Posts by trebie

    Does it have the possibility to show multiple plots at the same time though? That's the thing I like about Ozone, it makes it very easy to compare plots.

    Audacity doesn't show multiple plots at the same time. See Audacity Manual.
    You could create each individual spectrum and export the data. The export file is a text file consisting of frequency - amplitude value pairs representing the spectrum. The data files could be compared directly or imported into a spreadsheet program to plot the data in a single diagram.

    For renaming a small number of profiles Kerman's KPA Renamer should be fine. The Kemper has to be connected to your computer by MIDI though.

    If you want to rename many profiles or want to change other tags but profile name (e.g. comments, amp name) you may want to use a tag editor software.

    See KIPR Tag Editor <KIPR Tag Editor >.

    On the computer put all your profiles into one master directory. You may use as many sub- and sub-sub-directories as you like.
    Using the KPA Tag Inspector or KIPR Tag Editor program you can create one big list of all .kipr profiles in that directory. This list is saved as a .csv (comma separated value) file.
    Import the csv file in your favourite spreadsheet program (e.g. OpenOffice or LibreOffice Calc, Excel). Each row contains path, filename and tags of one profile.
    You may use all the spreadsheet functions to search, sort and filter the contents.
    e.g. Sort by author, by date, by gain, by cabinet, etc.

    Creating subsets of your profile collection
    Create a csv file of your collection and sort or filter it as mentioned above. Delete all rows of unwanted profiles. The result should be a file containing entries of the selected profiles only. Save it as .csv file. This modified csv file can then be batch processed by the Tag Editor it was originally created with. The batch process will create a new directory containing a copy of all the profiles listed in the csv file. Finally this new directory can be copied to a USB memory stick and transferred to the Kemper.

    KPA Tag Inspector: <Basic Rig Tags Extractor/Editor>
    KIPR Tag Editor: <KIPR Tag Editor>

    Another SW update related to cabinet and amplifier tag editing is available. It is possible to edit cabinet and amplifier preset names now.

    Cabinet (and amplifier) preset names are independent from cabinet name tags. This may cause confusing behaviour when browsing cabinet presets. The selected preset may contain a cabinet name different to the preset name.
    e.g. cabinet preset name: "Fan Combo 2x12" - cabinet name tag: "Twin Cab - SM57"
    These names could be changed now with KIPR Tag Editor.

    Have fun!

    If double click doesn't work for you open a shell/command line (or whatever it's called on your system)
    cd to the directory you extracted the archive and enter "python".

    A bugfix version of KIPR Tag Editor is available on Gitorious. Use download link in first post for download.

    Fixes: Batch editing cabinet and amplifier files should work now.

    Use at your own risk
    and have fun!


    Tag editors are used for editing tags like name, author or comment in rigs, cabinet or amplifier profiles. Instead of dialing in tags on the Kemper it can be done more comfortably on the computer.

    The download file is tared and zipped. Some unpackers handle this in one go, others need two steps.
    You should end up with a directory containing "" among other files.

    You are right. Batch editing cabinet files is not working. I will look into it.
    Editing single cabinet files should work.

    Creating profiles is quick and easy. Adding tags requires much more time and knob twisting. Meaningful tags in profiles are vital for keeping an overview especially with big collections.
    There are tools to speed up the tagging process allowing for more profiling and playing time. First there was Laurent's KPA Tag Inspector [1], later Waraba's KPA Simple Tag Inspector [2].
    Here is another version trying to combine and extend both:

    KIPR Tag Editor
    latest version: 1.3.0


    • Displays and edits tags in kipr-files.
    • Supports Rig, Amplifier, Cabinet, Stack, Reverb, Delay, Stomp, Tonestack, Input and Output files.
    • Creates list of all profiles in a directory including all tags. (Could be used as basic librarian for your profile collection)
    • Batch function for editing multiple kipr-files at once.
    • Extracts and creates kpabackup files
    • SW is cross-platform (Windows, Mac, Linux) and free.

    Download: <…-tarball/master>
    Project page on Gitorious: <>

    Note: KIPR Tag Editor requires Python 2.7 to run. Python 3.3 will not work! Download and install Python 2.7 from <>


    • Make sure Python 2.7 is installed on your computer.
    • Download "kipr_tag_editor-kipr_tag_editor-master.tar.gz" file, untar and unzip into directory of choice.
    • Depending on your system you may start the program by:

      • double mouse click on ""
      • or open shell/command line, cd to the program directory and enter "python"

    The tag editor could be used to display and modify tags in .kipr files on a computer instead of the limited UI of the Kemper. The .kipr files have to be copied from Kemper to the computer first. See Kemper Reference Manual "External Storage".

    The advanced batch mode offers more possibilities:
    It creates a list of all tags in all profiles in a directory. This list is put in a csv file (description of csv: <>) This file can be opened in a spreadsheet program (e.g. OpenOffice/LibreOffice Calc, Excel) and sorted, filtered and modified.
    The modified csv file can be processed by the tag editor to copy all files from the list and modify the tags according to the list.
    Main application would be to add meaningful tags to your own profiles.

    For more instructions see
    KIPR Tag Editor Usage page
    and "readme.txt" file in program directory

    [1] "KPA Tag Inspector" <Basic Rig Tags Extractor/Editor>
    [2] "KPA simple Tag Inspector" <New TAG editor tool in progress>

    It's a hybrid amp including a single tube in the signal path. I thought the whole profiling idea was about setting up the original amp and taking a snapshot (profile) as is, If I had to recreate the sound of the original amp by tweaking the Kemper I loose all the profiling benefits and could use any other modeling system too.

    The return level was carefully matched to a Kemper clean amp. Switching Kemper profile / reference amp after profiling the profile was much louder than the reference amp.
    The profiling return level was the same for profiling with and without the red box speaker simulation. Profiling worked fine with the speaker simulation enabled only.
    Profiling instructions I read so far didn't mention any special settings for DI profiling, so I assumed it should work.

    Tried to profile the clean channel of a tube/solid-state hybrid amp (H&K Attax 100 1993 series). The Attax line out was directly fed into Kemper's return input. No cab simulation was used in the return path. Return level was matched to a clean Kemper profile.

    Profiling progressed as normal but the resulting profile was not like the reference amp at all. Much louder with nasty distortion due to clipping (red output LED). Refining brought the level down eventually but sound was thin and nothing like the reference amp.

    Setting the profiler to Distorted or Clean didn't make a difference. The Kemper correctly detects a clean amp.
    Changing input “Clean Sense” from 6 to 0 didn't change much. Maybe a bit lower volume after profiling but still much louder than reference.

    Repeating the profiling with a Red Box (speaker simulator) in the return path showed better results. The profile was matching the reference amp (incl. speaker simulation) much better. I just don't like the limited bandwidth of the speaker simulation. Turning cab off in the Kemper results in hissing noise added to the profile without bringing back the sparkling heights of the signal.

    With crunch or high gain channels profiling works as expected.
    Tests were done with Kemper OS release 1.8.1 and 1.7.

    Is the Kemper unable to profile full bandwidth clean amps or is there a mistake in my setup/procedure?

    Here is a suggestion to speed up text input in the edit page:
    Dynamically accelerate the "Character" rotary knob for character selection. Similar to the volume knob (or a computer mouse pointer) the cursor should move faster if knob is turned fast. It should be possible to cover the whole range with one fast turn (less than 360 degrees). Slow turns should slowly move the cursor from character to character for precise selection.

    What do you think?