Posts by C-4

    I've been continuing to read and re-read both user manuals (brief version and long version) whenever I read on here about something that brings up a question or something I have not considered before.

    I admit my stupidity, ignorance, and lack of ability to even understand a lot of what is written on this forum, which is the reason I keep re-reading the manuals. I see the words, but nothing much computes.

    On weekends, I go back through all of my chosen profiles, and tweak those I desire too, then write them down and back up my newest work.. I am saving for the remote, so I am writing down and trying to organize about 5-10 specific profiles for loading onto the remote. One performance will be for each of three guitars I work with live.

    I have not purchased any commercial profiles yet, due to saving for the remote. I figure that once I get the KPA out and at work on a job, then I find out that I need to re-tweak, purchase, or will be happy with what I already have.

    I hooked up a Crate Power Block to the KPA and a Marshall 1912 cab from the monitor out, cab disabled internally, and ran some of my stock profiles through it, and it sounded good to me at home, even turned up. However, my plan is to use IEM's, so I really cannot tweak much more until I hear playback through FOH, as I am using headphones to listen to everything, and also to practice.

    I have the forum-approved and chosen profiles, such as the Morgan AC20, Golub Marshall, and several others here that I have read about. My question is, since I do not know how to really manipulate the KPA as many here do, how much more should I be doing? While I am surely no expert, I have been playing for almost 6 decades, and what I am hearing from the unit's stock profiles, which will be used for commercial band work, to my deaf ears, sound really amazing as they come from the individual profilers who have contributed generously to the Rig Exchange.

    Obviously, I could make them sound better, based on what I am reading, but where to begin? I would think that those who have taken the time to profile and share on the Exchange, have already done an immense amount of work to get the right cabs, mic placement and amps dialed in. What else is really left to do, other then wait for the finished version of the newest OS system?

    I understand that if I like what I hear, that is all I should expect, but is there anything I might learn to do to really possibly improve the sound that much more?

    Pardon my ignorance for not having very much computer savvy, but has the new Beta 3.1.improvements been completed to eliminate all bugs?

    I don't dare download the newest version and install it before this time. I'd be hopelessly screwed.

    Thank you all. :)

    I just saw in the commercial profiles section Rig Busters Pedal profiles for overdrives.

    I have a front-end only pedal board with a Tim and Simble that I use with regular amps, and I am getting profiles from the rig exchange that cover that territory well. My biggest concern is my own stupidity and overcoming the learning curve with what is readily available.

    However, to those of you seeking different pedals, try looking for some profiles containing these pedals being offered for sale. They are out there. Good luck and happy hunting. :)

    So far my favorite free rigs are the Marshall Golub crunch and the Morgan AC20.

    This may be the wrong place to post this, but as long as I'm here, I know many here have bought the Kemper soft bag or an equivalent, or the Anvil-type hard case.

    I found a Gator case that is light weight, water-proof and can be made at home to fit the KPA.
    The reason I like this type is Murphy's Law: If something bad can happen, it will happen to you.
    I don't trust a soft bag not to be banged, dropped, or accidently have some liquid poured on it, and I don't want to carry around an Anvil-type flight case.
    This seems to be the middle ground. ymmv :)

    Hi guys. Thank you for the encouragement. This stuff is interesting to learn even for an antique like me.
    I wouldn't be surprised if I did have something to do with posts disappearing. All this modern technology! I miss my phone with the string it was powered by! ;)

    Welcome leppard81. I just joined recently as well.

    If you like the Morgan AC20 amp, also try the Marshall Golub crunch. It is in the back end about 3-4 pages in from the last page on the Rig Exchange. It not only cleans up really well, but when you add gain to the profile it does not get exaggerated.

    I have just read this entire thread. I also, very recently, just acquired a Kemper toaster.
    As for wishing for a MK 2 Kemper, I don't feel one is needed. Certainly there are things that you more experienced users desire, and I hear the comments on the remote, which at this time, unfortunately, I do not own, but plan to buy.

    However, aside from some software changes that some feel are needed, the unit works flawlessly and gives everything one needs to build and tweak the profiles. What more can one ask for. Who cares what Axe FX designs and builds. Certainly I don't. After listening to some Axe offerings on line and in the Rig Excnage, I am perfectly happy with the Kemper offerings. Even the profiles on the exchange that may, in one's opinion, need some tweaking to get what the user desires, certainly sound inho more like a tube amp then what I heard from the Axe. This in no way disses the Axe, but I was always taught to not worry about what someone else designs and builds, as long as what I am using does everything I need from it.

    I have also learned over time, after thinking initially, that the ability to ultimately be able to tweak away, was the way I wanted it. However, I played Mesa amps for 18 years, and the longer I owned them and continued buying the new models as the came out, the more I realized that I wanted the sound I desired with far less wasted effort. This is what the Kemper offers. If a MK 2 Kemper is released later, I'm sure it will be great, but I have more then I need in the original toaster. :)

    Thank you one and all. :) The Rig Exchange would not load up for me on Friday. It took me over an hour to get it to respond, but when it!
    I was able to buy an inexpensive EMTEC flash drive and it worked perfectly. I had to learn how a flash drive works with a computer, never having owned one before, but I went on the Rig Exchange on Friday and downloaded 300 rigs including Golub, which has the best Marshall sound I have ever heard, and the famous Morgan AC 20.

    The Exchange has some really nice sounding rigs, which are effortless to tweak and get great tone from. The Diezel rigs, inho, were too saturated for me personally, but backing off the Gain on the Kemper brought great results. Having been a Diezel user since 1999, I loved what I heard and don't, at this point, feel the need to profile any of my Diezels.

    So many great profiles, so little time to use them all.

    Again, thank you all for your help.

    Welcome javaguit. I hope you enjoy your Kemper.

    Raoul23, Paults, Ingolf,
    Would any of you be able to recommend to me a flash drive by name and amount of info it holds, please?
    I have read that some Kemper owners have had to go through multiple flash drives to find one that worked.
    Please do not tell me that any flash drive will work. I need a name, etc. PLEASE.
    Thank you. Stephen

    Thank you all for your help.
    Having never used a Flash Drive, I need to know what is the best brand and type to get for the Kemper. I have read that some people have tried many different flash drives and they don't work with the Kemper.
    Last night, while trying to understand the Kemper, I accidently erased all but two files on the machine.

    My name is Stephen. I am 67,and new here. I've been playing since the mid 1950's and still play in a band and work 40 hrs per week.
    I have no prior Kemper, or flash drive experience, nor do I have a home computer, only the one at work. I understand how this puts me at a severe disadvantage, but I have been saving for a Kemper since they first came out.

    I have read a lot here, but I don't understand how to apply any of it, as this is all new to me.
    Everyone here seems to know a lot about computers and the Kemper. I don't want to be a pain, but I hope just a smidgen of all of your accumulated knowledge may rub off on me, if I study hard enough.

    Good Day All,
    Stephen here. I am 67 and just got a Kemper profiler and am trying to register it here but cannot find a page to do it on.
    I have no home computer, just my work computer, and have no flash drive experience at all. I have read the manuals but cannot find a way to erase performance profiles en masse, only one at a time.
    Lastly, I cannot find this profile, and would like to know where to locate it please.

    Thank you. :)
    This might be one of the best profiles I've heard!