Posts by ROOG

    I've been looking up the Youtube vids for Kemper and found many people demoing the hi gain sounds, do people consider it worth while for clean Jazz stuff?

    Don't get me wrong, I like options that the Kemper offers, (I already have a couple of modellers), but I spend a great deal of my time using clean sounds, am I doing the right thing?

    Hi KoMa, thanks for the advice, I agree it would be a pointless saving going for a cheaper power stage and monitors having chosen the Kemper.

    BTW: I do apologise to everyone as I have just spotted the links at the bottom of the page which clearly show previous answers to my questions, Duh!

    They are however very helpful.

    Gone to see who sells what and where.

    Hi Viabcroce, I take your point, I wouldn’t pick a traditional guitar amp or speaker from the spec sheet.

    I could probably manage to find $1000 or £630 for amp and cab, what did you have in mind?

    Is stereo particularly important when using a Kemper? I don’t have a stereo guitar set up at the moment, unless you count the Yamaha THR! :0)

    Thank you for your replies chaps, to be quite honest, when I buy cheaper I always regret it and end up buying twice.

    When looking for monitors, are there any specific performance parameters to be considered?

    I've only just got used to the idea of guitar speakers!

    Thank you both,

    So from what you are suggesting I don't need huge speakers then? I am a bit limited for space.

    I am interested that active monitors might be the order of the day, why is that please?

    I was thinking of a Behringer studio amp with passive speakers, do you think that I would be making too much of a compromise if I go a bit more down market? I have to admit, the Mackie and Adam monitors seem like respected products.


    Hi, I'm totally new to this form, but having used a couple of modellers I am seriously thinking of going down the Kemper route.

    I'd like to set up a home amp solution but not having any PA equipment I was wondering if you had any advice on a simple stereo set up?

    I note that some people here use full range speakers with PA type power amps and other seem keen on guitar cabs.

    I would appreciate your thoughts.

    Ah, just one other thing, I know nothing about PA type systems!
