Posts by Krok

    You can do the same thing with the Dual Delay (no need for harmony delay etc). Set one delay to ) and the other to Xms. It is a long time since I tried it but think the dual delay was able to go much lower than 40ms..

    Thanks, you’re right, « Dual Delay » can do the job ! :thumbup:

    After reading your answer, I gave another try to modify the « Delay Time », but this time, not with Rig Manager.

    I tried directly to the Kemper Head and I can go below 40ms… on all « Delay Time » modules.

    I think the fine tuning issue (including using « shift key » to fine tuning), is with Rig Manager… :/

    Most important is that it works now! Great news !! :)


    I try to create a rig to reproduce an old 80’s trick use with Roland SDE3000 delay.

    My profiler is a head version, connected with Spdif Output to my soundcard RME.

    Output configuration is « Master Stereo ».

    Idea is to have a hard pan for « stack » (mono) on one side and delay on the other side (mono) on the « Master Stereo Output » Spidf.

    It can be use to create a chorus simulation for ex (with a delay of 14ms) or a more present « ping/pong » effect with a delay of 350ms etc.

    I didn’t found the way to pan the stack on only one side and the delay on the other directly one the différents delay modules, so I study the possibilities and found a way by using the « Melody Harmonic » (using only 2 delay (one at 350ms for ex, and second at 0%), at unisson, with 0 %feedback, 100% wet, with panorama to 100% left for one and 100% right for the second).

    it works great, but…strangely, I can not go under 40ms for the timing of delay

    (EDIT : fine ajustment is possible directly with knobs on profiler head/rack/stage, issue only concerns Rig Manager…event using « SHIFT » command)

    Maybe, is there another way to do it (using the same Output configuration : Spdif « Master Stereo »)?

    Sure, I know i can do it with my DAW etc but idea was to do it directly with the Kemper to create a complete dedicated rig.


    Wow. Still don't understand the process but it sure turned out beautiful!

    I'm curious, how does a chrome finish on wood age? Is it expected to be tolerant to temperature change cycles over the years or would you expect eventual cracking like nitro?

    Regardless, first class job!

    Normaly, it will no crack…we will see with time. 😁

    That's stunning! How did you get the colour?


    It’s a colored chrome based on a chrome process named « Cosmichrome ».

    The color is like « titanium light » color.

    -> first, the guitar is chromed normaly

    -> second, color is applied (here light black to « darker » the Chrome at some areas)

    -> coat is applied at différents steps between both

    Result is a like a real mirror rendered but darker as Chrome…like Titanium.

    for the Hardware parts, I have used the original « Cosmo Black » parts and give them a « raw /grey mat » finish using sanding paper.


    A quick presentation of my last custom project.

    Like most of Ibanez JS Fan, I’m a long time fan of the iconic « Chromeboy »! 😎

    I had a project in mind…not a « Chromeboy » accurate clone, but my custom personnal version of the « Chromeboy »…

    That’s how born the « Titanboy »…a mix between Titanium and Chromium for my vision of Silver Surfer color. 😁

    Color change depending of the light and the environment (grey to blue…)!😎

    I draw a custom « Silver Surfer » « John Byrne version » on the back (to remember Joe’s album).

    The guitar works like a Charm!

    The project is on the basis of an Ibanez JS 1000 BTB (all original parts/pickups).

    I have sandraw all the cosmo black hardware to give a more raw/mat feeling (not like a glossy Chrome).

    Hope you will like this project!


    Back to the 80’s this WE (once again…:saint:) … but with a « cultissime » anime (for me).

    I found a very bad backtrack (probably created with isolation of frequency like Riffstation can do) and attempt to record this cover with energy!

    The result has some « phasy », like a « vintage tape recorder » we used with our « walkman »!! ^^

    Hope you will enjoy!

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    It's been a long time since I post something's been a long time since I played guitar too...

    But I take back my old UV77MC...and some magical and mystical happen...

    Thanks Steve for this piece of art !

    Thanks to Kemper to help to share the fun of music !

    It's not perfect, for shure, it's not a 100%'s just my heart feeling and hearing of this wonderfull "poetry"...

    ...hope I success to share my feeling with you... :)

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