Posts by Trazan

    thanks Trazan. Can i make you check if you need to have the boost stomp (in it’s off state ofcourse) patched in on your rhythm sounds too. The reason i ask this is because i actually do use all post amp 4 effect slots on some of my rhythm sounds.

    Yeah, there will only be 3 effect slots left for other fun...until you unlock that slot (you don't need to assign the boost to other rigs, if that's what you mean, but the locked slot will override whatever else may be assigned to that slot in other rigs).

    it might. There is no way though to tell a device that a number of pc that should also send a cc internally in the kemper, or in any pedalboard that i know.
    But the suggestion to link certain pc (those that chose leadsounds) to a cc that turns a locked boost on or off could work if i get a midi thing with the capacity to do this built.

    That would be the third costum built midi hack thing i have for the kemper in order to make it work like i want it to.

    I just checked with my Rocktron All Access. It does in fact work as I expected :) I can lock a slot on the Kemper, and this slot is turned on/off as per what state the IA switches is set for on Rocktron's presets. My old Digitech can also send such messages with the PC#, however I must program it to do so. The Rocktron does it whether I want it to or not. I'm sure most controllers are able to do this. Anyway, global boost works fine here 8) You obviously have to spend an efx slot on it though...

    i think this is completely wrong. Its not controlling an analog attenuator. Again if someone wants to make an a/b clip with a gain setting of 5 or above and see if this tonal difference isnt completely an invention of mental bias, ill eat my shoe

    I'm not sure I understand. Clean Sense doesn't affect gain and it makes no tonal difference, unless you go into the red zone and into soft clipping. I don't have the schematics, but it would be strange if that input led isn't indicating the level hitting the converters...

    But the clean sens (in all distorted Rigs), when turned hi - the red light comes on and then when turned right down the red light never comes on and it’s always green… Weird…

    Clean Sense controls the level hitting the AD converter. The led is indicating where this level is at; before any processing takes place. Whether the rig is clean or distorted is irrelevant.

    Hey SkippyKemp,

    I wrote directly to Kemper and they told it´s a hardware problem so I was ready to send it to them. Same week I tried some reamps with my Saffire 56 and I think the problem is definitely my Focusrite. When I reamp with analog outputs it sounds correctly but when I use SPDIF it makes that terrible spacey sound. Later I made some bass reamps with my Sansamp RBI using SPDIF and I had the same problem so I guess Saffire 56 spdif input is not working correctly...

    I´ll try reamping via spdif with another interface this week and I´ll see if it works.

    I´ll write here when I do it.

    You've set the Saffire to clock to s/pdif input?

    You won't harm it. Turn the Clean Sense all the way down, as the loop output on the Mesa likely is hotter than what the Kemper prefers. It's not hot enough to harm the Kemper, unless you connect it to the speaker output 8) But you'd obviously want to avoid clipping the input...unless you like how that sounds.

    Ducking can be changed to either "pre or post" based on the soft button in the delay module.
    If set to "pre" you will hear the delay when in negative values and when set to "post" you will hear delay when set in positive values.
    Obviously at zero there is no ducking so the soft button doesn't matter.

    Ah, didn't notice they've added that option! Excellent :thumbup:

    The problem with the negative ducking is that it is placed after the delay, thus it will duck the delayed signal as soon as the guitar signal is low. When there is no guitar signal present, there will be no delay...which kinda makes it useless for delay as it will kill tails completely as soon as you're not playing a note.

    Had the ducking acted on delay input, this would have worked 8)

    But that doubles the guitars TOO exact and just becomes a detune sounding effect. See my question from the previous post about how to hook the Mimiq up to the Kemper's loop. I'm still confused about that last piece.

    No detuning in delaying the signal. It will definitely widen the guitar for those in the audience that hear both sides. One may also send each channel to its own effect (ambience etc).

    Yeah, you'd need to use stereo return on the Kemper with the Mimiq.

    On most digital mixers you can delay channels. What I've done some times, when asked for widening, is to just route the mono input from a guitar to two channels on the desk and add some milliseconds of delay to the second channel. You may also add some additional processing to that channel, but for a very simple setup just cloning and adding delay will do.

    As far I remembered:
    The Boss FV 500H has additional to the stereo audio channel an EXP-Input for TRS-Jack
    The audio channel are more for line signal level .

    No, that's the low impedance version, FV500L.

    From the vague explanation it may seem like the OP is trying to use it as an analog volume pedal and expression pedal at the same time :huh: