Posts by Giogiogio4

    Just have not had the time to really use it. Love it to death, and it's pretty much in brand new shape sitting on my desk.
    But to keep up with college and my other profession/hobby m considering selling it.

    Any tips on selling? I want to avoid Amazon and ebay and all those other fee infested websites.
    I'm rather nervous about shipping it as well.

    I'm look at around $1500 range + Shipping.

    Never toured or played with it outside my room. Pretty much had Plastic wrap
    on it for 6 months after I got it. And all the lights have been set to low.
    Has about $40+ of high gain profiles on it I bought.

    I'm no pro for sure. I wouldn't even count myself as a novice but I do enjoy just throwing tracks together.
    The Kemper makes things so much faster. I use to have to fiddle with impulse responses and all types of
    BS just to get a below crap guitar tone. Thanks to the kemper I can skip so much of that and just play.

    Heres a little cover of a violin song from an anime I decided to cover.…d-metal-version

    P.s. I have been listening to a ton of amon amarth the past few days... so yeah XD

    Now I need to figure out how to get that pro sound XD

    Oh yeah.. profile is KM-SEA NYMPH, Double tracked 95% and 65%. No bass guitar so I had to improv with a dry track dropped 12 semitones. And ran the dry track into a digital vst bass. For some reason you dont get the same effect with reamping the dropped track with the kemper as the vst.

    To link directly to a profile and if the user has their kemper connected they can simply click the link and have it automatically load onto the kemper. So people can share settings and figure out presets and go back and forth without having to make 20+ profiles to load onto the rig exchange. And the settings will be stored via whatever link. So if a profile is being edited by a group of users it will have each setting saved and based on the link.

    High gain link.

    less gain Link.

    Cut mids , increased Gain link.

    Like that, so anyone viewing can try the tone as it progresses.

    Also have a feature that allows Profiles to be "previewed". So when people sell profiles users can access a profile as long as they are connected through the network via Usb Cable. Make a new protected format that loads into temp memory so the profiles can't be saved and need a constant connection. This can also sellers to show off profiles at various settings as well with the other feature I mentioned above.

    This can be achieved by building a forum link into the Rig Exchange software. Allowing settings to be saved as text files and so on within the forum topic.
    Or the software feature can be brought into the forums themselves.

    So here's an Example.

    OP " Hey im looking for a dream theater tone "

    User: " you mean like this? ( links tone from exchange )".

    OP Clicks it and it loads to the connected kemper.

    Op" Nah a little more like this song ( song name )"

    User. ( edits tone a bit and loads a link to a modified version , Like a snapshot without having to upload another profile to the rig exchange )

    Op Clicks it and it loads. If another user comes in and likes it they can load it and then save that snap shot to their kemper.

    So now you have multiple versions of a tone built into the forum topic without cluttering the rig exchange. The edited data can be saved in the forum and be
    sent to a profile on the exchange and adjust it allowing users access to it without having to download the profile, edit it and reupload it as a new one and so on over and over.
    quick and nearly instant updates. This would be even handier for users previewing a mix trying to find that sweet tone in almost realtime with other users.

    I personally use an M-Audio Profire 610, but I always recommend Focusrite products to people. In your case, I'd recommend a Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 (USB, SPDIF in/out). It can be had for around $250 USD. Focusrite makes great products, the only reason I am using an M-Audio is because I bought it a long time ago and refuse to buy another interface, hah. Anyway, check out the Scarlett 6i6 here;

    Thats the problem. I do NOT need something that acts as an Interface . I have a sound card already. I just need something that accepts SPDIF so I can hook my speakers up from my PC And Has an SPDIF output so I don't have to keep unplugging my Headphone amp ( VRM box ) every single time I want to use my headphones and room sim.

    My Sound card Only has 2, 1/4 outputs and 1 spdif output. I can't hook my speakers up to the 2 1/4 outputs because the Kemper Takes up one of them with the SPDIF Input for reamping. So I need something that accepts a SPDIF cable and routes the sound. I Need the SPDIF output because thats the only thing the VRM accepts and it would be stupid to sit around unplugging an interface and plugging it back in every time I need to switch. Plus everything is routed just fine that allows me to reamp and monitor.

    THIS is what I need
    [Blocked Image:]

    So you don't want to be able to record what you are playing?

    You should really think into getting a complete external interface that replaces your sound card. Otherwise it will get a bit complicated and maybe expensive.

    I have a sound card. An Emu 0404. I need something that can receive and SPDIF AND has a SPDIF out plus two 1/4 jack outs for my speakers. My Sound card is set up so the Kemper
    Inputs SPDIF and receives through a 1/4 jack for reamping. Thus the Kemper takes one of my 1/4 outputs ( L or R ). I can't hook my SPDIF out to the Kemper because it is needed for my Focusrite VRM
    Box that requires a SPDIF. I need something That takes a SPDIF and has an SPDIF out so I can hook both my speakers And My box up and don't have to keep reaching behind everything and redoing it every time I need to listen to something through my VRM.

    I´d love to get in on this suggestions thing (if thats ok, op?). I´d need something with S/PDIF connections for parallel DI and Wet recording with usb connections to the PC, price range should be low (poor student).

    This is what I have. Only like $100 or so, maybe a little more.

    Comes with digital mixer software so you can route, send and return effects.
    Also has multiple inputs. SPDIF input and output, 2 1/4 jack inputs and outputs.
    So you can run your kemper in wet spdif to moniter it, Dry through a 1/4 jack to record
    and send either a 1/4 or spdif back to the kemper for reamping.

    Leaving 2 /14 jacks for output L/R for speakers Or a SPDIF depending on what you ren back tot he kemper.
    I run the 1/4 to the kemper and leave the spdif for my headphones because my VRM room sim thing only uses it.

    My problem is a little difficult.... XD

    I need an Audio Interface, More like a Rack I guess that can accept S/PDIF from my computer
    But also have an S/PDIF output and 1/4 Jack Outputs for L and R. AND Not run on the computer, No USB
    stuff ( unless it's only for power Because I have a soundcard installed already and need something
    to simply accept a SPDIF, output to my speakers through 1/4 jacks And also have an S/PDIF to output
    to the device Im already using for my headphones ).

    Maybe a Mixer is what im thinking of?

    [Blocked Image:]

    February 8th 2014.

    Today I started to go through all the profiles on the Rig Exchange. One by one I tested and played the profiles.
    The joy has over taken my body as my inspiration can no longer be contained.

    February 9th 2014.

    Still going through the profiles. Nowhere near being completed.

    February 10th 2014

    I seem to have missed dinner and actually forgot to eat the pass few days.
    My wife has brought me food I will be fine.

    February 12th 2014

    Today I have called out of work. Still trying to get through all these profiles.
    Having a blast. I am filling a bit sick but im fine. My wife keeps trying to pull
    me away but im too busy with this task.

    February 25th 2014

    The Mortgage is coming up and I don't have the money to pay it.
    Things will be fine. I will get to work right after I complete this list of guitar
    profiles. My wife worries too much but it's ok. I love her for it though.

    February 28th 2014

    My wife decided to stay over her mothers this weekend.
    I have made some great progress with this Kemper and made some amazing music.
    I wonder how all the profiles i already used would sound with another set of pickups?

    May 15th 2014

    Heard some noise the past few days outside my room.
    There was a truck outside but it's gone. For some reason my wife won't pick up the phone.
    You won't believe the Mesa Boogie tone I found the other day. Amazing!!

    July 10th 2014

    Wife came by today. I tried to show her this crazy amazing profile called "Thrash"
    by Keith. She wasn't interested. She left some papers or something. Oh well
    she is missing out! This tone is brootalz

    November 2nd 2014

    Was in the middle of an AMAZING new song.
    For some reason the power went out.... Left my room to check it out
    to find my entire house empty. I can't believe I was almost done with just the high gain tones when
    the power got shut off. Need to get that fixed.

    December 13th 2014

    It's been a few weeks since the power went out. But get this! The kemper doesn't need to be plugged in!!
    All the profiles work great! I hear them all just fine. The voices... I hear voices in some of my tones.

    January 21st 2015

    Today I woke up in a hospital. They said they found me foaming at the mouth and nearly starved to death
    in my room with my kemper. When I asked for it they wouldn't return it. I was to soon be shipped off to some clinic.
    after they make sure im ok here. God I miss my kemper. Ola has some banging tones.

    March 1st 2015

    I have been at this clinic a few weeks. Still no sign on my Kemper. I could only imagine all the new tones added to the market.
    Can't wait to try them. The tones and voices... the tones.... My "Doctor" tried to give me some pills. I wouldn't take them though. What's they point
    if they don't Djent?

    Got mine from Musicians friend for $1500 back in September/November.
    I Did a Price match. Last Catalog I got it was $1900 new ( lunchBox non power amp ).

    Most people don't realize you can talk the price down at some music stores.

    I don't really care about an editor but a recall vst you can load up in your DAW would be fab. Just take the Rig Manager and make it a plugin so it can recall the rig(s) you used for the project.

    Exactly, THAT would be awesome.
    Or higher audio quality on the SPDIF connection. It's a pain having to disconnect the cable each time I boost my
    settings up or open a project.

    But honestly I would Love if the Kemper worked on a Mod/effect that simply read the data and converted to Midi through USB or worked
    with a program on the PC and converted it to midi like how "Midi guitar" does but would have the bonus of processing the data as it enters the kemper
    and as it enters the PC.

    But I can't wait for this rig manager for sure!

    This guy got it.

    Take care that you're in the first page of the rig exchange...

    Let's suppose you're in page 3...
    Make a search gathering only 1 page of results ("morgan" for example)...
    As a result, a message tells you it hasn't found anything : "We couldn't find any rigs matching your query.",
    !!BUT!! the displayed link to page 1, just below the message, is valid and usable to reach the actual results...!!

    Why is it on the rig exchange I can't find anything or anyone?
    I find forum topics with users saying to the title of their patches
    and when I search them nothing comes up. Hell I even type their name in and nothing.
    Kinda frustrating that a search tool can't perform its basic functions.

    Also it would be great to have a way to find the top rated profiles by amount of votes.
    It's kinda counter productive to have 1 voted rigs at the top because they have 5 stars..... :thumbdown:

    Go to rig Exchange and search for acoustic :) there are a few good ones!
    There was also a user, who uploaded kind of acoustic pack, (im not at home, so I can not search) but I think it was maurizio70 or something :).

    Here you are: Acoustic Simulator BOSS profiles

    Thanks! I will check those out. I stayed away because i saw the simulator remark.
    I saw a bundle for sale elsewhere but it was 20$, thought someone might have done
    a free version by now.

    "Body resonances of various instruments
    This set of profiles was created to let an electric guitar sound like an acoustic instrument.
    But it works also to improve the sounds of a real acoustic guitar and some users reported they even use it for bass guitar. For this we provide some body resonances of various acoustic instruments - and created some great sounding KPA rigs."

    May I ask where you found the discount price as I just ordered mine from MF and would like to see if they would honor that as well. Would be greatly appreciated. I tried JRR Shop, but they no longer do %15 off.

    Sorry for the delay.

    I emailed Jrr and they said they could do it, but you would have to wait for them to get some in stock.
    Muscians friend will do it, you have to call them in.

    ( no power amp version )

    I did the 150% deal and i will get 150$ store credit as well ( in 45 days after order ).
    The deal is still listed on their website if they say they don't do it anymore.

    I got mine for 1580$, Could go lower if you know how to talk them down.