Posts by david888

    Since it´s not your playback system as you can record the noise i can think of 4 possible reasons:

    1.The AD converter at the KPA input stage is clipping.Try lowering the clean sense and also try a different guitar, perhaps a strat with less output.
    2. The DA converter at the KPA is clipping. Try lowring the KPA master volume.
    3. The problem is causes by the guitar or the cable. Try swapping both. If you have active pickups, change the battery.
    4. The KPA hardware has problems. Unlikely but not impossible...

    i tried to lower both clean and distortion sense,it doesn't work,i use a fender american standerd start and lava retro-coil cabel,i test them on real amps,they all working well.....

    I bought my KPA in April,i'm very satisfied with the tone and qulity of KPA,but recently i found a problem, when i open my KPA play for a while that there are little noise when picking the strings,especially the 4,5,6strings,its not background noise,just come out when i'm picking strings,sounds like clipping sound.If i turn off KPA and wait for 10-15min the noise will be lower or dispear,but if i restart immdiately the noise still there.When input and output light are all green,not in yellow or red,low voluem case the problem still there. I tried a lot of solutions that i can thought such as format flash, initialize flash,make my KPA down to 1.8system,2.0system,but no one works.I have check my audio card,lines,headphones,they are all working well which they are not the reason.

    I browse the user forum found 2 similar issues:Issue with noise – more noticeable on clean profiles
    and:Clipping sound on most presets
    our problem are the same,there are still no effective solutions appear.
    this is the noise i record:
    when you hear is PLEASE TURN UP THE VOLUEM
    i hope KEMPER company can give us some effective official solutions
    i really have no idea about it.....
    the users who have the same problem please reply so that let us know your KPA have this problem
    if you have effictive solution please help me....any help would be appreciate.