i had to get one for myself. :)
    I'm about to finish my jazz/pop guitar studies in june, beside that I'm also part of several rock/metal bands, an upcoming mainstream cover band and an acoustic folk duo.
    So I play almost every genre from jazz to low tuned metal with vastly different guitars - ranging from a jazzbox to a 8-string Ibanez.
    With the Kemper (and a lot of time to find some good profiles that i like) i'm now able to have a great sound for everything in one box.

    I just got my rackmount version two days ago, i already got it set up in a nice rack with a few remains of my pedalboard (a Fulltone OCD in the Loop, an Eventide Timefactor after the KPA and a Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 2+ - This way i only need one current plug). Here's a pic featuring one of my favourite "workhorse" guitars, a Squier CV Tele:

    [Blocked Image:]

    I learned a lot in this forum those first two weeks, so thank you all! :)

    PS: I still got some problems with the Uno4Kemper and MIDI switching of the whole rig, please head over to the troubleshooting forum if you can help.

    Hello everybody,

    I need some help with the Midi Switching of my new KPA Rack Unit and a Eventide Timefactor. I want to control the Kemper in the normal Uno4kemper way + transmit Tap Tempo and switching presets on the Timefactor - In Performance Mode.

    Here's the layout of my Midi Connections:

    U4K Midi Out - Kemper Midi In
    Kemper Midi Out - U4K Midi In
    Kemper Midi Thru - TF Midi In

    This works great in Browse Mode, but i can't get everything to work in Performance Mode, which i would prefer to use live.

    I did some research, and it appears that the U4K FCB switches the rig slots in performance mode with a combination of PC and CC that the Timefactor doesn't understand. When i use the Midi Learn nothing happens when i press the switches 1 to 5. Only switching Performances sends a signal that is the TF understands.

    So i tried some other things:

    For example:

    U4K Midi Out - Kemper Midi In
    Kemper Midi Out - TF Midi In
    TF Midi Thru - U4K Midi In

    This is the only way the preset switching on the TF works in performance mode - Seems that the Kemper sends out a PC control on the way back to the U4K. But the Tap Tempo doesn't work, because the U4Ks Tap Switch isn't directly connected with the TF, and the Kemper is (afaik) not able to send out Tap Tempo or Midi Clock on it's own.

    For the sake of random trial and error I also tried this connection layout, which also works in Browse, but not in Performance mode.

    U4K Midi Out - TF Midi In
    TF Midi Thru - Kemper Midi In
    Kemper Midi Out - U4K Midi In.

    Did I miss/overlook something, or is there really no way to get this working in Performance Mode due to the limitations of the KPA? ?(

    Thanks for your help in advance!