Posts by Chilipepper


    It seems I have the same or a similar problem.
    I am controlling the Kemper Stage through midi out of my DAW.

    As midi can be a real bitch, I'm not really sure if the problem is caused by the Kemper software, but still.

    The KS freezes when manipulating the program changes in Cubase.

    For the moment I can't even shutdown and restart it in a normal way, so I had to shut down the power.

    I have the most recent firmware ( installed.

    Any ideas?


    With the latest firmware version I experience some trouble when browsing rigs.

    Although the browser is set for favorites only, I also get the other rigs.

    After manipulating the sorting options a few times, I obtain the correct filter results.



    My rig is setup with two Kempers and one remote with two pedals connected (one for volume, one for morph/wah).

    Also there's an RJM effect Gizmo inbetween for activation of external effects.

    Until now I was able to switch performances and slots and controlling volume and wah on the two units simultaniously, while activating external effects with certain slots.

    I don't know exactly what happened, but since updating to the latest OS, the wah and volume on the slave unit no longer react to the pedals.

    Switching and Morphing however still work.

    To avoid any confusion, I eliminated the RJM and connected both Kempers directly midi-in/midi-out.

    Global midi-channel = omni on both units

    UI to midi on master-kemper

    Pedals to midi on master-kemper

    System setting (master Kemper): Midi device A = Kemper slave on midi channel 1 through Midi-Port "Out".

    Could it be there's something wrong with the latest OS-update?

    Hi, Burkhard.
    Thank you for trying to solve this.

    The G-System needs a MSB before the PC to know what bank it has to send the PC to.
    i.e. the same PC's are used in the 3 banks so it can not differentiate.

    If you send no MSB, PC's are sent to bank 0 which contains the factory presets.

    Hi, Burkhard
    I use a double setup.

    My guitar signal is split towards the Kemper and towards a Marshall tube amp.
    The problem I encounter is that I also have a G-System in the effects-loop of the Marshall and the G-System needs a MSB message if I want to control it with the Kemper remote.

    I use the remote in performance mode and for each slot I also have to change presets on the G-System, otherwise I have to manipulate both floorboards for each song.
    I can make it work in the opposite direction but I would prefer to have the Kemper remote control everything. Doing so, I can eliminate the G-System floorboard in my live rig.

    That would be a totally different approach since you bypass your tube amp's pre-amp in that case.

    That is, unless you go directly to the instrument input on your tube amp, but then your modulation effects will not be post-preamp.
    So, I myself would still be putting the Kemper in the effects-loop of the tube amp (post-amp effects), while sending the pre-amp effects of the KPA directly in the input of your tube amp (as described by Paults earlier on).

    I did not try this myself because it reduces the KPA to an ordinary multi-effect processor, which it is not, but it seems a fun experiment nevertheless.

    Midi automation of Performances in Cubase 7:

    having finally resolved my own problems with automating my performances from within Cubase, I'm happy to share the procedure I followed.
    Most probably there are other ways, but anyway this one works for me.

    (click on pics to see whole picture)

    create a new midi device or select yours if already present in the dropdown list (menu - midi device manager)
    select the individual channels you're gonna use and name your device
    select your midi-out port for the device
    save it

    select your device from the list and open it
    from the command select box (enable edit) create a new bank (which I named "Performances")
    select your bank and choose the command "new preset" or "multiple presets" if you want to assign all 128 programs at once.

    in the screen on the right under "midi message name" choose "program change" and type in the value
    (read Robrecht's info above for details on performances and the corresponding program change value)
    If making preset by preset you manually have to insert each program change for each performance preset
    If choosing "multiple presets" Cubase will create 128 presets (or a lesser number if you select a range) with ascending program change value (as I did)
    So the first preset would be Performance 1 - Slot 1 with midi PC 0
    The second would be Performance 1 - Slot 2 with midi PC 1
    ... and so on
    Now you can save your configuration and probably it's a good idea to export the setup (xml)

    Create a midi track
    In the inspector these are my settings:
    output = your midi out connected to your KPA
    midi channel = the channel you have in your KPA system settings (maybe "omni" will do also, but I am on channel 1)
    in the selection field "program" you can select a preset (a performance in this case) from your newly created midi device

    Finally you can start automating the midi track by double clicking in the track space
    This will open the key editor
    At the bottom left you will see a selection field (dropdown) in which you can choose a parameter for the controller lane (most likely "volume" or "velocity" is active)
    From the dropdown list change the parameter to "program change"

    So now you should be able to draw your program changes in the midi track
    Now activate read enabled for your midi track and you should be all set

    next episode

    Tried a couple of tips but without any succes.

    Then I tried to manipulate the KPA from my desktop computer on which I have Cubase 4 Essential installed.

    Although I had to set up 3 midi-tracks for performing 3 different slot changes, it works perfectly
    So I figured maybe I could try this on the DAW.
    No result.

    Then I exported the Cubase 4 project (desktop - windows Vista) and imported it in Cubase 7 (DAW - windows 7).
    No result eather.

    Here's a pic of the settings in Cubase 4:

    You see 3 midi tracks, conveniantly named CC50, CC51 and CC54.
    In the Cubase Inspector you can directly set a bank and program number for the midi track.
    As you can see the bank for midi track CC50 is 0 and the program = 6, meaning I am in performance 2.
    The slots are then switched by means of the automation track within each midi track.
    Probably there are other ways, but this works like a charm in Cubase 4.

    So, why not in Cubase 7 ?

    pfft, now I'm totally lost. I don't even get the slightest reaction from the KPA.

    So, here's what I tried:

    disconnected the midi in from my audio interface (only midi out from Motu to the KPA).
    Inserted a midi-track with output to the Motu interface.
    Channel= omni (midi channel on KPA = 1)

    Next I opened an automation track for cc50 - cc51 - cc52 - cc53 and cc54 (so I have 5 different automation lanes in my midi track)
    I made a curve as described by Robrecht above.

    I can see the values for the cc's changing and there's midi activity on the midi track, but nothing happens in the KPA.

    Also, I should mention that, for changing performances, which is in fact a program change, I have no clue where to do this in cubase.
    I guess I must have been lucky the first time when I managed to trigger a performance change.

    I guess I will have to start all over and check the cubase manual again for new leads.

    Just hope nothing happened with the settings of the KPA in the process.
    I find it really weird that all of a sudden KPA is not responding any longer.

    yeah, I also read Robrecht's topic but I guess it's just a minor thing that I must be overlooking.

    I will follow your steps, Lightspeeder.
    I think I'm just complicating things. I have my KPA connected to a Motu Hybrid 828 MKIII interface (Midi in & midi out) which in turn is connected with USB to my DAW.

    First thing I notice is that you put your output channel on "omni". I had it set on 1 which is the global setting of my KPA.Next thing I did was making a midi device in cubase (which represents the KPA).Then I created a midi track with Motu as its "midi in" channel and KPA-device as the "midi output".

    From there on it gets blur. I tried making performance switches by choosing a program change. For the slots I used the appropriate "CC's". I tried it by creating the midi controls in the KPA-device and then choosing them in the automation tracks as well as by choosing them directly in the automation tracks in cubase. In the best case I could trigger a few slot switches.

    As a matter of fact, where do you put the midi commands? And do you need to create an external device at all?