Posts by K3MP3R

    I know this sounds really trivial and it should be as I have made some profiles before. I am not sure if there is a bug with the new firmware or if I am missing something.

    Basically when I save a profile whether I go through the tag editor or just try and save it sometimes decides that it is going to call the profile something different regardless of what I edit it to be. Anyway I decide to let the profiler call it whatever it wanted so I could at least save and compare it. So it said saved and I am seeing the name as it was named in the tag bar and decide to make another one and save it also. Then next thing I know both profiles are missing. Cannot find them via name or by date.

    Anyway thanks in advance and it probably is something simple as I do not even see a procedure to save in the manual or wiki page. I would think just following the editor would work but I must be doing something.

    The profile selling market is a volatile one like many other techs and products in a digital and Internet space. Morals and ethics of a small community would be thrown out the window in a day if tomorrow there appeared many thousands more profilers appeared in the hands of users. People would find various ways to share profiles and probably even find some programmer to break the profile code and write a program where you could design your own amp with a few clicks of a button on your PC.

    Not trying to sound negative or revolutionary, just pointing out the realities of the resources and capabilities of people today.
    I buy plenty of profiles and many are worth their price and more for the time and resources put into them, but still know that I can go a lot of other places to find a lot of other products that you are paying for their time to allow a somewhat gray area of legality or ethics.

    To show I do value ethics though, I will state how profile theft can be thwarted with the Kemper 2. Make it optional to encrypt profiles, where each sale would include a one time unlocking code and each profile sale would have its own unique code. You would also need a PC program to unlock the profile to avoid manually punching in some crazy 32 or 64 character code each time (you would also want to start with a high bit algorithm to prevent easy cracking and need for revisions). Then pair that with a password-protected external storage access to prevent physical theft from the profiler via USB.

    Edit: I would even see if locking the output section could be done with the current Kemper as I have read that profile theft from musicians is already a concern and may be slowing the adaptation from them. More musicians using Kemper = more of other users hearing about and also wanting to use one as well.

    I believe a well educated and experienced person can make a lot of different gear sound or feel good. Sometimes you need the right combination but sometimes just having worked with lots of different gear can allow one persons meh turn into a pretty decent tone. I know that sometimes I can play an awesome profile setting all night and the next day it just sounds off somehow. In the end it all boils down to being able to tweak a sound to sound good recorded or live in different settings for me though. It is easy to go in over the top in the deep end with such versatile gear but the more you tweak the faster and easier it gets for everyone in the end.

    All props to Metallica for doing this.

    When I seen this I was wondering what it had sounded like if they used a KPA. Not just for the sake of the KPA but for our own use because when I seen it I wondered how it would profile their rack. I then realized that a lot of profiles are just amps and was wondering how the profiler would react going through a rack like james's where he uses a blend of two amps and other processing. The guitar goes through the signal so I would imagine that the profiler could too. That being said, I did not have the intention to want to capture the whole Metallica sound into a profile but more to just see what character we can add to a profile that we don't see much of with traditional profiling methods.

    Just found this item from this video and it speaks for itself what it is and how it works:

    External Content
    Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.
    Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.

    I'm on board with there being a possibility of your spdif connection being faulty. You shouldn't have to work around it if you still have warranty.

    Here is what I'd do. Play some music into the kpa aux port and plug the spdif output into another interface like an audio receiver or pc input. This gets rid of your scarlet and allows you to troubleshoot your spdif port.

    If you can still duplicate the noises by playing with the spdif port, I'd take a video of it and send it for warranty. If you cannot duplicate it, then you can start looking at other settings and the scarlet.

    Ok I have been coming up with lots of little riffs lately since I got this pack. I figured it is best to get some down before I lose them forever. This one is pure single track unedited freestyle (so don't mind the mistakes). I just added a drum loop, quickly matched track levels and faded the intro and outro.

    Anyway, I wanted to share one with you since there is not many posting clips. This is a les paul style guitar using profile 018 with all default settings in case you are interested.

    I don't think we need to get rid of the bubble. Why can't we just add another one to be able to select from. I think an analog needle or a 5 or 7 dot light bar would be cool. Given the KPA color variance it would be possible to have a greenish center dot and a blue'er outside ones. Even a digital Hz reading work though I am not sure if it would fluctuate to rapidly to be able to hone in on as a reading.

    Replicating the turbo tuner would be my favorite as that is the pedal I replaced my TU-2 with and it works very well once you get used to it, though it seems like it would be a lot of work just for a visual.

    It seems like you need more drums and less guitar. I know it is kind of vague, but I'm not that great at mixing myself. I would look at lowering guitar volume and maybe cutting some lows then when you raise the drum levels you could eq the kick to use that space.