Posts by guitarors

    When selected my loop (in delay slot) OFF, i hear the volume decrease and then about 5 secs later it comes back. It just started doing it with the latest software update to 5.2

    What am I missing? I have the FX loop volume set to 6.0 (highest range) so it didn't decrease when activating my loop.


    I'm on the latest firmware. I have the mono-loop in the Delay slot so it runs after my delay signal. (Delay in the MOD slot).

    If I turn off the Loop slot, I lose a portion of the volume and about 5 seconds later, it comes back to full volume. I can even hear it change through a speaker while not playing. It's only a change from when I updated the firmware and I'm shifting where I put the loop in the effects chain.

    What am I missing?



    Here is my basic equipment I'm using and I've hit a brick wall with how to connect...

    Kemper Amp
    GCX audio switcher - used in the FX mono loop of the kemper (other pedal effects)
    Infinity Looper.

    Here's is what I'm trying to do.. I'm trying to run my looper to create extra parts when playing live. I have used the looper in the KPA effects loop (mod or X slot). I use the delay on the KPA for some things and realized that if I do, it then delays the loop signal which I don't want. I want to have the looper signal after the delay slot on the Kemper.

    I tried connecting the main output of the KPA to the looper and then the house through a DI box, but it sounded compressed, distortion wasn't the same, and sound levels were way off.
    I tried using the monitor out and alternative input, I could hear the loop (quietly) but had a moderately loud squeal sound as well.

    My sound guy would prefer to have the looped signal either with my guitar signal (currently sending in stereo L/R out the main outputs), or sent such that the looper can have it's own L/R send path even if it's both mono. I don't understand the sound board so can't help with that.

    Also, I need to update to the latest KPA software so currently I can only have delay in the "delay slot" if that changed.

    What should I do?

    Should I ditch using the delay on the kemper and find an alternative (run it pre-looper in my GCX) and not use the post effects of the KPA?
    Can I use the monitor output such that it will sound correctly?
    Better way to connect the looper to the house system?

    Sorry for the rant, hope it makes sense.

    chantsboy7, i'm trying to run a stereo delay in the fx loop of the kemper. I didn't want to run it as a mono loop in the mod section. I also wanted a loop of pedals in front of the amp which are all mono pedals.

    I'm sure there are other ways to do it, but I think I'm leaning toward doing a smaller 4 loop Voodoo labs pedal switcher for the pedals in front of the amp, then run the GCX racked for my stereo delay and other stereo fx in the kemper fx loop. That'll be the least amount of cabling.

    I'm not worried about size/weight as it'll fit in my car fine and no airline trips. I liked the GCX since I can run some boxes in front of the amp and my delay type effects in the fx loop in stereo. I added an Pigtronix Infinity Looper which I wanted at my feet as well as one other pedal at my feet.

    I just really want to cut down on cable distances to and from the rig or pedal (send/returns). I basically will have two pedal boards.

    One has the GCP and expression pedals.. The other will have the other stomp boxes and the loop switcher.

    I'm using my Kemper with Voodoo GCP and looking to add a loop switcher to add a few pedals. I wanted to run it in the stereo loop in the Mod slot. I currently have a rack mount kemper and have a free spot in the rack.

    I'm looking at adding a Voodoo GCX or the Boss ES-8.

    Anyone comment on how to run cables to the GCX? I've heard some are mounting it underneath their pedal board? I didn't want it to be a cabling nightmare. My rack unit is about 10' away on stage and I can't put the pedals in the rack (I need them at my feet).

    Sweetwater was steering me in the ES-8 direction but I haven't heard anyone else using it.

    I eventually want to add a wireless setup too but not sure how that would run either with the cabling.

    Thanks for the comments. Pros Cons etc.

    I'm running the Kemper for about 5 months now and wanted to try to use my TC G-major for some effects/presets from what I was using prior to the Kemper purchase.

    When I'm comparing effects, I'm hearing more static noise when using the Loop in the stomp box versus without.

    For instance... let's take the delay setting only. I have the delay set through the Kemper... sounds good, no noise. Switch that off and turn on the "loop stereo" in Stomp D.

    It's now a touch quieter, less distortion, and I have this static that I hear. Whenever the note is repeated, I get static and the note. In-between delay beats.. no static.

    Any thoughts? I've switched cables, ground lift switches, messed with the input/output levels, tried Loop Mono,


    I've had the Equator D8's for about a week now and so far really like them. Plenty loud! Good bass response as well. I don't have a lot to compare it to, but they are really good, crisp, accurate sounding speakers IMHO. I think they are worth every penny.