Posts by magentix

    My hearing sucks badly, so when I don´t use earplugs of any kind I sometimes only hear a cacophony of sounds.I´m not able to decipher my own playing... ;(
    Since I´m the only dude using inear I (still) need the cabinet, so I have both, cabinet and inear.
    I do soundcheck for the stagevolume and sound without inear, then I plug them in and do my own inear mix ( I have and use the whole Behringer digital stuff like Xair 18+PM 16)

    Before the ACS I had some Shure 215. They are ok but you have a lot of stagesound bleed bc they don´t seal your ear...

    Oh yes, the same here! Most of the time its way too loud on stage. My ears start to get "overdriven". Must be the age ;(
    And i am actually using XAir 18 too ;)

    • with one of my bands we play completely through XAIR. I can mix my InEAR like i need => perfect
    • sometimes there is a rental P.A.

      • if there is a separate monitor-mix for each of us => also perfect
      • if we have to share a mix: => a compromise. I can add some Git signal to my inEar mix through XAIR. Sometimes i get comb-filter effects, because the guitar is in the mix already
    • sometime we play gigs (or in the rehearsal room or sessions) there is no monitor mix at all. => I was hoping i could use a system like "acs ambient" just to turn down the room sound.
      @docmidnite : does this work or is this too loud for the mics? did you ever test that?

    Sounds great, but only if there's no significant lag. I have a pair of Bragi Dash earbuds that have a built-in mic to use when street cycling for example, where being unable to hear that 18-wheel truck closing in might not be the safest thing, but I've noticed that there's a slight lag in the sound. Doesn't matter in that instance, but it would certainly mess with my playing if I was relying on it to hear my amp onstage.

    I absolutely agree. thats one of the reasons why i would like to talk to somebody who is actually using it on stage.

    Regarding the "Bragi Dash": i have seen that system too and i was wondering if the future of inEAR monitoring might come from consumer electronics.
    Does this system work "stand alone" or do you need some kind of bluetooth connection to another device?

    There have been a couple of threads in this forum regarding getting a natural guitar sound, when using InEARs.

    A lot of InEAR manufacturers offer drilling holes in their systems on demand, in order to get some ambient sound from the stage. But this lowers the insulation from the stage noise in general. It is not possible to control the level of ambience.
    I have found two InEAR brands that offer a system with little condenser mics in their EAR pieces. The signal of this mics can be mixed with the actual monitor mix as needed.…em/live-ambient-processor
    or this one:

    What the manufacturers say sounds somewhat like this:
    „The proprietary binaural microphone system we embed in our custom silicone earpieces captures the ambient on-stage audio in full surround, just like a pair of ears. That ambient signal is sent to a bodypack mixer, where it is combined with the monitor mix, controlled by the user.
    When using the 3D, guitarists can hear their amps directly.

    Looks quite interesting. The problem as with all custom InEARs: its difficult to test before buying.
    It would be cool to find somebody who has tried it.

    Is anybody using a system like this?

    I wasn´t quite sure if i should open a new thread or just post it here …

    I wonder of anyone had tried an „ambient“ InEAR system like this one:…bient-processor
    or this one:

    What the manufacturers say sounds somewhat like this:

    „The proprietary binaural microphone system we embed in our custom silicone earpieces captures the ambient on-stage audio in full surround, just like a pair of ears. That ambient signal is sent to a bodypack mixer, where it is combined with the monitor mix, controlled by the user.
    When using the 3D, guitarists can hear their amps directly.

    Looks quite interesting. The problem as with all custom InEARs: its difficult to test before buying.

    Anyone tried a system like this?

    For me this is very relevant for LIVE situation. I have always had a delay in my SOLO preset, controlling delay speed by TAP and delay LEVEL by an expression pedal. So I could match the delay for any song, regarding speed and intensity. That´s basically all I need in a LIVE situation what delay is concerned ( You can see, I am no sound freak at all ;)
    I was very disappointed after buying my kemper a year ago, when I had to learn, this is not possible with the kemper.
    Now it is possible. (and a lot more)
    I am very happy!

    There are a lot of live videos of the current Helene Fischer tour on youtube. Unfortunately there is not much of the guitars coming through. Would have been interesting to hear the kemper in action with Michels profiles in a big venue like this. Maybe someone else had more luck than me ?!