Posts by Bikedude

    I found out that I could only complete the ordering process when I used Paypal. I couldn't with just my CC. Finally got my KR last week, but now I'm having trouble installing 3.2 OS. Why is this always so difficult?

    Can someone please explain to me the correct ordering process for a KR from the Kemper store? I'm getting no help from customer service from my initial order in Jan., Now I can't pay for this $600 KR because the site is messed up like it was in the beginning?

    Danke, for any suggestions

    Placed order for Remote on Jan 21st, paid on May 12th, arrived at my door on June 1st.
    Only had a few minutes with it, but happy thus far :)

    Ordered early Jan., initial offering, they lost my order, still can't order because site sucks, still waiting for resolution!

    I'm am at the point of selling my KPA Rack and starting over with something else. I placed my order initially in Jan. Its a fact that the site was messed up from the beginning. I inquired about when I would get my KR about 4 weeks ago, and was assured by Marc that all is good. Well now they have no record of my order! Now I've waited since Jan. already, and don't want to wait another 3 months. Marc assured me that if I placed another order now, he could get me a KR in a week or so! Ok, fine. Well I've tried to order 7 different times in the last 24 hr., and after I enter my CC info, I get bumped to the secure order page, and it's always BLANK! Then I wait, nothing happens, I go back, and voila, no order, nothing in cart, and I have to go thru the whole maddening process over again. I'm really a wits end with this, I have $600, want the product, and can't even get the freakin order in. I've never had trouble like this with any product in the last ten years of buying junk on the internet.

    extremely pissed

    What is the current wait time for a remote. I initially thought I was signed up on the wait list, and was assured that "all was good" by the Kemper team. Now when I check my order status, it shows no order. I realize how screwed up the site was at first, and thought I worked around their problems, and was told my CC would be billed upon shipment. Well I've been waiting since when they first started shipping thinking from what I was told by Kemper, I would get KR sometime in May. My latest inquiries have gone unanswered! Soooo, if I have to start over again, are they shipping now? Have they caught up with the demand yet.? If not, I don't think I want to wait another 3 months, since I should probably have one by now.

    I've been a loyal user since 3/14 on at least 2 gigs per week, and I'm getting tired of the quirky FCB uno4kemper chip. Can anyone shed some light on my dilemma? I'm kind of ticked, and may go in another direction.

    thanks in advance for any replies. \m/

    Sorry I should have posted in KRemote section


    What is the current wait time for a remote. I initially thought I was signed up on the wait list, and was assured that "all was good" by the Kemper team. Now when I check my order status, it shows no order. I realize how screwed up the site was at first, and thought I worked around their problems, and was told my CC would be billed upon shipment. Well I've been waiting since when they first started shipping thinking from what I was told by Kemper, I would get KR sometime in May. My latest inquiries have gone unanswered! Soooo, if I have to start over again, are they shipping now? Have they caught up with the demand yet.? If not, I don't think I want to wait another 3 months, since I should probably have one by now.

    I've been a loyal user since 3/14 on at least 2 gigs per week, and I'm getting tired of the quirky FCB uno4kemper chip. Can anyone shed some light on my dilemma? I'm kind of ticked, and may go in another direction.

    thanks in advance for any replies. \m/

    Can't tell you my settings, but I took my 96 HRDeVille 4x10 out last week. I had the clean channel on about 7 vol. and quite frankly couldn't tell you my tone stack. I usually just dial it in to the room after a few songs. I put it up for sale 2 days later. I can get my Fender tone from my KPA with the factory clean tones. My Mesa MarkV Combo is going on sale next. Happy profiling.

    Thanks people, I'm looking forward to the new rig manager. I'm going to try a new stick tonite, man I've got $25 tied up in Flash Drives, at least if I can format one, ill have a backup for any prob. On a gig.

    Thanks, and I know I'm frustrated. I've downloaded both manuals, and really there isn't much info about this, which I think should be explained better by CK. when I bought the "stick" all they had were 8GB units, so I got that one, reading on this forum that 1GB's were sufficient . I think I got the KPA to format, but I get no reaction on the Windows 7 OS puter. I don't have another puter to try so I'm stuck with the one I have.

    I'm not really very good at working with files and such, and when you add in the lack of instruction by Kemper, then mayBe you can sympathize with my frustrations. I've been reading both manuals for the better part of a week before I had the KPA. The only fault I find with Kemper, is the lack of info on this issue, I don't blame them for fault sticks or computers.

    So I guess I'm off to the store for some 1GB sticks, so I can try to work thru this glitch. Other than this crap, I'm enjoying the sounds, I just want to get this up and running by next week, so I can take it live.

    Thanks for the help.

    So I put drive in hit soft key 3 do what I think is formatting, then put drive into computer, and I get nothing. What really pisses me off, is I've downloaded to freaking 100 page manuals, and have a hard copy, and not one dam walk thru for formatting, flash drives, size to use, steps, nothing. I was pretty excited when I got this thing, but I'm not getting much help, and I need to read info and instructions, and Kemper doesn't include this process in the manuals.

    I'm about ready to package it up and send it back!

    While I'm here ranting, now I can't register for the owners forum. Since I registered here before I got my KPA, when I put in the "goofy" serial "letters" red comes up saying there is already Bikedude registered. I , as someone else mentioned don't feel I should have to change my user name. What to do, and I emailed CK for answers.