Posts by DFrankJones

    Hi guys, first post for me. I have an issue where some profiles output a higher/lower direct signal.

    I have my outputs set as:

    Main output (DLY/REV Wet)

    Monitor Output (Mod Mono)

    Direct Output (Git Studio)

    When i'm recording into my DAW I always take a DI, the amp tone and then sometimes a separate stereo FX track too.

    My main issue is that I have my preamp set to capture the DI track around -10db but sometimes when scrolling through profiles I find that the DI level has dropped or alternatively if I set it on one of the profiles that has a lower DI output then suddenly it jumps up in volume and is now potentially clipping.

    All on my searching on google and on here hasn't seemed to turn up any history of other users experiencing the same issue so i'm hoping it's something simple and silly that i've missed.

    Any suggestions why this could be happening?

