Posts by orko

    Feel free to share some feedback and experience here on the Kramer Pacer Classic model.
    I've been tempted to get one for many years before Satchel (Russ Parrish) from Steel Panther reinforced my GAS with his Kramer signature models. Some killer playing by Jesse Fildes using kemper in the videos btw.

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    There's more amazing "facts" from Cliff about Kemper! :saint:
    As expected, before the end of the year Cliff Burgundy stays classy and manages to come up with some more FUD "facts" on his own forum. His deep knowledge and understanding about other products is astounding.…g-appear-5.html
    post 81.
    "Don't make me pull this car over...
    FWIW, there are better stock IRs in the Axe-Fx IMO. Factory cab #15 sounds better to me. That Morgan IR is too short IMO (approx. 256 samples) due to memory and CPU limitations in the device from which it was captured. You really need at least 20 ms (1024 samples) to fully capture the response of a guitar speaker. "

    Knowing he can't post his FUD "facts" on TGP anymore, he knows others will when reading his post, spreading his ideas.
    post 167 & 171 on the gear page….1629076/page-9

    As previously mentioned, one of several "facts" from Cliff proven false. Cliff quote: "Kemper's dirty little secret is that internally it only runs at 22.05 kHz."

    The year is not over and I hope that Cliff stays classy, gets some presents and kindness during christmas to cheer him up so users can get more amazing "facts" from him next year. :) He must go crazy now with more digital amp products on the market than ever and many users prefering those over fractal. At least three Amplifire threads have been deleted from the FAS forum off topic section, no Helix thread deleted yet. A huge number of Kemper threads are locked up in the Fas dungeons together with some chained kemper units being uncomfortably probed, measured and poked at.

    Good to hear you had success. A good advice is to profile the amp in the sweetspot with the settings you like it best. And as Hell-g wrote "The Profiling process is as loud as you have set your amp." .There's plenty of info about dual micing tips if you search this forum. I haven't read anything about the Bose mixer but you might find that too.
    Good luck! :)

    Last, a word about the two communities: I am a member over fractal as well. The way some talibans there can try and crucifix you is unheard here. And, should it happen, the community and the mods would redact the guy. The main reason is that, while Mr. CC takes profit of any means (be it fair or not) to bash the Profiler, no-one in Kemper Mothership would event think of such a "strategy". Please note I'm speaking of facts I've personally witnessed.

    Just to tell a short story, around Axe's FW 4 (or something) general excitation, I dared to write that surely future FWs would have make the device sound even better (I was praising CC's attitude towards neverending improvements). I was quite stoned (sadly not in the sense of a joint) by a couple of guys because - in their sick and poor minds - I was implying that the sound was not perfect 8|
    OTOH, at every following FW update there has been the usual chorus of "ohs" and "ahs" and "now it's really IT!", and "I don't see how it would get any better now" and "100% real". I guess this is still continuing... That's why we have coined the "120% realer" expression :D

    Not for me, thanks :)

    I've been an Axe fx owner for many years like many on this forum and so many with me think that the censorship and Cliff's behaviour is completely unacceptable when it comes to business ethics and this is something that always should be discussed when it's brought up. Never censored like on FAS or TheGearPage. Exposing such behaviour is the only way that can make it stop. Many have never seen such unprofessional bad behaviour from a company CEO before. Many including me like the Axe-fx but simply don't want to have anything to do with the company.

    As many have posted several times, even before the the Kemper was released he's been using FUD, fear uncertainty and doubt, to change the oppinions of potential byers so they will doubt another product. Such behaviour from a company CEO is illegal and can cause big legal problems.
    FUD info history,_uncertainty_and_doubt

    Anything from how his kemper is not workin properly, how profiling is old and simple, how it's inferior to the axe and users shuld be aware, making up how kemper has lauched a campaign against fractal , to direct lies about kemper specs. Just a few examples, not even including all from TGP or FAS.…-sounds-insane/?
    2013 jan 7. "Any Kemper users here" Post 44, page 3.
    Cliff quote: "Kemper's dirty little secret is that internally it only runs at 22.05 kHz."…ers-here-3.html…even-for-Cliff/?…nt-above-11kHz/?

    Every fw for the Axe fx 2 since the kemper was released 3 years ago has been marketed to be superior and said to be 120% realer, it will continue like that forever. Cliffs aggression is fueled by the competition and not having profiling technology and that so many have switched from fractal to kemper, including several bands. The two products will never have the same sound and feel and features since they have completely different technology (profiling vs modeling) and algorithms and programming.

    Such personality doesn't change so what he's is doing now is commonly called company Damage Control, since bad exposure is not good for PR for a company.

    The censorship seen on the fractal forum is also closely connected to what we see on TheGearPage (The TGP owner is the fractal PR guy for many years, works +20 years with marketing, fractal beta tester & moderator) Cliff has been exposed many times on the web forums but on TGP such exposure is censored and fractal is protected. Threads get censored and deleted and users get banned and suspended for flame baiting when posting the facts. Nobody is allowed to expose him on TGP, it will immediately get censored and dealt with.
    TGP completely denies that any of this has ever happened and many posts and threads are deleted.
    TGP also introduced a script preventing google history thread search to prevent further exposure.
    Many users started saving the threads, since they knew they would soon be deleted.

    The hardcore censorship and desperate control of users on the fractal forum and also the connection with TheGearpage is remarkable and nicely summarised in this funny humorous satire interview:
    Fractal Axe Fx Cliff Chase & Scott Peterson announce new NSA censorship software…p-software.html

    Since the last forum update the old saved links no longer works which is very sad for all of us having saved and bookmarked so many threads. There is a workaround to get old links to work again, but it takes some time.
    Remember to re-save the old/new link so you don't have to do it again.
    I really hope kemper can fix this permanently if the new forum structure allows it.

    Right click your old link and click properties. There is the full link adress.
    Copy the postID=numbers to an already open forum thread and replace the postID=numbers with the old postID=numbers
    An example. First a non working link,
    The properties shows the real link address.…48551#post48551
    Take any working forum thread like below and replace the postID=numbers.…878&#post203878

    The result is this, the old link now works.…0/?postID=48551
    click on the thread title to change to the correct link.…-on-the-Kemper/?

    +1 for the Behringer Ultra-G GI100.
    Road tested for over ten years by many pros.
    Sturdy design, great price, great reviews and speaker emulation bypass.
    Amazon (free shipping) and several other stores sell them for $39.99, maybe there are even better deals out there.

    Another vote for the Behringer Ultra-G GI100.
    I've heard from a few players that it's just as good as much more expensive brand boxes they have compared it with.

    mbrown3 have you seen the videos in the links yet that others previously posted? They will help you understand profiling.
    Profiling video tutorials

    List of about 300 producers and bands using kempers,
    music, videos and information.

    What you should be focused on is authenticity, and the kemper can copy your real amp rig and have no problems tweaking a sound to your liking. Most players have a few sweet spot amp settings they like and that's it, those profiles are all you need. No problems if you want to tweak from there either or switch cabs.
    No other product can do profiling and it's one of the reasons why so many bands and studios are using it.
    Also no changes to your saved amp sound to worry about with frequent new kemper firmware that brings us new features.
    The big producers and bands in the list have no problems making perfect copys of their amp collections with profiles and also tweaking sounds with the kemper controls after the profile is taken. It sounds great so no worries there.

    Also, to determine that a post was unbiased and just not regular gear opinion like the others is impossible.
    Bias (=agenda) and normal gear preference are two very different things, which is often mistaken for the same thing.
    The most natural thing is to have unbiased gear preference, I prefer this product over that one because...
    Just because someone mentions equal pro and con doesn't make it more true or more unbiased, it's just a normal gear oppinion and it's 100% subjective. One can love a product, another can strongly dislike it, one slightly prefers one over the other. Nothing is considered correct or wrong with normal gear oppinion and its all fair.

    The argument that it's only a snapshot doesn't hold up as explained in a previous post.
    Every single guitar we hear on every album has been tweaked and eq'd with gear that has nothing to do with the real amp used.
    And the result is fantastic. We don't go, -that amp sound is tweaked with eq in the studio that has nothing to do with the real amp and therefore its not as real.

    Nobody will pass a blindtest listening to 20 profiles, then saying what profiles are untouched original, what are a little tweaked and what profiles are almost changed into a completely different sound. They will all sound good, just like we are used to hearing tweaked guitars on albums. Also every tone pot on amps vary 15-25% so all amps are different anyway.
    It's very easy to adjust a profile sound with the kemper to taste, a little or a lot. Many tonal options are available.

    I prefer the authenticity of the kemper. I have compared the Axe fx 2 with several amps it's supposed to model, but the tone knobs, gain etc don't react just like the original amps that are not accurately modeled to the source amp I have to begin with. Much of this is marketing, just like the new fractal Axe fx ultra-res IR, that is proven to be false marketing. Hard evidence posted by speaker guru Jay Mitchell shows that the new fractal ultra-res IR have less high freq content and limited bandwidth and unlike the marketing claims is in fact not at all higher resolution than normal available IR's.

    I'm all about real amp authenticity from the source so I use the kemper for amps and effects.
    The Axe fx 2 is not bad but it doesn't have profiling technology, it uses traditional modeling and static cab IR's that is missing the real interaction that occurs when playing the amp and the cab.
    And just like Steve Vai I only use the Axe fx 2 for a few effects, not amps.
    I like to keep it simple, authentic and good. More playing and less tweaking is what I prefer.

    On Facebook that is.
    So Kemper has more likes then Ractal Adios.

    (just making fun :)

    Here is a thread I posted earlier
    Kemper facebook reaches 50000 individual likes…923&#post192923

    Thread quote:
    Congratulations Kemper for reaching 50000 individual likes.
    I very rarely use facebook (news info only) and about six months ago I noticed how kempers popularity kept accelerating.
    I also sometimes use the fractal axe fx 2 for a few extra effects, so just for fun I took note once a week how much each company expands on facebook. Kemper gains about 1406 individual likes on average each week, Fractal Audio gains about 155 on average each week. They are both doing well there but the growth difference is big and it's impressive for Kemper concidering that kemper has been available for 3 years and Fractal Audio for 9 years.
    Kemper facebook
    Fractal facebook

    December to January, company comparison weekly facebook likes.
    (Average weekly gain: Kemper 1406 vs Fractal Audio 155)

    dec Thursday 11: Kemper 43046 vs Fractal 48958.
    dec Thursday 18: Kemper 44172 vs Fractal 49100.
    dec Thursday 25: Kemper 45549 vs Fractal 49184.
    Jan Thursday 01: Kemper 46774 vs Fractal 49357.
    Jan Thursday 08: Kemper 48175 vs Fractal 49473.
    Jan Thursday 15: Kemper 50075 vs Fractal 49786.
    Jan Thursday 22: Kemper 51480 vs Fractal 49889.
    Jan Thursday 29: Kemper 52901 vs Fractal 50010.
    Feb Thursday 05: Kemper 53303 vs Fractal 50107.
    Feb Thursday 12: Kemper 53519 vs Fractal 50197.
    Feb Thursday 19: Kemper 54160 vs Fractal 50287.
    Feb Thursday 26: Kemper 55250 vs Fractal 50375.

    I agree Zappledan, forums are much more personal and useful.
    I don't even have a facebook account, I'd never let Google use and sell my private user info, photos etc. Integrity and privacy rights are worth fighting for. I even stopped using Google search many years ago, and I now use that use the google search results but it never saves any info or use your seaches (much better than searching with duckduckgo).
    Still, google facebook and some other social media is hard to ignore when it comes to news and info. It's often there news are posted first.

    Congratulations Kemper for reaching 50000 individual likes.
    I very rarely use facebook (news info only) and about six months ago I noticed how kempers popularity kept accelerating.
    I also sometimes use the fractal axe fx 2 for a few extra effects, so just for fun I took note once a week how much each company expands on facebook. Kemper gains about 1406 individual likes on average each week, Fractal Audio gains about 155 on average each week. They are both doing well there but the growth difference is big and it's impressive for kemper concidering that kemper has been available for 3 years and Fractal Audio has been available for 9 years.
    Kemper facebook
    Fractal facebook

    December to January, company comparison weekly facebook likes.
    (Average weekly gain: Kemper 1406 vs Fractal Audio 155)
    dec Thursday 11: Kemper 43046 vs Fractal 48958.
    dec Thursday 18: Kemper 44172 vs Fractal 49100.
    dec Thursday 25: Kemper 45549 vs Fractal 49184.
    Jan Thursday 01: Kemper 46774 vs Fractal 49357.
    Jan Thursday 08: Kemper 48175 vs Fractal 49473.
    Jan Thursday 15: Kemper 50075 vs Fractal 49786.
    Jan Thursday 22: Kemper 51480 vs Fractal 49889.
    Jan Thursday 29: Kemper 52901 vs Fractal 50010.
    Feb Thursday 05: Kemper 53303 vs Fractal 50107.
    Feb Thursday 12: Kemper 53519 vs Fractal 50197.
    Feb Thursday 19: Kemper 54160 vs Fractal 50287.
    Feb Thursday 26: Kemper 55250 vs Fractal 50375.

    Welcome to the forum Bassman.
    Having long experience with both products I can say the fractal forum is very different than the kemper forum.
    The fas forum mods/owner frequently censors-banns users and deletes threads, so many normal critical axe posts, kemper posts and even lately Amplifire threads are gone from the off topic secion over there. The Fas owner is also a bit notorious for slamming and making up stuff about competitive gear. Here it's perfectly ok to discuss other gear.

    I have good experience with both units and prefer the kemper for all amp and cab sounds and some effects, easier work flow (still keeping the axe for some effects). I must say that the profiling technology places the kemper in a new and different category compared to modelers and I have never seen a digital amp product gaining so much praise from producers before. More and more studios and bands are using kempers both live and on albums.
    From a thread found on thegearpage listing a large number of producers and bands with info links how they use it.

    The eq matching in the Axe fx 2 (which was marketed as "our own profiling" by Cliff Chase) is simply traditional eq matching that's been available to anybody with a studio DAW for +15 years. It can only copy eq. If copying a guitar tone from a song is important with the kemper then you can simply add an eq matching plugin in the signal chain when profiling to the kemper.
    Example by ivan91, Dream Theater, About to Crash (Reprise)
    Dream Theater-About the crash (Rig)
    First original song, then the kemper profiler

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    The difference with profiling is that it captures and analyzes everything from the amp rig chain, dynamics, feel, compression, attack, distortion, eq. Also with the ability to directly compare it with the original amp source. With modelers your're stuck with whatever programming a company thinks an amp should sound and behave like.
    That to me is why profiling is a very big step in the right direction compared to amp modeling and static IR's. That's also a big reason why so many bands, studios and producers are using it now, having their amp rigs saved and ready to use at any time.
    Another important thing in the studio is workflow and I find the kemper to be very quick and intuitive to work with. No product is perfect but I do belive they hit a homerun on the first try with this one, and more features and fixes are added with each fw.
    Try both is always the best way of knowing what you prefer.

    I'd say the vast majority of kemper users rely on other users profiles, and there are thousands of profiles to choose from with new profiles being added daily on the rig exchange. You have all amp sound categories covered even if you don't have any amps of your own to profile.