Posts by Vich

    I'm currently living in Thailand and always struggled with downloading stuff from kemper website, the speed is abysmal and the download is often interrupted, as of now I'm trying to download Rig Manager for second day without a success, tried with different browsers with Free Download Manager as well without much luck, does anyone else has this problem?
    could anyone re upload rig manager 1.3.1 to google drive or dropbox or whatever cloud service is more convenient and share the link with me ?
    There you go guys! next geneneration is coming...


    We are currently preparing major innovations of the Profile format, which we are planning to release with firmware 3.0 officially. However these new features are already included – but hidden – in firmware 2.8.0. Technically Interested users are invited to check out these innovations and provide feedback before official release.

    The main benefits of this new format are perfect separation between Amplifier and Cabinet Profiles, the ability to handle so-called "Direct Amp Profiles" (those created without a cabinet) in an accurate fashion, and the opportunity to merge such Direct Amp Profiles with cabinets either copied from any usual Studio Profile or with Cabinet Presets generated from impulse responses via CabMaker (v. 2.0).

    Resulting so-called "Merged Profiles" behave authentically, regardless whether the cabinet simulation is switched on or off. Practically you could simultaneously use the Studio Profile for FOH and the Direct Amp Profile for your guitar speaker cabinet on stage.

    Please find detailed information related to these new profiling features and links to experimantal firmware in the attached document:…s and Merged Profiles.pdf

    Caution: Profiles created leveraging this new Profiling format are not downward compatible and may not be shared with un-informed users. Don’t offer these commercially before official release. The new Profiles could generate noise or other trouble if used with elder firmware revisions. Consequently Rig Exchange doesn’t accept their upload for the time being.

    Wow what a difference, sounds like some of the profiles leveled up from Great "Profile" of Glory to Epic "Profile" of Awesomeness and a bit of Stereo Widening FX to get full body orgasm
    Don't know what it does but it does it well. Can't wait for Mr Kemper and the team to officially release this feature .

    Correct me if it is possible or was mentioned/requested earlier.
    Today I was on a quest to find Hi gain profile and after playing and tweaking some of them I remembered the experience that I had with my trusty Boss Gt 10 and some fantastic features that it had.
    In a nut shell you can program one of the buttons to make multiple changes within a patch. For instance I want my gain reduced from 8 to 4, at the same time increasing delay and turning on tremolo, I could make all this changes in a push of a single button , wouldn't it be great to have something similar for performance mode, that would save a lot of tap dancing and knob tweaking. One can argue that you can achieve all that setting up different patches, however there is a latency between patch changing and it becomes clunky.

    The whole FREE SOFTWARE concept is based upon capturing (stealing / borrowing ) the CODE of the CODE creators of which spent thousands of dollars producing , FREE SOFTWARE does not produce original CODE to start with , that is the foundation of FREE SOFTWARE and FREE SOFTWARE community , if you sell the CODE that you have done you are stealing from the original author of the CODE ... You can not build business model upon this , the best way that comes to mind is donations , 'like what I do? Support me !'

    See what I did there? I guess the free software thing isn't capable of generating commercial income? I guess Apple is the world's largest theif.

    Correct! theft in digital world is a very blurry concept, and partly because of so called "theft" technology is moving forward in incredible pace.

    The whole kemper concept is based upon capturing (stealing / borrowing ) the tone of the amp creators of which spent thousands of dollars making it , kemper does not produce original sound to start with , that is the foundation of kemper and kemper community , if you sell the profiles that you have done you are stealing from the original author of the amp ... You can not build business model upon this , the best way that comes to mind is donations , 'like what I do? Support me !'

    Me! In Bangkok.

    Nice to hear. Are you interested in a little knowledge exchange? I am in Phuket, but occasionally I am in Bangkok. Just 2 weeks ago I checked out the music stores in China Town. Nobody knew about the KPA.
    Maybe we get together via email?

    Best regards!

    we got official dealer in Bangkok now, had to wait 2 month for KPA to come and the shop assistant said that they are going quite fast as that is not the first lot they have ordered :)

    I used to feel the same way (back in my Axe Fx days). Didn't care for the high end/high mids with the SM57 when I was playing solo (practicing, etc.). But, I realized that IRs/profiles done with a SM57 just fit in the mix perfectly when recording. Eventually, my ears adjusted and I accepted it. Now, most of the profiles I use have a SM57 involved though I do sometimes back off the treble and/or presence when playing solo.

    That is the thing, I mostly practice or playing solo, when it comes to recording I would have to EQ the profile or find the new one that will sit in the mix perfectly. But just to the naked ear it is not the distorted sound (trebly, fizzy) I love .
    As I mentioned before I used POD and GT 8, GT 10 which is in completely different league , Kemper is the real deal so now when I look at the Profiling tags I have to pay close attention to what amp/cab/mic I like as it will most likely sound very similar in real life how knows maybe that is going to be my next purchase :rolleyes: .

    Well both is true. The amp has an influence on the cab and vice versa.
    Just use what sounds good.
    Concerning the SM 57: they're a kind of industry recording standard for a reason.
    On their own they may sound a bit too focused, but in a mix an SM 57 helps to a great extent that a guitar finds its firm place in the mix.
    You may want to take this into consideration before you completely dislike/disregard them.

    Not that I completely disregard it, generally it doesn't sound pleasant to my ears, however like someone here suggested it might be better to try to EQ profile while using backing with drums and bass to know how this or that profile going to sound in the mix.

    This is a tough one. Again as already stated numerous times, the SM57 is the industry standard, and for a very good reason. I am very much in the boat/of the opinion that, if you can't get the sound right with one 57, YOU are doing it wrong. Any pro engineer will probably tell you the countless hours they have spent trying to capture an amp in just the right away, micing an amp for hours: There really is no substitute for this. Also, alot of engineers will tell you that if it doesn't sound right, MOVE THE MIC! I also believe most people don't mic an amp properly when using 2 or more mics: Sure it can be done, but you REALLY gotta know what you are doing to do it right I think. If a guy puts up a profile and said he used 4 mics, there is a good chance that A: I will hate it, and B: It will sound completely wrong. You have to think about what your approach is with the Kemper. Some of the more popular commercial profile guys have stated that they do not like the sound of a micd guitar amp, and don't really strive to capture that sound....I will completely stay away from his profiles after hearing this because I am VERY interested in capturing the sound of a recorded amp to throw in a mix, NOT the "room" sound. What the hell good does the "room" sound do for anyone in any situation anyway other than your moms basement? Another topic for a different time, but I digress...

    Yes there are many more expensive mics that offer different sounds, but the midrange and push of the sm57 in a mix is hard to beat, for good reason While I definitely don't think you should go with the adage "well this guy said its good, so it must be" almost 99 percent of the time, but this is one of the those times, that it really is true, as proven on thousands upon thousands of records/songs. Furthermore, you are also right: Just because someone micd an amp with a 57, does NOT mean it's going to be good by ANY means either as well. Also on that point, you will start to learn what cabs you like and definitely don't like.

    I agree with you here, the profiles that I went through did not have much of the variety in terms of Mic's positioning but at the same time it might be the sound of the cab, as with kemper we have pretty much unlimited options it is quite hard to find a pattern of what you like by toying around with it for few days, I guess time will tell

    First of all welcome to the forum! And as till already said you should try different cabs. Usually you´ll be able to get a much warmer and less boxy (especially in the mids) sound. However if that doesn´t help you might could also try dialing back the presence and treble a tiny bit or just EQ out some of the high frequencies you don´t like!

    Thanks, proud to be a member of ever growing community of glorious Kemperia.
    Presence and trebles don't really cut it , i guess i will have to find suitable cabs first , don't want to resort to EQ's unless necessary