Posts by rmesic

    Google translated:

    When playing with the sound downloaded from the rig manager, people who listen to it point out that the bass is cracking.

    Sounds that are distorted seem to be cracked.

    Put it in the PC with an audio interface from Kemper

    I am ringing.

    I would like to have your advice etc.

    I hope Google does a good job translating the reply:




    犬の鳴き声を含むプロファイルも 1 つありました。

    And in English:

    Does the input lamp blink red? If so, the input signal is distorting.

    Does the problem happen on profiles made by different people?

    I have had some profiles with 'cracking' or other bad sounds which were not created well.

    I even had one profile that included my dog barking!

    Rather than profile including tone knob settings, why not just make a half dozen EQ types representing the tone stacks in common amps? More to the point, it would be one EQ effect type with presets for Marshall, Fender, Boogie, Soldano, etc... kind of like the Wah.

    That way if you want the easy adjustment based on your memory of how your old amp worked, the controls will have similar gain and center frequency and Q of the original amp.

    The user feature would be the ability to leave the normal system EQ for the front panel knobs or override it like the Kone speaker selection.

    Profile your amp, then if you want a different EQ you choose the tone stack from the pick list and save it. Then your Fender profile mid knob will work like a Fender mid knob.

    All the processing is there, it's really just a UI tweak.

    (For me, I like the front knobs being predictable but I would probably play with this if they made it a feature.)

    Form factor of the Stage is great, but I think they would sell a ton of "Iridium" sized boxes that just do amp and cab profiles. Even a Kemper Profile player without the IR loader would probably sell. I don't need one, but I see other people's boards that would have to have it.

    One area I think all the big names in the Profiling & Modeling space flat out miss is loops. Sure a couple stereo loops is grand, but for the build complexity having something like a Kemper Stage (or even Rack) that had 8 loops where at least 2 preferably 4 were stereo... awesome. User loads up their drive pedal collection on a shelf and then can store that loop within an individual profile. Morph controls could wrap around each loop with loop pre gain, post gain and maybe even eq or basic compression.

    Then the end of the chain loops could include a couple Eventide H9's for added options, or whatever the cool kids are using these days.

    I'd put a new Deco and a new Lex in some stereo loops - maybe even a TC Mimiq.

    The key feature Kemper needs to play catch-up on is dual amp , dual cabinet, multiple path processing.

    If they could come up with some form of a VST player or algorithm loader... convolution reverb... that would be appealing.

    I've been told lately that my Profiler freezing is related to a bad cable. Have had issues due to (I suspect) MIDI data overload or screwed up MIDI stream, too.

    I wouldn't say this deserves top of the list attention, but if there's ever effort in the start-up area of the code.... would be nice if Preset #1 started making sound while the rest of them were loading.

    I don't think the audience would expect you to finish a song during a power failure. I believe they would want you to start over. Whether it takes one sip or 4 sips of beer before you are up and running again should not make a difference unless you are playing at a biker's club.

    You're presuming it was a whole stage power failure and not just the guitar, and not necessarily power failure but any intentional or accidental reboot. Something glitches and puts the Kemper in an error state and you need to reboot to clear it, for example.

    Kind of surprised so much objection to suggestion of "make it quick to pass sound" -- if you were shopping for a device and X booted in a minute but Y booted in 10 seconds, that might be the competitive advantage.

    I get it that you might not be willing to pay more for the feature, and for large professional touring acts there will be backup units and power management and roadies, etc...

    But I figured if the Kemper is basically a computer (it is) and if it boots faster with fewer profiles, why not stage the boot process so it gets slot 1 up and running ASAP then finishes loading the rest? It may not be a "simple matter of programming", but it is only a matter of programming.

    You guys are aware that a normal tube amp takes time to start playing sound also, correct?

    Also, as I stated before, you can minimize boot times by cleaning out the profiles you don't use.

    So - you are saying that it would not be useful if a tube amp could start up faster after going down in the middle of a song?

    Just because old tech can't do something does not mean new tech can't improve on it.

    The Kabinet has a global setting that can be overridden in individual profiles.

    The clean sense and distortion sense can be modified based on guitar output.

    There is also EQ and noise gate available on input.

    Suggest maybe 10 slots available to store "guitars" - user named slots.

    Each slot has stored parameters for clean sense, distortion sense, noise gate and an EQ/booster.

    This isn't needed if you always use one guitar with one profile, but if you change guitars without editing or duplicating your profiles this might be a useful feature that is relatively easy to implement.

    Perhaps when switching on the unit, we could either:

    Assign a default profile to work when tuner is first selected until the unit finishes loading.

    Make the first performance available (and restricted to only that performance) while the rest of the unit loads.

    If we use a single default profile assignment, that might also be available on a long press or button combination for on-stage recovery. Maybe pressing Input and Output at the same time could activate the "emergency" profile.

    The feature to delete all non-favorites is handy.

    I'd like the ability to assign "non-favorites" when sorting through profiles. Set to only show non-favorites to give a final confirmation before erasing then have a one-shot erase of all non-favorites.

    This might be a stretch -

    I would love to be able to export all of the performances into an Excel file or similar where I could very easily rearrange and rename things.

    I expect there would need to be a file checker on re-import, though. Blasting out data is easy, ensuring it is quality data coming back in is a little harder.

    This might be easier than making a grid view in Rig Manager.

    Would be nice to be able to assign which footswitches on the remote switch which effects, as well as assigning what MIDI gets sent.

    Bonus points if there's a hover-reveal or other switchable means to identify the specific MIDI parameters something on the Rig Manager screen "listens" to. Certainly want this able to be turned off as it would be an annoyance to users not working with MIDI.

    But seriously - having the ability to set which switch works on which effects would be useful.


    Kemper non power rack, remote, Line6 HX FX, widi wireless MIDI.

    Three times now the remote has gone blank and the profiler controls stopped responding after switching to a profile and engaging a stomp on the HX FX.

    Switching the chickenhead to off and waiting longer than usual, it powers down. Seems fine on reboot.

    The computer is plugged in with Rig Manager running. Computer running Win 10. Kemper and Rig Manager both latest beta but this also happened before installing beta. Using Kemper Powered Kabinet on monitor out and DXR 10s on main outputs.

    Any thoughts?

    I wasn't sending MIDI to the Kemper - there are a couple set up on HX FX to send a control for turning a stomp on/off but that was not in use. Basically I have performances send a patch change to the HX FX, and also send tempo data.

