Well in the end, the QC didn't stick.
Very good device. Very good tones. But it doesn't trounce everything out there. It's just another option we all have, that's it. But for me, in the end, I didn't really find it sounded that much closer to the real amps, although I do like how easy and simple it was to capture an amp. I'd love to see the Kemper get rid of the refinement stage altogether (I've never been able to make a profile without using it).
QC has a long way to go when it comes to usability and functionality though. Simple things like using it in 4-cable-method with a valve amp, and controlling the channels via midi.... they've just not got that side of things licked.
Nor has Kemper to be fair, but Kemper never claimed to be a monster unit that could do everything. It captures amps. It gives you some effects to use with those captures. End.
In a way, the QC gave me more of an appreciation for my Kemper. Because time and time again I'd shoot them out against one another, and it was a coin-toss as to whether I preferred one or the other. I'm capable of hearing differences in a blind test between both units and the real amp. But when I come to any of the three options (Kemper, QC, real amp) and just play guitar.... I couldn't tell you that any of them was actually better to play than any of the others. They're all good. *shrug*
Did anyone else get a QC and end up not bonding with it?