Posts by trebie

    Contents of this update:
    - Added support for tags in Tonestack, Input and Output presets.
    - Added help function.
    - Fixed name string max length error.

    Now it's possible to read and modify all relevant kipr-files from a KPA backup archive.

    Have fun!

    As far as I understand your proposal the search SW does a dumb search for strings. It does not consider tag types. E.g. it will not distinguish between Marshall amp and Marshall cabinet.

    For a more structured search you may create one of the aforementioned Excel sheets from your rig collection. This can be done with the KIPR Tag Editor or any other Tag editor available. It can generate a CSV-file containing all tags of all rigs in your collection. This file can then be imported in your favourite spreadsheet program (e.g. Excel, OpenOffice, LibreOffice) and sorted and searched to your heart's content.

    I agree that adjusting EQs should be done mainly by ear. Later if you want to know if or what was changed you need some kind of visual aid. That's why there are LED's and numeric parameters for tone controls and EQ. Currently if you want to know what changes are applied by the studio EQ you have to scroll through four pages of settings. A graphic filter curve on the first page would give you a quick overview of the combined cuts and boosts of this EQ. Especially if applying cuts and boosts in overlapping frequency bands the resulting curve isn't always that obvious. I have devices displaying such a curve and I find it very helpful.

    Hi Maurizio,

    Thanks a lot for your effort compiling your Starting Pack!

    To get an overview of this massive collection I created a content list of all the rigs and presets of your FREE Rigs/Presets collection. This list may be useful for everybody interested in your collection so I'd like to share it with you. The list was generated by KIPR Tag Editor and is available in two formats: As csv text file and in OpenDocument Spreadsheet file format. The later is best opened with OpenOffice or LibreOffice (newer Excel versions may work as well).


    Note: for editing tags in your collection with KIPR Tag Editor you would have to create your own csv file containing full path names.

    Version 1.2.0 is available on Gitorious (see link in first post).

    - Reformated tag display order according to KPA display
    - Added support for tags in Stack, Reverb, Delay and Stomp presets
    - Removed unused source code

    Have fun!

    Hi Maxime,
    Do I understand correctly that three rigs listed in your csv-file are not copied to the batch directory? Are there any special characters in their path name?

    btw.: To import csv-file data unchanged into Excel the "Get External Data" function has to be used. It's easier with OpenOffice/LibreOffice.

    Do you have Python installed on your computer?
    Did you try to start the editor from command line (cmd)?
    See first post of this thread and section "Installation" in the "readme.txt" file of the KIPR Tag Editor packet.

    Been toying around with it and I have a few questions.

    1) If you modify Rig tags but keep the filename the same, the Rig will not import (i.e., overwrite) unless the old rid was removed from the Kemper. Correct?
    2) The Rename Rig Files from Directory is temporarly disabled so the only way to rename files is manually. Correct?
    3) Is the best way to use this tool for batch processing to remove all rigs from Kemper and reload the modified rigs with the same filenames to avoid future duplicates (e.g., I forget I already downloaded a rig from rig exchange and it imports because I changed the filename)?

    I am glad somebody else is using this tool and hope you find it useful. To answer your questions:

    • Correct! It seems rigs to import are identified by filename only. Changing just the file modification date will not import that file.
    • Correct. The disabled menu options are left over from Laurent's KPA Tag Inspector. I didn't look into these features. The KIPR Tag Editor will suggest filenames based on rig name and current date when saving individual kipr files. For renaming files on disk you have to use other tools.
    • If you want to clean up your Kemper it's best to remove all rigs and load selected rigs afterwards. The Tag Editor batch process can serve two purposes:

      • modification of tags in multiple kipr files
      • selecting a subset of rigs/amps/cabs by using the generated csv file

      I'd suggest to keep the original filenames of third party rigs so you'll know what you have downloaded already.

    Your profiles deserve proper tags! In fact all published profiles deserve proper tags. Without meaningful tags the source and content of profiles is easily lost. I was curious myself how well mass tagging works with the batch mode of KIPR Tag Editor. It was still some effort to edit the spreadsheet but nothing compared to knob twisting on the Kemper.

    Some tags in your profiles still contain references to "". Don't know if this is correct. See list of tags below.
    This could easily be changed by modifying the "kipr_tag_editor_output_file.csv" file and running the KIPR Tag Editor batch process again.

    Tag list of "#08 - 2013-07-15 16-23-07.kipr":

    RigNameTag...................."Triptik Experiment #08"
    RigCreationDateTag............"2013-07-15 16:23:07"
    RigCommentTag................."mic pos. comparison"
    AmpNameTag...................."Triptik Experiment #08"
    AmpCreationDateTag............"2011-09-17 17:32:26"
    AmpCreationTimeTag............"2011-09-17 17:32:26"
    AmpSourceTag.................."Carol Ann"
    AmpSourceAmpModelTag.........."Carol Ann Triptik 50"
    AmpSourceAmpChannelTag........"Lead C - drive 1.0"
    CabinetNameTag................"Avatar Vintage 112 closed back"
    CabinetCreationDateTag........"2011-09-17 17:32:26"
    CabinetCreationTimeTag........"2011-09-17 17:32:26"
    CabinetModelTag..............."Avatar Vintage 112"
    CabinetMicTypeTag............."Audix i5"
    CabinetCommentTag............."Scumback M75 65W 8 O"
    CabinetMicPositionTag........."Dome Edge+0.6/d 1.5"
    CabinetSourceTag.............."Avatar Vintage 112"

    how do you connect 7 pin to fcb1010? One I have only has two 5 pin midi port for in/out. Do you need to modify the fcb and replace one of 5 pin midi port with 7 pin? Any pointer how to do that would be appreciated. thanks

    shredmaster, this was my original question to Bechti.
    There are instructions online how to add phantom power to the FCB1010. An additional MIDI IN channel requires more pins than available with the normal 5 pin MIDI connector. It would be necessary to replace one 5 pin by a 7 pin connector. Maybe Bechti could give some details.

    Quoted from "trebie"
    I'd prefer a single thin cable with a 7 pin DIN plug on each end. Unfortunately the Kemper doesn't feature a 7 pin MIDI connector out of the box.

    You could get the Rocktron cable and 3M that adapter inside the cavity. No need to send the power through the Kemper 8)

    As far as I know supports the Rocktron cable unidirectional MIDI only. To fully utilize all FCB1010+UNO4kemper features I'd need a second MIDI cable.
    A single 7 wire cable should be sufficient to transmit MIDI out, MIDI in and power.