Posts by SteveStrummerUK

    Ooh where is this rig ? I'd love to hear a 'old school' rossi /parfitt rig (vox and tone bender I think? ) might try and make one from amp factory voxs I have :-))

    Hi there.

    The rig is for sale on Andy's Amp Factory site HERE(it's part of Singles>Amp Pack 4) - just scroll down to: Marshall JCM800 (Quo)

    I've knocked up a rough mix of one of my favourite Quo songs using only profiles from this particular rig for all the guitars: BACKWATER

    The actual profiles, which I've tweaked a little in my KPA, and mixed in cakewalk Sonar X2 are:

    • Rick Parfitt chorused part - Quo JCM~Clean 3
    • Rick Parfitt rhythm part (panned left) - Quo JCM~Full 1
    • Francis Rossi rhythm (panned right); & lead parts - Quo JCM~Full 2

    I'm over the moon with my purchase, and it's going to get a lot of use in future for sure :thumbup:

    Looks like you've got it sorted Richard :)

    I've got the 'official' Best Of Thin Lizzy guitar tab book if you need the exact transcription.

    Here's the full list of the songs in the book, just let me know anytime if you want the tab for any of these:

    • Are You ready
      Bad Reputation
      The Boys Are Back In Town
      Cowboy Song
      Dancing In The Moonlight
      Do Anything You Want To
      Don't Believe A Word
      Killer On The Loose
      Thunder And Lightning
      Waiting For An Alibi
      Whiskey In The Jar

    Thanks Musicman, I think you are correct in this.

    I've just spoken on the phone to a guy from DV247 and he said I should be using a 5 amp or 3 amp fuse as the KPA draws around 1/8th amp. Basically, the 13 amp fuse supplied should be rated low enough to blow in the event of a short circuit, but normal operation of the KPA shouldn't draw enough current to blow a 3 or 5 amp fuse.

    I'm going to use a 3 amp fuse until I hear any different. Better to be safe than sorry.

    The consensus of articles I've read up on this matter suggest that using a fuse that's rated too high for particular appliance/cable can allow enough current through to overheat the cable and maybe even cause a fire - even if there is no fault anywhere else, either in the mains current 'spiking', or in the appliance itself (such as a short circuit). Maybe it's the 'curious' way our properties are wired in the UK, but getting the correct fuse installed in a plug is a very serious and potentially life-threatening matter.

    I will accept that this mostly applies to appliances that have (permanently) fitted power cords, where the gauge of power cable will have been matched to the current draw of the appliance. In this scenario, it would be quite easy to overheat a power cord designed to carry, say 3amps, by fitting a 13amp fuse to the plug. With the so-called 'kettle' lead supplied with my Kemper, the cable itself is actually of a thick enough gauge to carry the current commensurate with a plug fitted with a 13amp fuse.

    I still believe though, that either Kemper, or the vendor (i.e. the company you made the purchase contract with) should stipulate the correct electrical use of the product for the region it has been purchased from, or for use in.

    It would be great if someone form the Kemper team could chip in here and reveal which fuse we'd need in the UK, I'm still using an adaptor as I got shipped a German power cable from Thomaan. Failing that... Could one gallant English man pop their plug and let us know what fuse lies within... That'd be champion!

    Brett, I've emailed DV247, who I bought my KPA from, asking them to tell me the correct fuse rating to use.

    Even though they sent me the unit from their (parent company's) warehouse in Germany, I believe I am correct in thinking that it's their responsibility, as a UK company, to ensure I have the correct plug/fuse to operate my KPA safely.

    I'll also email Tech Support here to see what they advise.

    Thanks Raoul!

    Welcome and enjoy! :)
    Interesting collaborations you have there going!
    Not a chance to find a drummer & bass player and crank it up sometime? 8)

    Thanks Ingolf. My friend who I jam with plays bass and sings, but I reckon we're getting too old now (I'm 51) to look for a drummer and actually put a band together ;(

    When we were much younger, and before we both married our respective wives and had kids, we used to practice and play at least twice a week, and at every other opportunity we could. We used cheap guitars and even cheaper amps, but it was always great fun. We had a drummer from a local band sit in with us once or twice, but we never actually got around to forming a proper band and do any gigs. The irony is that now we have some really nice gear, we rarely get the opportunity to jam, let alone crank it up.

    Hi everyone

    I'm Steve, I live in Worcester, right in the heart of the UK 'Midlands', and about 20-odd miles from where Tony Iommi invented heavy metal ;) Incidentally, the 'Strummer' part of my username is my tribute to the late, great Joe Strummer of The Clash.

    I've had my KPA for a few days now and I'm absolutely over the moon with it - I've already downloaded loads of your awesome profiles!

    I don't play live, apart from the occasional jam with a great old friend of mine. We've been playing covers of songs from bands like Judas Priest, Saxon and Status Quo for nearly 35 years, since we were at school together.

    The main reason I decided to get a Kemper was for my hobbies of song writing and home recording. I currently own a couple of tube amps, a Peavey 6505+ 112 combo and a Line 6 Spider Valve MkII, and I've been recording them using my Shure SM57 and Sennheiser e906 microphones. I also use Line 6's POD Farm 2.5 Platinum software to record with, and my DAW is Cakewalk's SONAR X2. I use a Line 6 Toneport UX2 as my interface, and monitor with a pair of Edirol MA15s.

    I play guitar as my main instrument, and I'm lucky enough to own two neck-through hand-made guitars. One I've had for about 30 years, and the other was recently custom built for me in America by a good friend of mine on the Cakewalk forums. I play bass as well, and my instrument of choice is a USA Standard Jazz Bass. I don't play drums, so I use Toontrack's wonderful Superior Drummer 2 & EZ Drummer, and Steven Slate Drums inside SONAR.

    Although I can get some very usable sounds from POD Farm, I've recently become addicted to recording the speakers of my tube amps. However, as I live in a semi-detached house, and I have great neighbours who I wouldn't upset for the world, it is often impractical to crank them up loud enough to get the valves really glowing and get the tone I want.

    It seemed that the ideal solution to me would be a product that would give me the practicality of recording with software like POD Farm, without sacrificing the amazing tone that I can get with my tube amps. And after a good deal of research, I decided that this ideal solution was a Kemper Profiling Amp :)

    My intention initially was just to profile my amps, by setting them both to all my favourite settings, and then have those tones available 'on tap' to be able to record with any time I wanted.

    But then I discovered the incredible resource you guys have created here with the Rig Exchange :thumbup: Wow! It's almost like I stumbled into amp heaven when I started playing through some of the incredible rig profiles I've downloaded so far!

    Aside from my own projects, I'm also part of two online collaboration projects. The Coffee House Band was formed about 4 years ago by a group of us who frequent the Cakewalk 'Coffee House' forum. I've mainly contributed rhythm guitar, with the occasional solo, and have composed the music for five of our seven finished songs. At various times, The CHB has included members from the UK, The Netherlands and The USA. My other online project is with a guy from The States, we record punk and metal cover songs under the name VeRy MeTaL. I produce the music for these projects, and my friend Troy adds his incredible vocals later.

    If you want to take a listen to any the music I've been involved in, here are a couple of links:

    I'm really looking forward to getting more involved around here - in fact, I've already been given some friendly and helpful advice in the Problems & trouble-shooting forum - and as soon as I've recorded something new with my wonderful KPA, I'll be sure to post some links. I also intend to do some profiling of my amps, and upload those to the Rig Exchange.

    Best wishes
