Posts by EdwardPayne

    Super Tight and articulate...and unique!

    Yes, the real amps are even better but I really like these profiles. I've been rehearsing with them for a while now with my band Souldrainer and they seem to fit in very good in our sound!

    looks and sounds good. thanks!

    Haha, it even looks good? :) Thats awesome!

    These are GREAT!!! With a little bit of tweaking I got an amazing tone.

    Thanks! What tweaking did you do? I'm curious :)

    Hi Edward Payne, I'v e never been a huge fan of those kind of amps - but the TAPP Profiles sound really really great! I've played around with it a while and on lower distortion-levels I dialed in some great crunch-tones.
    By the way: how (and why) did you disable the tone-controls?

    Greets, ThomasMike

    Hi, I'm glad you like it! I made a crunch sound of one of the profiles myself for use in different places! :)
    I turned off the EQ because I didn't need it at first. And at one point I thought that the profile needed more treble so I saved that treble boost on the EQ and then I turned it off so I could turn it on when needed.. Turned out I never needed to boost the treble.

    It's easy to turn off the EQ, you do it like you do with the other effects or stops. But you've probably figured that out by now ;)


    Delaying one stereo side by a few millisecond will not create a stereo effect for the audience.
    A listener that stands a few meters apart from the center line of the PA has this effect already.

    On larger venues the FOH mixer tends to mix everything in mono, since only a few people will benefit from that, while a majority will suffer, e.g. when the hihat is moved more to one side.

    However, the Air Chorus is one of the best methods to create a gentle stereo effect.

    I couldn't agree more. I just resort to the Air Chorus when I need a wider stereo effect on a specific part of a song.

    Ok thank you! I will try this tonight!

    Hi! I'm pretty new with the Kemper (for live use) and are just about to use it when gigging.

    I'm in this metal band where I'm the only guitarist. Earlier I used two real amps with a 4x12 each on each side of the stage to get a full wide sound.
    To make the sound even wider I delayed one amp 7ms to create some kind of fake stereo effect and I think that was working great!

    I kinda miss that with the Kemper, since it can only produce one amp sound. I tried to add a chorus effect but it's too much chorus sound (of course!). I don't want to hear the effect.

    Are there any more guitarists in this forum that have had this issue and found a cool solution?
    Obviously I can buy a second Kemper but that's out of the equation. :huh: