Well you guys are aweful touchy when it comes to this product of I which I own ... For the record I have no agenda whatsoever...
What I have reported did 100% happen.
After it happened I reset the globals and didn't bother to see if it would crash again.
I do not need to open a ticket because I know how to avoid these types of issues. You see even firmware that is broken can work well enough to demo anything ... If it happens to do something unexepted you reboot and continue.
I have no doubt all these features exit.
I do have plenty of insight on exactly what your programmers are experiencing first hand.
I've been through the nightmare of knowing there is something wrong within the haystack of firmware and hardware causes and possibilities with no one to turn too hoping to find a soltion .... Meanwhile having pressure from marketing people and others who want the latest inovasions released immediately!
A programmers best friend are those reports from people that are repeatable.
That makes fixing general "bugs" easy.
But when there are reports from others with seemingly no rhyme or reason . Like the one I experienced.
Ofcoarse the first thing to do is deny any problem exists because it hasn't happend to someone else or imply that it must be some sort of user error. Advice being do a reset ...
If things are working why is there any need to pat your head and rub your stomach to get it to work?
Or lastly since it hasn't happened to me you better submit a ticket.....
All those reports of umpredicable and non reproducible issues are indictive of one phenomena....
That my programming friends is a flag waving right in front of your faces.
It means that there something not quite right somewhere within the digital eco system as in Hardware IC bugs , Compiling errors, assembly mapping errors, and lastly the code itself.
These types of issues are the toughest challenges to overcome and rectify.
Below are just some of the possibilities.
Program coding issue. I have never written perfect code. Sometimes coding errors are staring you right in face and when you finally see them your kicking yourself.
Bug in Compiler causing assembly translation and address pointer corruption.
Assembler program memory allocation overlaps in final output.
MCU internal die bugs that could cause interupt problems , memory corruption and buss contentions. Yes IC manufactures release bug riddled dies and attempt to provide workarounds after you have installed their Ics into hundreds or even thousands of a given product..
You can write the best code ever conceived but when things like this are lurking it would be wise to find the root of the problem then access the fix or fallout scenario. As in recalling certain production run lots ECT...
I know from extensive experience in this type of product development.
I am attempting to be the digital Paul Revere of sorts. So instead of being offended maybe some consideration by the programming team should be given so that they can shorten or avoid the countless hours and nerve racking days and weeks it takes to discover these things on their own.
All of you here in the forum have me pegged as a troll... Troll I am not.
I am a life long rock guitarist that began playing at the age of 8 then professionaly from the age of 13 .......
I've always had an interest in Electronics.
Many years of gigging , partying and all the other perks ....
One thing led to another and I found myself going back to school while gigging which eventually landed me a position engineering products just like this and more.
Engineering is a love hate relationship.
When projects are doing well it's great.
Unfortunately in development of any digital audio device unforseen issues will most certainly appear when you least expect them.
So you are unable to release the product.
Meanwhile marketing is ready to release the product when the leds blink and it's making noise... That's the hate part.
Its a rough gig .... I enjoyed the engineering aspect and overcoming problems along with the race to completion and release.
But frankly speaking after experiencing the Kemper the quest was over for me and it was time for me to return to what brought all of these opportunities my way to begin with..
I am an accomplished Musician that eventually ended up engineering devices for muscians.
Muscian (Guitarist) first Engineer second.
I am also a perfectionist at heart.
I guess I could be more sympathetic to the plight of the KPA programming staff but someone has to crack the digital whip.
My rig of choice is the Kemper Profiler.
Nothing will ever beat the profilier at its core.
Christoph Kempers programming genius has yielded an advancement in digital electric guitar amplification as profound to that of other great pioneer's of our time such as Leo Fender, Les Paul , Jim Marshall and Mike Battle just to name a few.
In fact it is while I was doing comparisons between products side by side in an controlled environment it became apparent to me that Mr. Kemper imagined to create what all other Dsp engineers had been chasing for years
" The holy grail of digital guitar amplifiers "
Christoph Kemper will be known as Edison was to the light bulb or Einstien to relativity....
That was the day I sent all the other samples back and kept the KPA for myself ...
The race was over as far as I was concerned.
No need for me to burn the midnight candle any longer.
With regards to the Kpa it comes down to the user interface experience and other internal effect improvements to put the icing on the cake.
I am 1000% for the KPA !
That is my only angle ! Period end of story ...
Nothing less... I could give a rat's ass about what Cliff does or anyone else....
So Now you know the rest of the story ...
It will be released in paperback soon.... 
I love all the Kemperians !
Peace ....