[Blocked Image: http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a54/kryho/IMG_6582_zpsfylacthe.jpg]
it came day before yesterday. Love it at first play!
Posts by Kryho
That's a really awesome guitar John !!!
Great strat! Looking 4ward too hear recordings! -
My custom Flying V
[Blocked Image: https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7523/281119941…9b24530_k_d.jpg]More photos here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/davewit…157668025202554
On the wall of Alpine White
[Blocked Image: https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8728/281378210…103405d_k_d.jpg]
Where are guitars? I can't see them!
Seriously, great style looking! -
Agreed, Brother Skoczy. That's one of the best quilted tops I've ever seen, and the book-matching's insane - look at the new patterns it creates!
This is getting to be too much, this thread. How can the members have so very many incredible guitars?
I guess it means we've got taste, and for those of us who don't own such beauties, like myself, it's probably only 'cause we haven't been able to afford them yet. My conclusion must be that Kemper buyers have impeccable taste!
Thanks Monkey Man! I had GAS on tele and first I thought I'd get Fender or G&L. Then I said to myself: why go for what everybody buys, let's get something special! I called Lootnick who is friend of mine and did some service for me and we talked and talked.... so it is a full custom. No machines, built from scratch by hands only.And I chose top and neck wood, we bought it on ebay.
[Blocked Image: http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a54/kryho/Telefty%20Biker/13835705_1322442861118952_191722317_o_zpsowivfiei.jpg]
[Blocked Image: http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a54/kryho/Telefty%20Biker/13664385_1312816895414882_1923227886_n_zpsc3vb1xwh.jpg]
[Blocked Image: http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a54/kryho/Telefty%20Biker/13487355_1300765596620012_499474190_n_zpsnsbcdgb2.jpg]
http://s9.photobucket.com/user/kryho/media/Telefty Biker/my top_zpsx3mybag3.jpg.html
[Blocked Image: http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a54/kryho/Telefty%20Biker/13536181_1302281156468456_930124228_n_zps3qmgl5vd.jpg]
[Blocked Image: http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a54/kryho/IMG_6528_zpsgnb4k8sj.jpg] -
Hi, so cool so many lefties! Here's my brand new fresh Tele custom shop Lootnick. Can't stop playing it!
[Blocked Image: http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a54/kryho/Telefty%20Biker/IMG_6517_zpstgy7a4s1.jpg]
[Blocked Image: http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a54/kryho/telebike_zpszxxcl6tz.jpg] -
raz to sprawy finansowe, muszę zapłacić za tele Lootnickowi czyli Mirkowi itp itd co będę pisał...życie. Ale! tak naprawdę kieper nie był mi niezbędny, w konfiguracji z końcówką i paką był ok ale bywało lepiej...a do tego najczęściej używałem. Wróciłem do 11R ale w opcji domowego ćwiczenia i recordingu, na scenie wciąż niepodzielnie rządzi Rivera Knucklehead...od pewnego czasu...anyway: nie mówię: żegnaj ale raczej: może do rychłego zobaczenia
chopoki wykruszyłem się, przedałem kępera
ale z tego powodu nie umieram. Może niedługoż wrócę kto wie...tymczasem: Love U All and keep kempering!
You'd better ask on polish guitar forums, Ufnal doesn't seem to be known world wide.
I love DiMarzio noiseless pickups. I put them in just about everything I play, my favorites being the Area 61, 67, T (neck, haven't tried the bridge yet) and Virtual Solo.
Agree! I've had all sorts of noiselesses and these are that will stay with me untill they invent something better. They're closest to reguler top class singles. -
na żywca nie bo było nagrywane w styczniu.
Tennis Balls for scale
Just got this monster on Saturday and already loving the community here![Blocked Image: http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm185/UpEndAdam/061_zps6a7eorhd.jpg]I guess the right ball is 'King'...
Cicho jak w kościole
panowie zapraszam w świąteczną niedzielę do telewizorni Polsat o 20.00 na 'must be the józek' prawdopodobnie będzie 'Sloviansky' z którym mam niewątpliwą przyjemność grać
shortly, hearing yours the sound is real, rich and tube like. Great harmonics. in my LPC I have T-tops from early 70ties which are very close to old PAF Eddie used.
Ok, here's my impressions- profiles are very good but playing on headphones I can't obtain such juicy and organic sound you've created- why is that so? I've got a couple of different guitars, gibsons, carvins, warmoth, musicman. Any of them directly to KPA playing thru headphones lack that juicyness. That gets a lot better when using tube poweramp + regular cab. Cheers! Thanks Jimi again!
ok, just sent.
Jimi have you received my payment? still waiting for profiles...
Hi, just ordered Marshall and Fender. Can't wait to try them out, Thanks Jimi!
Happy New Year and stay kempered!
Happy, Happier, Happiest!
it varies, but I have humbs in 3 guitars and singles in one. They are: T tops in Gibson LP custom, dimarzios D sonic and Air Norton in Carvin, custom dimarzios in MM Axis, Dimarzios Areas in Warmoth strat.