Posts by fizzoftheburn

    I have two racks and a toaster. And definitely prefer the rack unit. For single day stuff, I cart it in a Odyssey BR308 rack bag. I swear this rack bag was designed for the KPA rack. Its the perfect depth (kpa doesn't stick out, and there's isn't an excess of rack) and has a shoulder strap. The front lid/flap zips open and perfectly lays folded over on top of the rack, and the back lid/flap zips open and lays down. It makes it truly convenient for traveling with the KPA. Oh! And its carry-on size for fly dates.

    The axe fx manual explains it a lot more thoroughly. I would seriously love this feature in my KPA's

    With this feature, “links” keep designated blocks in your presets synchronized to their global “masters,” which are
    stored in a separate and independent memory area of the Axe-Fx II. Changes saved to a Global Block cause linked
    blocks to update when the presets that contain them are recalled. Links to Global Blocks remain in place until you
    manually remove them—even if you make and save other changes to the block or the preset!

    This enables you to create a favorite sound setting and use it to create one or more global blocks. When you load
    these into multiple presets, each with other different effects, mix levels, routing—whatever suits your needs—they
    are automatically “linked” back to the original global entries. Now, as favorite (global) sound settings evolve (as we
    all know these things tend to do...) you no longer need to update all of the individual presets that rely on them.
    You just save your tweaks into the Global Blocks, and the latest and greatest settings are automatically applied to
    linked blocks as normal presets are recalled.

    Any block instance (except Tone Match, but including the Input/Noise Gate) can link to a global block, with 10
    global memories for each of them. Should you choose to REMOVE a link between a block and its global
    counterpart, this leaves both the normal and the global blocks fully intact and able to be edited independently of
    one another again.

    The AxeFx implements this in a great way. They use the term "Global" to describe it. So if you make changes to whatever element in your rig (Phaser, Compressor, Cab, Amp, Delay, Reverb, Etc, Etc). And that element is saved to the "Global" section. It will effect rig that has those elements set to Global, and you can instantly recall and load Global setting in new rigs as well. This is pretty great when you have a lot of redundant rigs that would need quick editing.

    For consistency I'd go for the 2nd Kemper. Consistency of behaviour, "sound", levels and editing.

    I'd then arrange my presets so that each MIDI programme change number called up a pair of complimentary rigs. That is to say that, for example, MIDI programme change number 04 calls up rig 04 in both units, but the rigs are a complimentary pair, not the same one. Obvious, really, but it might help someone.

    As for needing a tube amp, you already effectively have one... and potentially another... lucky bastard.

    That's exactly what I just did last week. Two kempers into a stereo tube power amp out to two cabs on opposite sides of the stage. The 2nd kemper has a constant 100% wet/0% feedback/25ms delay turned on to create a sort second guitar player effect. Every patch has complimentary tones. For heavy stuff its a hot rodded 800 & a crunchy plexi. Clean patches are a pristine baseman, and a slightly pushed AC30. I definitely please with this setup.

    This is strange I've spoted a lead going in to the side of the cab where the handle is what the hell is this for, never seen that before

    The cab input is routed to the handle on the side of the cab. Very useful trick when guitar players like knocking over their cabs on to their back and standing on them. Speaker lead doesn't snap off, and the input isn't damaged. MB's (or techs) have been doing this for years.

    "Gone through" how? I've used mine for an hour or two, just about every day for over a year with no trouble.

    I wish I knew buddy. Its the oddest thing. I've always had terrible luck with EH gear... And Line 6 gear now that I think of it. But I love the form factor and convenience of the 44 Magnum. I just wish they were a bit more reliable for me.

    Glad to hear you're rocking them without any issues.

    I really doubt that would be necessary.
    The rest of your midi gear will have to be in line after the KPA. Using standard 4 pin midi cables.
    The axe fx II and their matching midi controller use to use ethercon as well (their controller had the option for midi outs and ins though). I don't think any of their users had any issues controlling other midi gear.

    Is that a trim pot on the right side of the photo? Does anyone think this will be tied to the looper function everyone is expecting? Like maybe there's a guitar input on this controller that will add some looper functionality to the KPA thats not possible with the existing hardware. I'm just spitballing of course. Lets discuss.

    I know that the monitor output (signal with the cab) is mono. But would you send the mono signal out to a stereo tube power amp and then on to two mono 4x12's.

    Is it as simple a 1/4" Y cable out of the KPA. Or is the solution to run the mono signal into a A/B/Y box to the stereo ins of my power amp.

    Or maybe there are other options I'm unaware of.

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