Posts by perlan77

    So we can feed front of house (or FRFR) at the same time as having a real cab(s) with no cab selected on monitor out. What confuses me is the internal routing in a scenario like that as both the signal with cab and the signal without cab goes through the same post FX (if any selected)

    Does the Kemper create two parallel paths, i.e running two instances of every post FX for the individual paths?

    Or does it simply running one signal through the post FX and as the last step filtering out the cab for monitor out alternatively adding the cab as the last step?


    I'm planning on profiling a friends Fender Super Reverb 68' but wants to double check something.

    The wiring on that model is 4x10 8 ohm speakers all wired in parallel meaning the power amp normally sees only 2 ohm.

    Is it safe to connect the Kemper DI in between the output of the power amp and the speakers or am I at risk of frying something?

    Next question is afaik I won't be able to connect the Kempers built in power amp to the speakers as they're rated at 2 ohm whereas the power amp is rated between 8 and 16 ohm right?

    I suppose one could change the wiring in the cab to series/parallel to make it 8 ohm but then how will the real amp react when it sees 8 ohm instead of normally 2 ohm? I know it's safe to go to a higher resistance but does it affect the sound? Why did they wire the speakers for 2 ohm to begin with?

    My friend has never tried a Kemper so I'm there to show him the digital realm I suppose.

    The idea is he doesn't want to haul the Fender amp around, both for convenience but also to prevent unnecessary damage for an old delicate amp, so a Kemper solution would be ideal

    He's playing small clubs but isn't fond of the sound coming out of a miced up amp through monitors so ideally we'll put a couple of the 10 inch speakers in a cab for monitoring. So the plan is to make a merged profile to feed the cab through monitor out and the PA through main out.

    But before doing the DA we need to verify it's safe to connect the Kemper DI box in between the amp and the cab :)

    I've now made a few Direct Amp profiles, Studio Profiles and Merged ones and found the Studio and Merged profile does not sound the same, very similar but still with a noticeable difference. I suspect that could be due to slightly different results when making the DA and Studio profiles and having refined them both.

    Something that also struck me as odd is after I created a Merged profile I found that de-selecting the Cab block in that profile doesn't sound the same as the DA profile it was based on?! Even though the audio sounds like garbage, i.e no cab present, there's a big difference in the sound, both level and saturation.

    Is that a bug?

    Another feature that would be nice is if the merged profiles upon creation were to be tagged by the KAOS so they could be easily identified in Rig Manager as a Merged Profile. That would be far easier than to trust the masses to stick to any logical name convention


    Do not use an attenuator while profiling, the results will be poor.

    What you need to do is get some kind of decibel pad in the signal chain to lower the signal, rather than attenuate the amp.

    Do you have an audio interface? Route the signal through your computer and just lower the volume of the channel before sending it to the Kemper. This will do the trick.

    One of, if not, the biggest advantages of Kemper as a product is to profile a tube amp running hot pushing a cab speaker into distorsion and yet bring it down to line level for studio work, live application or home use. The sale pitch of the Kemper DI suggests it can handle 500W so the whole thing doesn't make sense IMO. If their own product, the DI, can't handle a high powered tube amp it kind of defeats the whole purpose for what it was designed to do. There shouldn't be any need for any intermediate device controlling the level, if so it should be clearly advertised with something like "please be aware for amps with a high output a decibel pad is needed".

    I still think it should be able to handle the amp and the support team claims they've profiled several other similar amps without issues so a RMA has been issued.

    A new device is on its way so let's see.

    I suggest you contact the Kemper support team.

    I've got a support ticket raised and we've been emailing back and forth a couple of times trouble shooting but so far no luck.

    The support person said they've profiled other similar 100W amps at all gain and master volume stages using Kemper DI with no issues.

    I've checked and replaced all cables, even done a hard system reset but still the same issue.

    One of the amps I've tried doing a DA profile of is a Marshall YJM100 and the only way to profile it was to engage the built in attenuator and bring it down to about 55%, otherwise the Kemper wouldn't have it, but then it doesn't sound the same.

    No issue capturing a normal studio profile with everything cranked

    I suggest you contact the Kemper support team.

    I've got a support ticket raised and we've been emailing back and forth a couple of times trouble shooting but so far no luck.

    The support person said they've profiled other similar 100W amps at all gain and master volume stages using Kemper DI with no issues. I've checked and replaced all cables, even done a hard system reset to rule everything out but still the same issue.

    One of the amps I've tried doing a DA profile of is a Marshall YJM100 and the only way to profile it was to engage the built in attenuator and bring it down to about 55%, otherwise the Kemper wouldn't have it, but then it doesn't sound the same.

    No issue capturing a normal studio profile with everything cranked.

    I just bought a Kemper DI and today I was trying to make a Direct Amp Profile of a 100W marshall head and a 100W EVH5153 both hooked up to a EVH 4x12.

    First I tried the EVH and made the connections exactly as Manual 7.0 "Profiling an Amp 287" and lowered the return level until the output level was green (at -7dB or so)

    When trying to make the Direct Amp profile using the Kemper DI, the profiling process stopped saying something like clipping was experienced and the volume was too high and needed to be reduced. Selecting "no cabinet" made no difference.

    I checked the level at my interface (connected via spdif) and it was through the roof. I had to go down to -30dB at the return level in order to see some dynamic movement instead of all maxed out. It would then create a profile but finish with a message saying something like "a compressor was found in the chain and I should check the accuracy of the profile" (paraphrasing).

    Creating a studio profile with my SM57 worked fine.

    What am I missing here? Is the DI unit faulty?


    I've just got the new Kemper DI and am about to profile my amps..yet again :)

    I've realized I'm a bit confused and got some questions how to make the best Direct Amp (DA) / merged profile

    1st question, a merged and studio profile should theoretically be 100% identical right (assuming you didn't change anything between taking the DA and Studio profile)? Or are they just about the same (again theoretically)?

    2nd question, I've seen some suggests refining is no longer needed as of later OS's, is that the case? The 7.0 manual still suggests to refine it (I'm on OS 6.0) ?

    3rd: Assuming refining is still advisable, I'd like to get both studio and merged profiles which makes me confused how to go about getting an as accurate DA profile as possible. Should I refine both for the DA profile and then again for the studio profile?

    Doesn't refining introduce a level of "subjectiveness" in lack of better words? Say you do two studio profiles of the same setup without refining both should be identical, but if you were to refine both you will probably end up with two slightly different profiles subject to your attack, choice of chords, length of strumming and so on. My understanding of a merged profile is you're doing a DA profile first , then a studio profile. Then the Kemper takes the studio profile and subtracts the DA and voilá, you've got the cab separated. Then combine the DA and the cab makes a merged profile. To make a perfect merged profile you're not suppose to change anything between making the DA profile and studio profile, which makes me confused wether to refine or not. If you do refine both the DA and the studio profile , couldn't that result in two different outcomes later making the merged profile different from the studio?

    Last time I profiled my amps was with the OS version (3.0?) when they introduced merged profile as a feature but I found the studio and merged profiles didn't sound the same (profiled the DA with countryman 85) with the studio profile much more accurate. Can't remember if I refined or not, possibly did.

    Hope my questions makes sense 8o


    My understanding is that Kemper and it’s AD’s was designed around 44khz (but used other frequencies internally) but now it’s able to work with 48/88/96. Is that done natively or a matter of upsampling from 44k?

    Is there any (theoretical) difference in using an old profile made with 44k and then hooked up with spdif in 48k vs making a new profile (assuming identical conditions) in 48k and using spdif 48k?:?:

    Or have I got it wrong and the input AD’s are using something higher (say 192khz or whatever) and the spdif will always be a downsampling case?

    I’m probably missing something obvious but if anyone can enlighten me I’d appreciate it

    And yes, I know this 44/48/88/96 is likely not noticeable even in the best studio environment on the planet and it’s all in the fingers anyway but I’m curious in a strictly technical theoretical aspect of it

    I've used the Kemper for a year or so and am loving it! During my recordings I've recorded the main stereo out as well as GIT+STACK through S/PDIF and I've used Focusrite Scarlett 6i6. So in essence, that's 4 tracks simultaneously recorded containing the full stack with FX through the main stereo out plus the dry amp track as well as the dry unprocessed GIT signal.
    Now I've got some new (better sounding profiles) so I'd like to reamp the GIT but can't for the life of me understand the signal routing in Logic pro X. I've seen a couple of guides on youtube but that's been with Cubase or other DAW's. Anyone got a reamp setup that can share a quick guide how to route the recorded GIT into the Kemper and back into Logic?
    All the best!

    No one, really?!