Posts by Sam61

    Looks like there's a lot of demand for more tone shaping tools! Is the mothership listening? ^^

    Perhaps modification of the section in the global output to include a few more shaping tools than just bass, mid and treble?

    I totally agree. More tone shaping , particular for bass players.



    This would be a good idea but there would have to be clear definitions as to what constituted a bass setup. I think that when creating a pre-set setup there should be an option to select tone stack for bass or guitar. Automatic selection depending on whether a bass stack was selected would safe a lot of time for users indeed.

    At the moment there is no option for bass players and as a result, trying to get basic descent bass setups which would rival other bass amp manufactures is not so straight forward. This is a serious issue and Kemper needs to consider this in their future updates. I guess that they are working on something right now! :P



    It would be great if the bass mid treble and presence controls were adjustable (centre frequency and Q) for bass players. I find that for bass , these controls are not very effective as they have been pre set for guitarists. Tweaking these controls is the starting point for most bass players in sculpting their sound and so is a major set back for bass players at the moment. I hope that Kemper address this soon. Kemper are clearly considering the needs of bass players and are actively promoting the Kemper amp for use by bass players so I am sure an update will come out soon to address this problem.

    Anyone feel the same as me about this?


    I agree a bass profile pack would be good. Akin to different styles like soul funk jazz rock etc. the profiles on rig exchange are a bit hit and miss though I have managed to pick up a few great ones.

    Thanks guys. I'm struggling to get that low end and crispy tops from my kemper. I guess it's down toplaing with the eq though the standard eq doesn't really cut it for bass guitar. Maybe the centre frequency for bass mid treble and presence are set for guitarists. Having said this I love the unit. It's just setting it up for a bass player.


    I play electric bass and my style of music is Jazz, Funk , Soul. I was wondering if there were any bass players out there that are using the kemper for this type of music. I have being trying to set the kemper up for bass but it seems to be quite a challenge. I am trying to set suitable eq and amp model etc. As you would expect, the unit is set up for guitar straight out of the box but not for bass. Can anyone help?
