Posts by Jaybee

    In case it helps anyone update failed via Rig Manager 3.4.51 (Win 11) when it was offered. Got to 36% updated then stuck and crapped out with a window saying contact Kemper. My rack unit just hung on the big green screen that says 'KEMPER PROFILER' until I removed power from it and it rebooted.

    Tried again and it hung at exactly the same point (36%) so I downloaded the update from the website onto a USB stick and offered it to the Rack direct and this time it went in first time OK. :thumbup:

    Just leaving this here as a solution as I've never had this happen before through all the software upgrades beta and full release over the years since we've had the ability to do them via Rig Manager.

    If the amp settings aren't known, then applying the tonestack won't be any more 'real' than the generic stack. Just different - and not accurate.

    Pretty much the same goes for stacks not currently available.

    I'm of the opinion that if the Profile sounds good and the data doesn't exist to convert it, I'm not chasing that particular ghost. For all I know, I'll end up with the exact same sound....but the amp controls will behave 'correctly'.......if I ever move them. :)

    You know, I think that's probably the sane thing to do. Else we're all just going to be chasing our own tails and there's so much else I could be wasting my limited time on :)

    I think over time we'll see more Tone Stacks get added into Profiler OS releases and more of our old favourites will re-emerge as re-profiled Liquid Profiles.

    does Mbritt provide the exat settings used when profiling? that seems to be needed in order to convert to a liquid profile.

    Some of the PDFs with the profile packs go into some detail and some don't say anything. Where it says 'Plexi voicing' I'm OK but if it's anything Fender I've no idea which one of the many Tone Stacks to choose. I think some of the boutique amps like the Dumbles are actually hybrid Fender/Marshall type circuits so none that are currently available might apply.

    Hoping that Kemper eventually might get around to modelling these for us.

    Just updated to the latest release OS 10 and have been getting to grips with some of the new Liquid profiles and loving the flexibility it brings. Another wonderful update for my 10 year-old rack unit. Thank you Kemper!

    I would like to apply some of the newly available Tone Stacks to my old favourite profiles from MBritt etc. My problem is, I'd like to get as much accuracy as possible and I don't know which one to apply? I've searched around the forum wondering if there is some sort of reference table(?) available to show which Tone Stack might be the closest (so far) for a certain type of amp that isn't a direct match? I can't find one.

    Of course this isn't a problem if the Tone Stack matches the Amp name precisely, but I've got a bunch of regularly used profiles: Dumble ODS, Colonial, Morgan, 3P CSR, Jim Kelley etc and although I could guess I'd prefer to get it right (or as right as we can get at this present time). e.g. there's so many Fender Tone Stacks I wouldn't know where to start for the Jim Kelley... How is everyone dealing with this? Just using your ears? Guessing? Waiting until your favourites are re-issued in LP form?

    Exciting times.

    Bryan Daste  GearJocke

    **Solved** -

    An update on this 'boominess' issue for anyone Googling. I've been experiencing it on and off for the past year. Tweaking profiles, reinstalling soundcard drivers etc etc. Sometimes it sounded great, some days I sat down to practice it just sounded bad no matter how many restarts of the PC/card/Kemper I did. Clean amps would sound like they were clipping, but I am coming in via SPDIF and nothing was indicating red clipping anywhere.

    At the weekend the soundcard died. My 1st Gen Focusrite 6i6 refused to be discovered. Tried everything, new leads, drivers again, PSU, tried on a laptop, nothing would bring it back to life. It gets use every single day so I found a new 2nd Generation 6i6 at the Focusrite store (good price too....£127). This arrived yesterday.

    OMG! What a complete difference. It's like I have 3D sound now. The Kemper sounds rich and full, not flabby, the cleans are sparkling without any distortion/booming/clipping. The whole experience sounds like I've upgraded my speakers too. I guess the old soundcard was on it's way out but slowly over a period of time. I'll know what to listen/watch out for now. The 2nd Gen 6i6 has new Focusrite Control s/w that wasn't applicable to my 1st Gen. Installed like a dream (and I'm still on Win7 for my audio PC). The hardware failure was obviously the issue, absolutely *nothing to do with the Kemper* whatsoever.

    I am so glad I have finally got to the bottom of this I was starting to doubt my own ears.... :)


    I'll stick with my kemper and keep it safe in a rack, loving the build in amp, loving it to only have a cat5 cable running to the remote. I hate having powercables in the front, speakercables going to the backline , guitar plugged in in the front...

    Exactly where I'm coming from too. I love my Kemper Rack. Live, it sits behind or beside me, off the floor, safe, mounted away from harm. Cables run from it's rear to FoH, power amp, cab etc. out of the way. In the studio it sits at eye level, I can tweak it easily by hand.

    I don't understand the love for stage floor units like the QC. Look at the miles of spaghetti spewing out the back of it. Think about a typical live setup on a small venue stage shared by a couple of bands. 2 x XLR to FoH then two jacks running cables backstage to an amp and into an FRFR or a mixer for in-ears!! Then there's a 12v adapter (wall wart in the US) to contend with.

    The QC reviews have been interesting. Paul Davids exposed the current GUI flaws but it's at v1.0 and it'll mature but unlikely to change it's form factor. In the studio (or studio bedroom) it has to be on a low desk with it's myriad of cables running out the back so you can use the touchscreen. Tom Quayle had it upright on a music stand. Other guys used a low footstool... This is not ideal especially in a small room full of other gear.

    It sounds good, that's undeniable but after 8 years of general tech progress it's not sounding markedly 'better' than my Michael Britt profiles through the Kemper just different. Certainly nothing you'd hear in a gig environment (remember those..!) and who doesn't EQ/compress etc recorded guitar tones in a mix?

    I was initially curious as to what the QC would offer then realised the practicalities. Unknowns are whether Neural aim to do an 'Apple' and give a couple of years worth of firmware updates followed by the 'need' to buy newer hardware (i.e. QC2) to get further improvements? Not saying they will but who knows? Fractal seem to churn out new improved AxeFX hardware units at regular intervals which keeps the upgrade path expensive. Meanwhile I've had 8 years of fun with my 2013 Kemper, the best piece of musical/audio gear I've ever invested in, and it's improved immeasurably from v1.0 and it's all been completely $free. Is it perfect? What is?

    What I have enjoyed seeing from the QC release is the addition of a large touchscreen, that has bags of potential. Also, I 'd love to look at (for example) a Compressor pedal/unit in the Kemper and see 'regular controls' like 'Threshold/Attack/Release/Make Up Gain' or choose Opto/1176/VCA styles etc as that's how my brain works etc.

    Overall, for me, on form-factor alone a 'Kemper2' unit in a 3U rack with a 7" touchscreen or similar at the centre would be ace.

    We're lucky to be around while this stuff is being developed. More competition drives more progress. Long may it last.

    Doesn't solve the problem, that a saved preset is just a KD and you can not see what "pedal" it is.

    It would be nice to be able to see a unique name (even if only in Rig Manager). I've been playing with the Drive all weekend and it's a great addition but I have to keep writing memos to myself to remember what's what! Might have started as a 'Klon' and I backed off the drive a hair but I only see the name "Kemper Drive" in the Rig Manager Stomp block, not "Klon" or "Klon-" or whatever I'd like to call it if I'm staying 'true' to those settings.

    Also (and I haven't seen much discussion about this) there's always stacking pedal settings to create even more variations. Think 'Wampler Dual Fusion', the ability to run a vintage OD into a hotter OD or vice-versa. This would be much easier to remember what I'd done and to experiment if I wasn't looking at two blocks both called "Kemper Drive". At least the OCD comes up as OCD.... I'd definitely like to see the ability to "name the stomp" in RM if it's possible.

    I've had my KPA Rack since 2013. Best bit of kit I've ever bought that wasn't a guitar. It goes into a Focusrite 6i6 via SPDIF using top quality cables at 48khz and into Reaper. I play predominantly on a clean tone with some compression and have a range of profiles to choose from but tend to gravitate to M.Britt profiles of Fender Deluxe amps or Dumbles etc. What I'm about to explain affects all profiles when it appears, regardless of maker from Fenders to Marshalls and beyond. It affects all guitars from my PRS to a Strat, I've changed leads, updated soundcard drivers etc, all to no avail. It's intermittent, I can go for days without hearing it.... and they are the worst! I don't use pedals, just the KPA FX (normally the Compressor, some EQ, Reverb and Delay only).

    About 6 months ago (perhaps longer) I would sit down (same room, same position) to do some practice and immediately know the sound was "off". It was (and here's my take on what I'm hearing) about 30-50% more boomy, thick, too loud (like the profile or FX was being applied twice). Almost muffled like you'd backed the tone pot off 25% or carved off the reverb top end at 5k. No "sparkle". These are subtle changes from normal though, which makes it hard to pin down, but just "wrong". I could go days without this happening then boom, I'd start a new session to practice some and there it was. I thought it must be me, my ears, the air pressure or something else? Was the door open, was the blind in the room shut? None of these things made a difference when I really started to troubleshoot to remove variables.

    Yesterday, I sat down to get some practice in and it sounded as above. The previous day it had sounded so sweet. Same guitar, same profile, same lead, but yesterday it sounded awful. I rebooted the PC, the Focusrite and the KPA. Same thing, still sounded too thick and muddy but if I could only have one word it would be "boomy". The low E and A string was just flabby. This is a predominantly clean sound too, with a bit of compression.

    In frustration I rebooted the KPA yet again and hey presto! Everything sounded sweet, tight bottom end, sparkly top none of that over thickness of before. So I am guessing that sometimes my KPA is booting into a mode that perhaps applies incorrect values? Or double applies FX? or something. I don't know, it's really been doing this on and off for probably a year. Six months ago it got more frequent and I stopped thinking it was me just having a bad day and that it must be something else.

    I did a factory (hold the soft button) reset about three months ago but that didn't change the ability of this random change to appear. I also update to the latest release firmware when it's available via the Editor/RM.

    Grateful for any pointers!

    This is exactly the same behaviour in the STOMPS section.

    I'm trying to save a 'board' of FX I can easily recall and apply to similar rigs. But there's no REPLACE so if I tweak one of my 'board' pedals parameters to try something new and try to re-save the new 'board' of FX in the STOMPS section it creates yet another preset with EXACTLY the same name and I have no idea which is which.

    It's driving me crazy. It's hard enough trying to do this stuff inside a 5" b&w window without a software editor (will we ever get one?) but to not have a simple (overwrite Y/N?) window is a big oversight in day to day use IMHO.

    Please sort this!!

    You're contradicting yourself, I'm saying, its off, this need to be fixed.

    No, I'm not 'contradicting myself'. That would be if I said it *didn't* need to be fixed. I agree in my reply that it does, we'd all like it to be perfect, it's a machine and there's no reason for it not to work at precisely 440hz (or whatever we're setting it to) :thumbup:

    What I'm also saying is that if it's 0.3hz off then it's hardly a showstopper because that sort of tolerance is inaudible to the human ear, especially in a live situation and even more with a guitar, an instrument without tempered frets. I'd bet my lunch on the vast majority of your fretted positions being way more than 1 cent (1 cent = 0.3hz) sharp or flat when you play them ;)

    Agreed, if it's off it needs to be fixed but are we really saying that a 0.3 hertz is audible to either the player or a live audience? Unless you're using a guitar with true-temperament frets then you're going to lose more than 0.3 hertz on any fretted position anyway. Plus in a live situation you'll likely fret harder.

    Are people coming up to you and saying "Wow man great solo on 'XYZ' but I thought that last majestic Eb was 0.3 hertz sharp....??

    In the meantime just add some vibrato.... ;)

    A have several Michael Britt packs, and while all of them are excellent, the new 3rd Power CSR and Sweet Sixteen pack are especially good with humbuckers. I haven't tried them on my Strat or Tele, yet, but they both sound great on my guitars with humbuckers. The 69 Marshall and 65 Ace 30 are get a lot of use.

    I've been sat here all afternoon with Michael's new 3rd-Power CSR set and my Strat (V60LPs) grinning like mad. Oh my word, these profiles are just amazing across the board. Haven't even picked up a humbucker guitar yet, I'm loving the single coil vibes so much. Crazy cleans to crazy gain but all with so much clarity and 'weight'. Out of the park stuff from Michael and of course Jamie for designing such a great amp! Just superb. :thumbup:

    I've been using my Kemper with a Scarlett 6i6 for a few years now without issues.

    It certainly pops and crackles on S/PDIF *IF* you do not set the Scarlett Mix control software to 'Sync Source: S/PDIF'. Be aware that it's default state is 'Internal'. On 'Internal' it will pop and crackle.

    I normally work in this order:

    1. Boot up the Kemper fully
    2. Set Mix Control software to S/PDIF
    3. All done.

    Have attached a screengrab of Scarlett Mix Control running under S/PDIF