Posts by Skurjj

    I preferred 2 and thought it must be the axe because it's newer technology and due to the infamous kemper high end boost . I found the harmonics of clip 1 (the axe) too pure and not authentic almost too sine like....... But as the kemper is trying to emulate the axe it's failing too reproduce this so I am confused.............. as I am as to the purpose of this test.

    Well I did get a couple of ratings (one 4 and one 5 star) on RE so I'll just wait and see if I get anymore. Thanks to whoever rated it.

    As an aside, I really am impressed with what the distressor did to some of the profiles, I had the "Dist 3" and "link" buttons engaged to add some extra magic. I think I might profile my Daking Mic Pre one with the distressor for a bass DI chain.

    Thanks, I won't. I have the feeling because it's profiles of a Bugera people will just ignore it. But I think the profiles I uploaded are better than any of the commercial ones I have for that type of plexiesh sound (I admit I am biased ;) ). I changed out both the stock preamp and power tube and it's considerably better with these in. Anything past 12 o clock on channel 2 gain used to be mush and after the tube upgrade is totally useable all the way through.

    Hi All,

    Long time lurker, I've owned a Kemper for about 5 years now and have uploaded some profiles for the first time. How long does it take for them to appear on RE? ( I can see them there so please ignore)

    I would also appreciate some feedback on the rigs as I am extremely pleased with them. I have profiled previously on at least 5 different occasions with varying result however this time I think I nailed it. They're under my username Skurjj and of my Bugera G5. I used a Audix I5 into a Daking Mic Pre One into a Distressor. The "w D" denotes where the distressor was used.
