Posts by AHChris

    the other option would be a symolic link, or better to say a directory junction. this way you can have the folder somewhere else but to get that, you really should know what you're doing - it is stuff most of us won't touch. you will find more info if you search for a command line called "mklink".

    best, gs


    I use symbolic links all the time for Dropbox. For example for my Pro Tools templates, preferences and presets.

    I'm on a Mac so the approach is a different one and I can't help the OP here.

    Hi AHChris,

    to downgrade the firmware is an easy thing: just copy the kaos-file of the 2.2.1 firmware release to your USB stick (to folder "OS update") and than put it into its dedicated slot. Your KPA will show you, that there is an update available ... and so on. Here this procedure didn't change anything. I think it's a driver problem, like I did show you in my last post .

    with kind regards, Torsten

    Yeah I tried it yesterday... sadly no change.

    I guess we have to wait for a bugfix :(

    Eagerly awaiting the Mac version    ;)  :P

    AND Not run on the computer, No USB
    stuff ( unless it's only for power Because I have a soundcard installed already and need something
    to simply accept a SPDIF, output to my speakers through 1/4 jacks And also have an S/PDIF to output
    to the device Im already using for my headphones ).

    So you don't want to be able to record what you are playing?

    You should really think into getting a complete external interface that replaces your sound card. Otherwise it will get a bit complicated and maybe expensive.

    Hello, I installed the rig manager in my pc (windows vista) regularly but I have an error (code 37 - Impossible to initialize the unit) during the installation of the driver. Tried uninstall/reinstall several times but the result is alway the same. Somebody has any idea on how to solve the problem? Thank You !!

    Yep I'm having the same problem... Couldn't find any solution for it so far :( I'm on Windows 7 (in VirtualBox on a Mac Pro)

    Thank you again! The driver should be installed in the main installation of RM?! But it seems there went something wrong with it. I tried to uninstall the driver in the hardwaremanager and than to install a new driver out of the driver folder in the Kemper Amps folder.
    [Blocked Image:]

    After that the following message appeared:
    [Blocked Image:]

    I tried another method to reinstall the driver direct out of the subfolder with a right-klick on the kemper.inf-file and "install", but another negative message poped up:
    [Blocked Image:]

    So are there any other ways to get the Kemper profiler driver installed in the right way?

    Thank you again! Kind regards, Torsten

    This is exactly my problem!

    Uninstalled and reinstalled everything at least 10 times... no luck :(

    Has anyone any idea what's new about that?

    Great news! Looking forward to Rig Manager. I assume this is equivalent to a librarian?

    I'm also assumimg that Kemper starts with a windows based application for the simple reason that there are more PC's than macs?? (Flame suit on)

    Actually I think there are probably more Macs than PCs in use when it comes to music production...

    But it doesn't matter... a simultaneous release would have been nice in any case ;)

    I'm also a Mac user... It's a bit lame that we have to wait, but the rig manager looks totally awesome :) Looking forward to it.

    I don't get the headphone space and reamping announcements... The headphone space parameter is already available? And reamping? I reamped dozens of guitar tracks since I got my profiler, so whats new about that?

    I am sorry if this subject has previously been discussed on another thread for I was not able to find any information regarding my issue. I am playing the guitar to Kemper, Kemper S/PDIF out to Fast Track Pro S/PDIF In, Fast Track into Logic 9. I also have to use this Fast Track Pro software that enables the inputs 3 and 4 in Logic. This software also switches the format to 44.1 and 16 bit. I have never heard the quality at 48. When I look at the meters, there is a rolloff at 6 k! It sounds great but I feel like there is a major loss in quality and I do not know what the issue is nor have I been able to find any info on the internet.

    I have important jobs coming up and I need this to be full quality... well, because that's why I got the KPA in the first place. If anyone has had experience with this please shine light on the subject for me. Could it be a KPA setting, the Fast Track Pro, the software I am dealing with for the Fast Track Pro?  ?(

    Never heard any quality loss with S/PDIF. It's a digital connection, so there shouldn't be any. It's all just ones and zeroes, so it should be either working or not. The sample rate switch is intentional, as the Kemper only works with 44.1 kHz if you're using S/PDIF.


    I pray S/PDIF clock slaving will be in the next update... S/PDIF reamping is a wonderful thing, and switching the clock master around all the time drives me nuts... It's also a bit ridiculous to set your Kemper as master clock after you spent hundreds or even thousands of bucks for a good clock.