Posts by mattlocked

    I don't know if this can be considered a bug and if this thread is the right place to report it... However I was testing some profiles from the exchange using my laptop and when the battery died the KPA remained frozen and turning the power knob did nothing for a while until it eventually powered off with a "thump" noise... After restarting the unit evertyhing was fine but it doesn't seem very healthy for the unit, and since using the kpa with a battery powered laptop seems like a common scenario, this situation should be looked into.

    Thanks in advance.


    This is a murky and highly debatable topic, with lots of grey areas.

    Regarding the potential loss of revenue alleged by record companies to denounce mp3 downloads, the same could be argued regarding amp profiles... with the same weak reasoning. The fact I am able to download and use an amp profile, whether free or commercial, does not mean I will not buy that amp nor I would ever consider buying that amp in the first place. Just like with music, digital media allows users to sample and evaluate content, and ideally later "vote with your wallet" by purchasing relevant and worthy content.

    The key issue with "illegal" profile exchange boils down, IMHO, to an infringement of the applicable Terms and Conditions by those who purchased commercial rigs and decided to share them, even when that behaviour was explicitly prohibited by the T&C.

    In Spain we have a saying that goes like " you cannot put a closed door in an open range..." (no se pueden poner puertas al campo) and the truth is that morality governs digital transactions, rather than copy protection or legal enforcement. It is the Education of the users, and a decent and just pricing policy, that should be used as a countermeasure to illegal downloads of any kind.

    Just my (0.0)

    HI guys,

    I've never used a looper, and I'm considering buying a Ditto Looper as I have read great reviews and excellent feedback from users.

    The idea is being able to lay two or three layers of rithm guitar, fills or even (if this is possible) some sort of bassline using some kind of detuned guitar sound.

    I'd appreciate your suggestions on how to use it properly... Do I have to run it through the loop of the KPA? Shoud I connect it directly to the line input of my DXR10?...

    I'm sorry if this sounds dumb but I have no experiece whatsoever with these devices...

    Thanks for your ideas and suggestions.


    Hi Pete,

    That sounds awesome!! Please also try to do some matching on the clean side: Little wing, Castles made of sand, and of course classics like Hey Joe, Voodoo Chile etc.... please also try to include an accurate (at least try :) wah block where appropriate.

    Keep up the great work!!!


    I have the same original Yamaha bag. Unfortunately it is true that the bag does not protect
    the box
    well, especially now in the wet season, the box is at the bottom exposed
    to the moisture. My box is unfortunately
    already scratched
    by the transport at the bottom because it´s not protected. ;( Also in the Tour bus the box is not well protected, since the bottom of the bag is open. I will therefore also buy the Stagg bag and throw the original Yamaha bag away.

    Wow that sucks! Actually the yamaha bag (more like a cover actually) didn't look that rugged at all to me, that's why I asked about the Stagg.

    Sometimes third party products are better devised than the "official " counterpart, and this seems to be the case.

    I have already ordered mine, 49€ shipping included. Not bad at all.

    Hi folks,

    Since many of you have DXR10's I guess you've had to figure out a way to carry them around unscathed...

    I've been looking at several options and the one I like most is the Stagg Speaker Bag SPB-10, which internal dimensions are: 300 x 520 x 305 mm.

    The DXR10 is 305 x 502 x 310 mm, so I wonder if although very tight, the Dxr would fit nicely, it's only 5mm's larger in width and depth , so considering some manufacturing tolerance may exist, my guess is the DXR would fit.

    Any of you have given this bag a shot?.

    Any suggestions on the cheap side? Don't need a logo on the bag, just something padded with a handle to carry around.


    Well... first of all thanks to the kemper team for listening to the community!!!

    The Rig Manager was eagerly anticipated, and apparently it will be a nice and tidy piece of software. The ability to audit profiles from your pc prior to uploding them to the kpa is a GREAT (CAPS ON) Feature!!!! I would have preferred a mac version from day one, but since I have Windows7 installed in my macbook air, this is only a minor inconvenience.

    Regarding the announced features of the Rig Manager, I wonder if it will be possible to edit performances, besides from rigs, using the software?... The idea would be to enable users to arrange a setlist from your computer in a few minutes, reordering and renaming rigs as required.

    All the new additions announced to KAOS 2.3 are great, and we Kemper Users are lucky (so far) for being so well cared by a manufacturer who clearly stands behind its product.

    Good Job Kemper!!!..

    Hi guys,

    If you need more info regarding the different elements involved in the "holy grail" sound we all know and love from the famous Bassman59 video, you could ask the owner (YT user: millstap). His name is Stan and he's an extremely nice guy, really helpful. Profiling that amp would be interesting, his is real vintage gear using only NOS tubes and historically correct replacement parts for his amps. Also, using 62 strats help a lot in obtaining that tone...