Posts by lune

    Hi Guys,

    I have also finally reached the satisfactory result.

    Initially I was using the interface -> SPDIF out -> SPDIF IN my kemper. This was the DI track from my DAW to the Kemper
    The Result was a very weird signal sound. Signal was completely weak, even I have tweaked the Clean Sense.

    Tonight, I have just tried to use the via my interface out -> Kemper Input front -> SPDIF out -> Interface. I have changed to use the front input rather than the SPDIF in on the kemper.

    The result is completely different. It is rich and strong. I am not sure why SPDIF OUT -> SPIDF IN can make the ideal result. I thought it is preferable to use the SPDIF rather than the analog signal. I am not sure it is a bug, may be it will be improved when the new software release.

    However, It seems that I have got a satisfactory result now. My Signal chain for the reamp is :

    DI track -> Interface out (One of the channel out in my interface) -> Front input (Kemper) -> SPDIF out to the DAW (new track)

    Thanks for the clips. It seems pretty good in your case.
    In my reamping it is pretty bad. If I leave Distortion Sens and Reamps Sens 0dB, it would sound really bad....

    I have to turn the distortion sens and reamp sens pretty hard to compensate the signal lost...

    Hi Guys,

    I have finally kind of get it working. I have turned the Distortion Sens and Reamps Sens all the way up. In addition, I have also increased the input level of the SPDIF lnput.

    It is kind of matching the Wet track now, but I should say they are not sounding exactly the same, but it is very close.

    I will post a Detail instruction for those users who are having the same setup as me.

    Thanks very much.


    I had the same problem, I'm guessing your output level is set too low on your interface and/or daw.

    Your output levels need to be set to 0dB on both on the motu and your daw.

    Thanks for the tips, I believe that I was setting both DAW and MOTU as 0 dB level. I will try again tonight. Take some print screen.

    Thank you so much.

    uld have to be only g

    Assuming you're talking about recording the DI track before getting to the reamping bit: No, the OP records to two mono tracks; one is the Git, the other is the mod mono. This is fine.

    If you mean something else, please disregard this post :)

    Hi all,

    Thanks for the quick respond, this forum is so helpful and all the kemper users are very keen to help up each other. It is appreciated.

    @Michael_dk Yes, I am using DI input(Git track) for reamping only.

    Hi everyone, I have just got my kemper, and I am really enjoying it. After few weeks playing around with this amazing machine, I am moving onto the reamping.

    I am doing the reamping via the 2 SPDIF cables. I am just wondering have anyone experience about this?

    My chain is

    1) Recording
    Guitar -> Kemper (Output GIT/ Mod Mono) -> SPDIF OUT -> Motu Ultralite mk3 -> DAW (Logic X)

    I am have created 3 tracks, one is dry, one is wet for monitoring and the last one is for reamping
    [Blocked Image:]

    2) Reamping

    I have created a reamping track

    Dry track -> Motu Ultralite SPDIF OUTput -> Kemper Input (SPDIF input reamp) -> Kemper Ouput (Master stereo output) -> SPDIF output -> Motu Ultralite -> Logic

    I can get the sound in the reamping. It is basically sort of working.
    However, the sound quality is very strange. It doesn't have any punchy and seems like not processed. In addition, it is lack of gain and headroom feeling.
    I have compared the wet track and the reamped track. It is so much different even using the same profile.

    Do you guys have any idea how to do this reamping properly.



    Thanks all. Ckemper the cab is 8 ohm and I've never run the Kemper over 50%.. Db9091, what guitar cab is rated over 600watts? I've owned(or used backline) almost every great cab on the market. The Matchless is by far the most sensitive and full sounding cab I've played thru. This was the only concern I had about the Kemper.

    Hi, I've been running my powered Kemper thru my Matchless 4x10 cab and it shattered the voice coil of the first in line.. From what Christoph has said, 600watts digital equates to approx 100watts valve? My cab has 4 10 inch 30watt Greenbacks in it. So I've 120watts to play with.!! Would be great to know if I'm overpowering my cab. Been a very expensive venture. The couple of concerts I did prior to it blowing sounded amazing though. Cheers